🎄 Christmas [Mistletoe]

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Different types of couples under the mistletoe!


Jean&Lisa: Sweet and simple

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Jean&Lisa: Sweet and simple. One person is completely into it, ready and down for it, but not specifically looking for it. That person being Lisa. The other one is nervous. An actual wreck. She's making sure every door frame is empty because if she runs into it, she might just pass out. That is Jean.

Kaeya&Albedo: Long story short, Kaeya will forcefully drag Albedo from whatever he's doing to steal a kiss. I mean literally anything. Albedo could be with Klee and Kaeya will politely excuse Albedo from her and lead him to a secluded area. Yeah, you do the rest.

Bennett&Fischl&Razor: I see so many razor x bennet or bennett x fischl and I'm like why not just have all 3? Anyway, all of them are kind of awkward so rely on an outside force to get them close to each other. ESPECIALLY under a mistletoe. Bennett and Fischl probably give each other a little smooch and then Bennett turns around, gives Razor a little smooch. And Then Razor smooches Fischl. Love them tbh

Childe&Zhongli: Childe will kiss Zhongli but doesn't care about the tradition enough to do it under the damn plant more than once. But luckily Zhongli also doesn't mind not acknowledging the kissing under the mistletoe. But behind closed doors... whew.

Xingqiu&Chongyun: Neither of them are bold enough to kiss under it but they don't need an outside force. All that's needed is Xingqiu with a book to cover their faces and that's that. Chongyun gets flustered wayyy too easily but Xingqiu doesn't tease, and instead, reads him the book that was used as a blocker.

Beidou&Ningguang: Those two omg. Ningguang is such a tease and although Beidou will act like she's above it... she's not. One sultry look from Ningguang and Beidou crumbles. It's no use. And the mistletoe? She doesn't stand a chance to stand her ground. Quite crazy how the dynamic can switch so quickly.

Yae&Ei: Ei literally doesn't care. In fact, each time Miko tries to get her under the damn thing, Ei threatens that she will lock herself away in the Plane of Euthymia again. So the most Miko can get is a kiss on the cheek in private.

Thoma&Ayato: You know damn well Thoma is too busy working his ass off to find time to kiss Ayato under the mistletoe. And Ayato doesn't even know where it is. Everytime Ayaka hints at it, Ayato just hums and continues doing his work. It's such a mess. Probably won't even have it on their mind until the day after Christmas.

Gorou&Itto: Man Itto is so loud. "GOROU GIMMIE A KISS!" "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" "I SWEAR JUST ONCE." Just once turns into 3, 4, 7 times. You would think Gorou is embarrassed by the action but no, he's just embarrassed with the amount of begging Itto does. He literally has to give in. Does he mind? No never, but he has to pretend he's a lot more pissed than he really is.

Cyno&Tighnari: Similar to Ayato and Thoma except they aren't completely dense. Tighnari is probably listening to another one of Cyno's horrible jokes that he does feel obliged to laugh at. Sometimes he really can't wonder why he loves the man so much. Until Tighnari gets fed up and brings him under just to see how long until he notices. It takes 3 more jokes before he looks up. A kiss definitely shuts him up.

(Tbh Idk the Sumeru ships. So that's all I got...)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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