Bennett, Venti [-] Permission for date night

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Bennett and Venti (Separately) x GN Reader

Requested by: StarAnimations774

"They meet Y/N's brothers... which are Diluc and Kaeya... and they try to get their blessing to take Y/N out on a date."



He was so nervous when you took his hand after explaining that you wanted him to meet your older brothers. Especially because he looked up to them heavily. Also because Bennett knew how overprotective they were of you. Which... frightened him to say the least.

"O-on second thought," Bennett started as he saw the Dawn Winery enter his eyesight. "We don't have to go on that date! Let's just keep it... small... very small..."

You looked over your shoulder and frowned, "Bennet. My brothers aren't going to do anything to you. If they try, I'm going to beat the shit out of them."


"I mean it!" You laughed. "Look, we're here now. Just act natural and don't panic." You waved to the maids, Hillie and Moco, outside. "Also, you might be in luck. I think Kaeya is back today for a visit. Diluc might be having some down time too."

He gulped when your hand went onto the doorknob and pulled it open. You walked inside in front of him, still pulling him along behind you. "I'm home!" You announced when the door shut and now Bennett was stuck in here with you.

At first neither of you heard any sound and Bennett had a moment of relief thinking he got out of this whole thing. Until he heard the smooth voice coming from the balcony above. "Ah, welcome back. Did you bring me that wine I asked for?." Kaeya poked his head out from above. "Oh? You brought a friend?"

"No." You answered. "You're sitting in a winery, why would I get you anything?"

The sound of papers shuffling and footsteps came from around the corner and Diluc made an appearance as well. "They're right Kaeya, stop being so dense." When Diluc's eyes flickered over to Bennett he tilted his head. "Who's this?"

"My my Diluc, do you really not keep track of anything? That's Bennett. The unlucky kid from the Adventures Guild."

"Do you really have to refer to him like that?" You glared at Kaeya while he walked down the steps. "Have some respect."

Bennett didn't have anything much to add to the conversation so he just waved and then put a hand on your shoulder. "It's okay, really."

You cursed Bennett's nice personality and sighed. "Anyway. Bennett wants to ask you two a question." You gave him an encouraging thumbs up.

Shivers ran up his spine. He was not ready to speak normally with them and nevermind get their permission to take you out. Now both of them were looking at him and he felt like he could just faint onto the ground. "I um..." He cleared his throat. "Well, I like your sibling very much! And I would... I would like to take Y/N out on a date! With your... permission of course..."

You smiled proudly at him and turned back to your brothers who didn't have much of an expression on their faces.

The first person who spoke up was Kaeya and that alone worried you. "Y/N. I don't remember giving you the OK to start dating."

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions thank you very much."

"But I didn't even give you the special talk yet."

Bennett once again almost fell to the ground. "I can assure you it's nothing like that!"

Diluc shook his head. "I don't think you of all people qualify to give that type of talk, Kaeya."

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