Kaeya, Albedo, Dain, Pierro [-]The Khaenri'ahn Curse

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In which the reader is a descendant/ survivor from khaenri'ah around the other khaenri'ahns during the chasm meltdown or whatnot.

So yeah, spoilers for that chasm archon quest.

Characters: Kaeya, Albedo, Dainsleif, Pierro

Characters: Kaeya, Albedo, Dainsleif, Pierro

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The two of you were at the tavern on the second floor. You weren't sure why he had invited you out, but he said he'd pay. How could anyone say no to that? You were also positive Kaeya was well into his fourth drink but showed no signs of drunkenness. Though you were still on your first.

"Kaeya, what plans did you have to call me out like this?" You decided to ask him, thinking maybe he had to be just slightly tipsy enough to give you an answer. Or sober enough to lie to you anyway.

"Because I was bored." He replied. "I can't find Venti or Rosaria." He pouted and swirled his drink in hand.

"Ah," you nodded like you understood. "So I'm just your third option, good to know for future reference."

He chuckled, "no no you misunderstand. I was going to invite them to come with us. But like I said, they aren't around. So it's just us."

You raised your eyebrow. "Rosaria usually is around the church, no? And Venti isn't singing or whatever?"

"Nope." He put his glass down. "I checked. Barbara said Rosaria left for Wolvendom for whatever reason. Nobody has seen Venti all day. But I'm not surprised about him, he likes to disappear for whatever reason."

Oddly enough it was reasonable. Venti might've thought he was sneaky, but when you're identical to the statue of Barbatos, and sit in front of it everyday, it gets easy to put 2 and 2 together. Kaeya probably already knew that much though.

"Kaeya, do you–" You were cut off by a sharp pain in your head. Assuming it was just the beginning of a headache, you put your own glass down.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah it's just a migraine." You dropped your head in your hand and attempted to shake it off. "As I was saying–" But then the same pain came back ten times harder. You had no clue where it was coming from, or why it was happening now.

It was the equivalent to a thousand nails digging into your skull. Like you were being ripped apart from the inside out. A horrid sense of agony was washing over your whole being.

"Y/N?" You heard his voice but couldn't focus on it. When you tried, you heard something fall in front of you. Once you lifted your head up, you saw Kaeya on his knees on the ground. He was clutching the right side of his face and his breathing looked unsteady.

Never have you inquired about his eyepatch. Mainly because you assumed it was just for fun on his end. Or perhaps an injury. You didn't know him well enough to want to pry either. But from the way he was clawing at the fabric, you were tempted to ask.

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