Childe & Zhongli [-] Stubborn Feelings

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Childe & Zhongli x Kitsune GN Reader
Comfort fluff


Being in a relationship with not only Zhongli, but Childe as well was amazing. Both of them treated you with extreme care and delicacy, and you couldn't ask for anything more.

However, they were rarely around.

Obviously, you knew they were both very busy. Zhongli had his duties to attend to at the funeral parlor, and Childe was a Harbinger so he was in multiple nations within the same week. Sometimes you wouldn't see him for a week or more, and when he did arrive back he'd be bruised and covered in scratches and new scars.

Now, since Lantern Rite was finally here, you swore neither of them were to be seen. Earlier, Zhongli told you he was in contact with Childe and he'd arrive by tonight and he'd take you both out for a meal. In reality, he would take you out and Childe would pay. Just like normal.

Zhongli said he wanted to meet and spend time with old friends and he'd be absent. Obviously, you knew his true identity so you could guess he was going to meet with some of the adepti (who's he told you about before). So now, you were left to your own devices until nightfall when you had to meet them at the Harbor.

Which would've been fine.

You're not originally from Liyue, but from Inazuma. So the Lantern Rite was new to you. You actually met Childe when he somehow made his way there while during the lockdown. Things kicked off from there and one thing led to another. Once Inazuma opened again you left with him to go meet Zhongli who he's told you about numerous times. Again, one thing led to another.

You haven't been in Liyue for long so this was your first one. And neither of your partners were here to celebrate with you. It also didn't help that you were in completely new territory by yourself. Not to mention the fox ears that sat on top of your head. And the fluffy tail that people just had to stop and stare at.

The people of Liyue were generally nice and kind. Of course they had all types of people. The illuminated beasts, the adepti, and the other combinations between human and mortal. But you've been homesick, and down lately. Well, really ever since you arrived.

In all honesty, you couldn't be bothered to explore but you really wanted to. You heard the opening was always one of the highlights. Fireworks, lanterns, and interacting with everybody else.

But you didn't want to go alone.

It seems being alone has been the usual thing lately.

You stayed in the home that is supposed to house 3 people, but now only 1 stayed. Trying to look on the bright side of things wasn't looking like it was going to work. Also, it hasn't been working.

Day turned to night and you hadn't done anything productive. Night came and you had forgotten to get ready to meet Zhongli and Childe. But hopefully they didn't think too much of it. Or even better if they had just forgotten the whole thing.

You had laid down, ready for bed and were just going to wait until morning where you may or may not see them again. But you heard the front door slam open and footsteps rush in. Your ears stood up and you jumped out of bed.

Who the hell just comes in like that?

Treasure hoarders were known to rob people if they assumed a house was empty, and you had the lights off.

You took a defensive stance but quickly stopped when two people came in and the familiar faces calmed your nerves easily. "You guys scared me."

Zhongli's strong gaze softened. "Well you frightened us. I thought you were meeting us down at the harbor?"

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