TEAM [-] 3 idiots and a chef

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Team Oneshot! : Xingqiu, Chongyun, Xinyan,Xiangling
Not a team of mine, but I thought it'd be interesting lol


The 4 of them were all relaxing at Xiangling's house. Mainly because she was the best cook out of them, and she wanted to have a bake off with her friends. So she invited them all over after school. The catch was they had no idea why they had been invited over in the first place, because Xiangling never told them.

So they waited for her in the living room talking amongst themselves. Xinyan, Xingqiu and Chongyun were waiting for Xiangling to make her appearance again after she went to grab a 'necessity'.

"So we really have no clue as to why we're here?" Xinyan asked during one of the conversations. The two blue haired boys shook their heads.

That's when Xiangling ran back out of her room carrying 3 aprons in her hands. "I am back!" Tossing them each one of the aprons, they stared down at them in confusion. "I've invited you all here for a bake off!"

"Bake off? I have no kitchen skills whatsoever." Chongyun said. He had occasionally liked to make himself popsicles, but anyone can freeze liquid and put a stick in it.

"You would obviously win Xiangling!" Xinyan added. She was sprawled out on the floor kicking her legs up as she spoke.

"Well duh, I know I would!" she responded proudly. "That's why I will be nothing more than a judge." She clapped her hands three times. "Everyone up! Xingqiu, the book can wait." She marched over and snatched the book from his hands.

"Wait, it was just getting to the good part!" He reached up to try and take it back but failed. Sighing he stood up and placed the apron around him. It was purple and fell below his knees. He didn't mind the color, or the length but was now determined to win this competition.

"That's the spirit!" Xiangling pumped her fist in the air. "You two should follow his lead."

Xinyan then jumped up to her feet with her arms out to the side to keep balance. "I think I'll be rockin' at this!" She took off her spikey headband and set it down on the table, also now having a certain determination about winning.

Chongyun was still uneasy but he threw on the bright red apron anyway. When it got to the point of having to tie it he just fumbled with the strings. "Why is this stupid thing fighting me?"

Xingqiu noticed his struggle and went to help him out. He neatly looped the strings behind his back and tied them nicely. "There. But you could've just tied it in the front as well."

"Yeah well then it would look stupid."

Xinyan popped up in front of him, "It certainly would've!"

Before Chongyun could say anything else, all three of them were being pushed into the kitchen by Xiangling. "Okay!" she announced once they were all gathered around the counter. "You will be expected to make a cupcake! Just one. Make it good" She explained.

"I feel like there's a catch to this." Chongyun put his elbows on the counter and propped his head up on his hands.

"Good eye! Obviously I wouldn't make it that easy. The cupcake has to look like... Me!" Xiangling proudly put her hands on her hips. She then went and pulled out bowls, ingredients, utensils, and everything they may need. Her kitchen was huge since her father was a restaurant owner.

Xinyan scanned everything she pulled out on the counters, "Is all this necessary? I don't even know what half this stuff is." There were at least three different types of flour, and multiple colored eggs.

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