TEAM [-] Amp it up

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Team Oneshot! : Childe, Xinyan, Zhongli, Xiao
This is my second team!

It was a normal morning in the teapot that was happily granted by the lovely Madam Ping. Everyone was asleep, peacefully. Well not everyone. There was someone that was wide awake, pumped and ready to go on about their day. So they made sure that everyone in the mansion was able to know that.

"EVERYONE. IT'S TIME TO ROCK!" A guitar was heard, and echoed throughout the hallways. The music was loud, and disruptive. But that person didn't care. Today they were going to put on a show for the citizens of Liyue.

In one of the rooms, a sleeping Xiao stirred in his what was supposed to be peaceful slumber. He pulled the pillow over his head. Still hearing the racket he groaned.

Although Xinyan didn't stop strumming her guitar, sparks of flame threatened to catch onto the furniture.

The noise woke Childe from his sleep, but he wasn't as upset about it as Xiao was. Or was about to be. Instead, he just sighed and dragged himself out his room, and into the main one. Once he was out, he rubbed his eyes and they widened once he noticed the fire about to start.

"Hey! You're gonna burn down the whole house!" He rushed over and waved his hands frantically. She turned around with a huge grin on her face.

"Goooood morning'! How'd ya sleep?" She toned done on the guitar, the flames eventually wearing out. With a relieved sigh he gave her a tired smile.

"Just fine.. Until you started playing that thing." The door leading to the adeptus's room swung open and then he came marching out.

"You! What the hell are you doing with that deafening noise so early in the morning?!" He shouted. He stomped over to her and raised his arm in the air. Within seconds, his polearm appeared in his hand. "Some people were trying to sleep!"

Xinyan didn't seem phased at all. "Xiao! I'm glad you're up, with such energy too! Want to do a duet?" She excitedly asked. Xiao's eye twitched slightly.

"A duet? No, I don't want a duet, I want to sleep!"

Childe stepped away from the two slowly, hoping he could crawl back into bed and obtain a few more minutes of sleep. Xiao seemed to notice this, he dashed over using his anemo powers and appeared in front of the taller man. "And you. You think you can just get away? If I have to suffer then so do you."

Childe sweat dropped and pointed down the hall, "Why me? Zhongli is still asleep. Go make him suffer with you." The three of them then stared down the hallway where Zhongli's room was located. It was known that he was a heavy sleeper but had he really soundly slept through that noise?

Xinyan pouted. "Hmm. He slept through my rock n roll? I'll wake him up whether he likes it or not!" She plucked the strings on her guitar while she skipped into his room.

After a moment or so, there was a loud ringing that made Childe and Xiao cover their ears. "Make it stop!" Xiao pleaded.

Once it passed them, both Xinyan and Zhongli left the room. Zhongli had looked composed, as if he hadn't been bothered by the booming at all. "Ah, good morning team." He calmly said with a small wave.

"You're both insane." Xiao added, crossing his arms.

Childe laughed, "Loosen up Xiao. She's just excited. The Millelith finally have given her permission to do an authorized concert."

"Yeah well I'm not going."

Zhongli lifted an eyebrow, "And why is that?"

Xiao grunted and turned around, "Because I don't want to. I'm not a people person."

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