💗 Valentine's Day [Kazuha x GN Reader]

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My flower 🌹

My flower 🌹

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"Gorou, and you're positive he said he'd come back today? He didn't tell me anything..."

"Well... I don't think you were supposed to know about it... It just slipped from my mouth–"

You and General Gorou were standing at the docks on Ritou Island. You asked him to come with you because he had nothing better to do, and you both were excited to be seeing Kazuha again. Well actually, as much as Gorou denied it, his tail wagging said otherwise. He took some time off from training, and you brought him along to meet Kazuha.

Gorou had let it slip in a conversation he was having with you that Kazuha said he'd return today to visit Inazuma. Which Kazuha didn't tell you because he wanted it to be a surprise visit. Unfortunately Gorou didn't know at the time that he wasn't supposed to say anything until it left his mouth. Then he felt extremely guilty and tried to cover up his sentence with something completely unrelated to it.

Yeah it didn't work.

So you both were standing at the dock waiting for his arrival. You kinda jumped at the opportunity to see him again after last time he was here. It was during the battle with the Shogun's army so it wasn't exactly the time to reunite. But he did stay for a while after that was said and done. He left a few days later though.

Now he was coming back and you were so excited. You couldn't tell why though. While you waited you were practically bouncing around and couldn't sit still. You squinted your eyes and looked into the distance. "Gorou! Is that a ship out there?"

Gorou pushed his head out forward and narrowed his eyes down. His eyes were better than most humans because of his dog-like traits however those only took him so far. Dogs in general didn't have too good a sight when far away, but since Gorou trains on a field he learned to push it further. "I'm pretty sure it is, you think it's the one Kazuha's on right now?"

You nodded your head rapidly, "I saw the Alcor last time they were here, it's not hard to miss." You also had met Beidou and she was one of the coolest people you've ever met. She had this commanding presence. And this powerful aura around her that would either suck you in, or keep you away.

As the fleet drew closer your heart began pounding in your chest. It was getting to the point where you questioned if it would've been noticeable by Gorou since he–

"Y/N, are you alright?" The man questioned. "Your heart is beating extremely loud."

–Has a good sense of hearing. Clearly it was noticeable. "Oh I'm fine! I don't know, I just got nervous all of a sudden. But I wasn't aware you'd hear it, is it that bad?"

Gorou quickly looked over and put his arms out in defense. "No no! Not at all! It's just normal for me to hear when people get nervous. As a general it's a good skill because I know which soldiers are feeling more on edge than others. Helps me plan and things like that. So I guess if anyone else were here you'd get away with it. Oh, except for Kazuha. His ears are good too."

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