Lumine & Archons [-] The Truth might come out

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Lumine goes Ballistic on the Archons?
Requested by: Kamiko_1234

Lumine goes Ballistic on the Archons? Requested by: Kamiko_1234

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"Come be by my side Lumine. I thought we were family." Aether reaches his hand out to his sister who he had just barely defeated in battle. Though he strongly opposed the idea of fighting her. "We don't have to fight, we never did."

"Our paths should've never crossed like this Aether. You're being controlled-"

"The Abyss takes a toll on anyone's mindset. In Inazuma, the snake serpent Orobashi, was corrupted. One of the Harbingers, changed completely after falling in when he was just a child. All the monsters that must've forced the hands of the gods to what lead to Khaemri'ah's destruction. The same Abyss you're trying to side with now."

Lumine hestated in her response. There was no strength or willpower to even attempt to stand and face Aether again. Her expression showed that she was weighing what he was saying in her mind. Although her eyes held malice, it wasn't directed towards him. And at last, she sighed and sank her head.

"Aether." She spoke softly. "I do not wish to harm humanity. And I never intended to harm you either. I doubt my own cause even rivals your unwavering determination towards Teyvat." She reached her own hand out from the ground. "As long as you can... understand where I was coming from. I don't need your forgiveness."

Aether smiled and helped her up to her feet. "Of course. I've been searching for so long, and I knew it wouldn't be easy. But I'm willing to lead you through this next chapter. If you'll let me."

She nodded. "I would like that."

From that day, Lumine and Aether worked together side by side. He introduced her to everyone he knew and started with Mondstadt; he'd never tell anyone, but it was his favorite nation because it was the first one he visited. Also because Mondstadt was comfortable and was a breath of fresh air whenever he was back.

Lumine was worried that she'd not get along with anybody that Aether introduced her to. Strangely enough, everyone was so friendly. Especially the ones who understood how hard he'd been searching for her. Someone in particular she noticed in the Mondstadt crew was Amber because she mentioned something about putting signs up.

But back to the present day, Aether had suggested throwing a party so she can be more comfortable. Honestly, Lumine only expected a few people to show up. But clearly her brother was way more possible than she gave him credit for.

She was awkwardly standing off to the corner just assessing the amount of people who were here. Names were still coming to her, but she could pick out faces.

One that stood out to her was a young adult who had two puffs on the side of her head adorned with spikes. She had a drum on her back and was laughing with somebody else. The girl herself seemed to be a cheerful person and definitely a pleasure to be around. Then again, she was pyro, so they're usually happy.

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