Itto [-] Test of Courage

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Itto x GN reader
Requested by: rosariasgirlfriend
I added a little twist with Kazuha

"Are you sure you want to participate in this, Y/N?" Kazuha asked you with his usual soft tone. "I heard suspicious activity was going on."

You lightly punched his shoulder. "I got this. It's just to scare people for harmless fun. It can't be that bad." You pointed to the shrine maiden lady. "We just have to go to her and enter the round, right?"

Kazuha nodded. Even though he agreed to go through with you because you insisted it would be fun and exciting. Maybe get the adrenaline pumping. But still he was concerned about how you'd react during the test. Kazuha himself knew he would be fine since he wasn't easily frightened, but for you it might be different.

By now you had already run up to the shrine maiden and requested to join. So he couldn't really do anything much to attempt to get you to rethink this. As he walked within earshot, he heard the maiden agreeing for you two to become partners.

The first objective was to follow the trail and signs to find the dango milk. Which sounded easy enough. Once you were on your way, you decided to bravely take the lead. "Alright alright. All we need is the milk and we're smooth sailing from there."

Kazuha tilted his nose into the air. "Maybe I can figure it out from the air. We would be done quickly, and avoid any scares."

But you held your finger up, "no cheating! We are going to do this the real way." You looked forward and observed the split roads. There were 3 paths to choose and only one had what you were searching for. "Let's go down towards the beach."

He obliged and trailed behind you as you went down the path. There were a couple of small rocks and twigs which you both maneuvered over easily without tripping. The atmosphere everywhere else was spooky, but on the beach it was so dead with nothing but the sounds of the waves. Something about that made it all the more eerie.

"I lost the signs."

"To your right." Kazuha pointed out the continuing signs.

"Oh right. Of course I saw those!" You laughed.

While he kept his eyes trained everywhere else his ears were also picking up more sounds. Possible movement. Maybe even... laughter? Kazuha looked up higher to where the cliffs were towering over them. He caught a glimpse of a streak of silver before it disappeared again.

Strange, it looked familiar.

You sighed, "maybe this one is a dead end."

From the smell of it, it definitely was. Unless the scent of saltwater was overpowering everything else. But he couldn't get anything that had the aroma of milk. But he didn't tell you that. "Would you like to try another direction?"

"I think we have to. Back to the drawing board– AH!" You flinched and jumped back when something scurried by your feet. "Oh- haha, just a crab. I knew that." You said sheepishly as it quickly buried itself into the sand.

Kazuha just smiled and let you put yourself in the front again. Seemingly looking a lot more cautious than the first time. He followed you back up the trail and out of the sand. "Which way now?"

You hummed. And did a full turn to assess your choices. "Let's go up there!"

He stayed behind you and went upwards in the path. Ducking beneath trees and keeping steady footing while you went up. The dark atmosphere still had little effect on Kazuha and how scared he was. He was still pretty calm and overall this whole test of courage was more for your enjoyment than it was his.

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