Kaeya [-] Late again

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Kaeya x GN reader
Requested by: Oshaia
I am always down to write for Kaeya  😩

"That idiot." You muttered, glancing at the clock. It was practically midnight now and Kaeya hadn't returned back. He said that he'd do his best to make it on time, because he hated making you worry.

With him being a Captain, his job usually was dangerous. After the Stormterror attack a little while back, you figured that the danger of his work could range pretty high. From trivial matters in the city, to protecting it from a rampaging dragon.

You knew he could handle himself. He wouldn't be the captain if he couldn't. But still it worries you.

Figuring it would be another late night for him you began getting yourself ready for bed. Took a quick shower, brushed your teeth and did a quick scan of the house just in case he decided to sneak in. Still nothing. Relocking the door again just to be safe and beware of intruders.

Finally, you entered your bedroom and flopped down on the bed. Staring up at the ceiling for a few seconds. Just letting your mind wander for a little. You turned your head to the window and hoped that Kaeya was safe.


He was definitely dead.

Kaeya didn't even realize how late it had gotten. He was so caught up in his work, trying to finish it before his deadline that he didn't even check the time. It isn't the first time he's done this, and each time he regrets it but still does it. He may not look like it, but he isn't one to leave unfinished business. Once he starts something he has to finish.

"Shit." he briskly walked out of the building into the cold night. Or morning, depending on how you looked at it. There was pretty much nobody out, except for any stragglers outside of Angels Share.

Turning the corner he passed by a few buildings until he came up to the house he shared with you. He pulled on the handle and realized it was locked. Obviously. Why would you leave the door unlocked at night?
Fumbling for his key he took it from his pocket and unlocked the door. Carefully stepping inside, and slowly closing the door behind him. Sighing, he looked around. The lights were off so he could only guess you had fallen asleep. He took off his jacket and shoes and left them by the front door.

He started to make his way over to the bedroom. He poked his head in first and saw you sleeping peacefully. A pang of guilt hit him in his chest. Kaeya walked over to you sleeping and went to put a hand on your cheek. He hovered over though, debating if he wanted to wake you or not.

Before the thought could finish, he was pushed down into the bed on his back. You pinned him down and held your weapon (of choice) up to his neck. Your eyes looked like you might've still been half asleep.

When you blinked and focused your eyes, you widened them in shock, "Kaeya?!" you got off him and put your weapon away, it slowly turned into particles in the air. "Geez, I thought you were trying to rob me." you had to rub your eyes again to make sure you were wrong.

Once Kaeya got his nerve back, he sat back up. "Sorry, didn't think you'd try and jump on me." he chuckled.

You crossed your arms and sat down next to him, still pretty upset that he was late again. But you tried not to be too pissed with him, since he had to do what he had to do in order to keep the city safe

However, Kaeya could sense it without you saying anything. "I'm sorry love. I got caught up at work again." he leaned over and gave you a kiss on your forehead. "I know I keep saying I won't do it again, but here we are."

"It's fine." You responded and laid back down. Trying to let it slide off of you, instead of bothering you. "I understand. Work always comes first." you didn't want it to sound like a pitiful answer, but it still came out that way.

"Y/N." He laid down next to you. "You will always come first. Whether I'm here or not. If I could stay here with you all the time, trust me, I would."

You turned and looked at him. "Yeah I know that." You lightly laughed. "Your job puts you through hell and back. I didn't want to seem ungrateful for the time we shared together."

Kaeya pulled you into his arms. "You know, I'm glad to have someone like you. So understanding and flexible. Don't know what I would do without you, Y/N." He put his hand over your own and intertwined your fingers. "You make these days bearable. Even when I'm at the office. Just the thought of you alleviates the majority of my stress." He brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it.

Your heart felt like it was going to jump out your chest, do a backflip, and then settle back inside your chest. You went to say something in response, but couldn't find the right words.

Kaeya chuckled and leaned down into your ear, "Something wrong?"

"You come back late and then think you can just smooth talk your way back into my heart?" you pushed yourself up and brought yourself to a seated position on his lap. Kaeya raised his hands in mock defense.

"Did it work?"

You leaned down and hovered over his face for a moment, looking into his free eye. "It always does, because I know you're truthful." you locked lips with him and passionately kissed him under the dim moonlight coming through the window.

Kaeya may say a lot of things and then do the other. But when it comes to you, he always sticks to his word. Having you in his life had made things better for him. Coming from a rough past, you pulled him out of the darkness. And there was no better way to repay you other than be honest and give all his love to you.

You pulled away and rested your forehead on top of his. You rarely ever get to look at him like this. Mainly because you rarely just decide to sit on him like this. But he looks so breathtaking. Not that he didn't always have a certain charm to him, but in close moments like these it's always still a shock on how you managed to have the cavalry captain in your grasp.

He cocked his head to the side, "Do you have a good view from up there?"

Leaning down to give him another chaste kiss, "Oh be quiet." You laid your head down on his chest. His heart was beating at the same rate as yours. Rhythmically synchronizing. It was enough to lull you to sleep.

Kaeya brought his arms around you and made small circles on your back. "I love you."

You felt yourself slowly being pulled into the land of sleep.

"I love you too, Kaeya."

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