Chapter 1

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Shinhwa High School a prestigious school located in Seoul, South Korea. Founded by Shinhwa Group by the help of South Korea President. Only top elites could enroll into this school. In this place students would brag their vacation, branded bags and sports cars. It's the typical life of Shinhwa students. The higher you are the less you see the bottom. A utopia for the rich and a nonsense for the poor.

Not only that, this school is rule by 4 rich kids called F4 (Flower 4) . People who defy them will be given red card. From there onward people would bully them until they quit school. This is a harsh punishment but it's how the school system works.

Despite how foolish this is I'm one of the students. I hate this place to the core, full of annoying and phony people. Especially Miranda, Ginger and Sunny, those American name didn't suit them at all. Sighing, I focus my eyes on the note. Scribbling it down, I drowned people voice. Until one spoke out loud.

"Lee Min-Ha is at the rooftop! He has a red card!" People rushed out knowing there's a commotion. His name is peculiar to my ear. He got them because of his spoken thought. If he wanted to survive, he shouldn't open his mouth. This was the unwritten rule in Shinhwa.

When everybody's gone, that's when I made my way to the rooftop. A scandalous event will start, and it makes me excited. I saw Min-Ha at the rail, trying to commit suicide. But there's a girl in sight with a different clothes. And she was holding a laundry in hand.

"I'm here to give you your laundry." I raised an eyebrow. She's a delivery woman. The only one who dare to be here.

"You can ask my family when I die." The poor guy shouted.

"Are you crazy? Why would you die? This school is such a nice place, outside of this place is were hell begins." The girl retorts, she was right about it. This school is just an entrance to harsher life outside.

"You don't understand, once F4 give you a red card you'll be doom for the rest of your life!" The guy spoke harshly. He was in his wit ends.

"A what? F..4? Red card? Are you talking about football?" Obviously the girl doesn't know anything to this topic. She was an outsider. Nothing could be understood from her perspective.

"Lee Min-Ha, I suggest you to choose a better method to die." This time I speak my thought. I saw him gulping his saliva being afraid. He didn't want to die. It was clear from his eyes. But he shook his head trying to ignore me. Turning around he attempted jump, not able to handle the stress. The unknown girl and I catch him in time. Dragging his body back, we sigh in disbelief.

"You have no idea what you have done didn't you?" I asked. I couldn't careless if he plunge to death. Glancing down I could see hundreds of audiences gather for his suicide. With a grimace I walk out of the rooftop. Shinhwa will be reported on the news all because of F4 and their childish games.

The next day students threw daggers at me as I walked by. They realized I was the one who prevent the victim to die. Some admired but other hated it. Like a mind made of steel, I shrug it off.

"OMG IS THE F4!!" A girl shrieks in excitement. Everybody enter the hallway to worships their ground. If heaven was real and there's four angels it wouldn't be them. They are the devils. The wrath of hell comes from them. Sadly I have to follow the crowds due to my locker located there. It pissed me off because F4 enter and it radiates light. People cower from the harsh glow coming from them.

Like Gods they were being chanted on. I stare in jealousy of how they can wear different clothes than us. This uniform was irritating especially the short skirt. The voice wasn't dying down, and the first name I heard was Song Woo-Bin.

Woo-Bin family owns II-Sim Construction. A wealthy real-estate tycoons. I heard rumors that his family has connection with mafia. Despite his handsome face he is the biggest womanizer. He likes them older and flaunts them as if they were a branded bag. This disgusts me.

Next was So Yi-Jung. His grandfather owns the Woo Song Museum. He is blessed with a skill of pottery, and I was amazed every time I see his creation. His character is equivalent to Woo-Bin. He is a playboy by nature, but in this case Yi-Jung prefer them around his age.

The second hand in command is Yoon Ji-Hoo. He was born in a wealthy and illustrious family. His grandfather was the President of South Korea. Unfortunately, his parents died in a car crash, and he was the sole survivor. He is the quietest out of them all. Nonetheless, he's a true musician. He would play his violin when no ones around. I was the hidden spectator when he did that.

Last but not least the hazardous guy of them all. The leader of F4, Go Jun-Pyo. He is the heir of Shinhwa Group. Every time I see his curly hair. It aggravated me. He was born condescending and demanding. It hurts my eyes how he would bully others. Maybe my thought was sent telepathically to him because his gang and him approach me. With a handsome smirk he cast, he glance down at me.

"Park Sora, you really have the nerve to be the hero. Don't you?" Jun-Pyo spoke. I could see girls looking at him in dazzle while I fold my arm in amuse. He was questioning me about Min-Ha dying attempts. But I was just a witness.

"I guess that's me. When the weak gets bully by the villain I have to step up and save the day." I said sarcastically, earning a chuckle from Yi-Jung and Woo-Bin. However, Jun-Pyo glower at them not finding it funny.

"You're lucky it's not you, so watch that pompous act of yours." Jun-Pyo warned before they walked off. I put my hand in surrender acting as if I was wrong but in truth I was enjoying it. Having him pissed by my power.

People would ask how it is not possible for me to get a red card yet. It's simple, our family are friends and his mother is fond of me. On the other hand, Jun-Pyo is afraid of his mother which makes it funny. This tough act of his is a facade. He is just a clueless boy underneath.

Walking to the school garden I saw a familiar girl that look lost in this maze. She was glancing around not knowing where she's at. But this time, she wore the school uniform.

"Can I help you? You seem lost?" I asked kindly, the girl drop her jaw knowing it was me from the rooftop.

"Yeah, do you know where the swimming pool is?" I chuckle at her face. She looks like a stray puppy that don't belong here.

"I'll take you there." As we walked, we had a small chat. Her name is Geum Jan-Di and she's here because the chairwoman gave her a swimming scholarship. In honesty it was a way to cover the scandal that has been caused. She was the bait that they need to close. I could tell Jan-Di didn't want to be here either. In fact her life was enough for her.

"So why are you here Sora? You don't look like those girls." Jan-Di whispered afraid of being heard by others. I smile at her compliment.

"My mother wanted me to study here. So I gladly accept the offer." I spoke. Trying not talk more about it.

"Well, I hope we can be a great friend! I'm scare of getting eaten by the rich kids." Jan-Di said before I laugh. She knew the people here was unkind and she needs a guarantee to finish this school in one piece.

"Of course, I'll be your first friend here." Holding her arms we arrived at the swimming pool. I could tell she wasn't like those snobbish kids. I want to know more of her.

Especially her life.

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