Rosaria [-] The needs of a commoner

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Commoner Rosaria x Royalty GN Reader

Not a request... something I wanted to do yktv


"Y/N, please be at the Opera House before 9. No later than 9:30."

"I will, I promise."

"No no, I need to drill it into you." Your mother popped her head around the corner. She was dressed in some of her finest garments, and her glittering gold crown sat proudly on top of her head. It was the one of the single reminders that she had every square inch of the kingdom in the palm of her hand.

The crown was passed down through generations. She wanted to give it to you seeing you were her only child, and there wasn't anybody else she wanted to see take the throne. Being next in line was basically scarred in your brain at this point.

"Please." She spoke again. This time there was an underlying begging tone that rarely ever came out. "This is very important for your upbringing as the heir. Please be mindful and manage your time."

You nodded slowly. "I understand, I won't be late."

With a reluctant nod, she parted from the room and her footsteps echoed and disappeared from down the hallway. Once she was gone, you sighed and stood up from your bed. The blankets were a mess, and the pillows were scattered everywhere. You needed to keep it more neat or it would give your mother a whole separate reason to stress herself out.

Seeing Yunjin's opera started in a little over 4 hours, you have time to relax before you need to kick it into gear and start getting ready. Plus think about transportation since it was taking place right on the border between kingdoms.

That was another purpose for your attendance. Citizens from both Mondstadt and Liyue would be there, including Liyue's Qixing and Tianquan. So making good first impressions was a must. It was extremely important to remember-

Your inner thoughts became jumbled and cut off when there was a knock. However, it wasn't coming from the door, but your window. Considering the palace was heavily guarded and getting through the gates without permission was damn near impossible...

Yeah. There's only one person who can get through.

You basically sprinted to the window, and pushed the velvet curtains to the side. That's when you saw her. First it was the midnight black lipstick that caught your attention, before her pale magenta eyes captivated you. People can and have argued she has the appearance that almost mimics a vampire, but somehow that connotation made her appeal grow stronger.

"Rosaria... you know if you get caught you're going to be in so much trouble." You said quietly while raising the glass above and over her.

She innocently tilted her head to the side. "Well, maybe you should let me in so I'm not standing in front of your window like some weirdo."

You grabbed her arm and stepped backwards. "Even you being here is just as risky as running around the courts. What if someone catches you?"

Once she was safely inside, she dusted off the dirt that accumulated on the modified nun uniform she wore. Probably from sneaking around, and whatever other rebellious activities she did to even get in here.

"If you were so worried you probably wouldn't have let me in this time. Or the other twenty times either," then she leaned forward with an outstretched hand. "Your highness."

"Oh my goodness stop." You chuckled and shook your head.

"It's hilarious. I'm in the room of an esteemed royal, and all I've seen them do is tell me how bad and uncouth our interactions are." She stood back up and took a step closer. "I'm not even supposed to be here and yet... you keep letting me in without hesitation."

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