Chapter 23

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In the morning, the weather got better and we went back to the lodge. The look of relieved went through F3 face, a night of worries was finally gone.

"I was about to call a whole army to find you guys!" Jun-Pyo exclaimed in fright. He was panicking when he couldn't hear any news of us.

"Are you alright?" Ji-Hoo asked. He was the only one who notice me walking staggeringly.

"I sprained my ankle, but I'll be fine" I shrugged him off but everybody ushered me to sit. Closing my eyes I thought back to yesterday event, Yi-Jung and I kissing in the cabin. It was a sweet moment between the two of us that nobody knows.

However, not everything lasts long.

The next day I walk to Yi-Jung apartment with food in hand. I was excited to see him, wanting to be thankful for my boyfriend. With a smile on my face, I knock the on door three times, but there was no answered. As I turn the doorknob, the door open in swift. I shook my head of how careless he is. Luckily since I'm his girlfriend, it'll be fine for me to enter.

"Yi-Jung." I called out when the place felt silence and empties. I sigh, maybe he isn't home. As I turn my back, I heard a giggle from my left. Following the source of voice, I walk to where it is and my blood curls at the sight.

I saw Yi-Jung kissing an unknown female, which dropped my heart to the ground. My hand starts to shake in betrayal, while tears pour out of my eyes. I could feel my chest squeeze. The string of trust broke, and the relationship eventually collapses.

"How could you?" It wasn't loud but it got his attention. The playboy smirk erase as he saw me. His eyes widened as he stood in lost. Pushing the girl off he tries to reach for me. But I move back, I don't want Yi-Jung touching me with those sinful hand.

"I-I can explain."

"What is there to explain? You kiss her. What can be more different than this?" I asked, with my head held high. Trying to act, brave. When he stays quiet, I realized I was waiting for words that could never fix this relationship.

"Let's break up. You both deserve each other." I snicker in distaste before running out. I tried to hide myself behind the trees as I hear his footstep chasing me. Knowing he wouldn't find my figure, I cry out loud. My heart aches as if it's ripping apart. Words that was spoken turn into lies, life that I thought right was actually wrong.

Watching the view of the city turn smaller I sighed. It was a hasty decision, leaving Seoul for another country. Nobody knew I was gone except for Jan-Di. The girl cried with me on the day I found out Yi-Jung cheated. A part of me wanted to stay but the pain and the memories flows through my brain.

The offer grandfather gave me was finally use. Taking me away from horrible uncle and Yi-Jung. Glancing to the side, a man in suit was reading a magazine. He was older than me, and he wore a poker face that is hard to read. But his duty is to protect me. As my bodyguard. It was only him and I in this plane to an unknown life. A single tears slip out of my eyes knowing I'll be alone.

Yi-Jung was determined to change for me, to stop fooling with other woman. But in the end it become too much. This is my fault. I shouldn't have started it at all. I shouldn't have looked into his eyes the first time we met. Now my mind understood the farewell but my heart wouldn't cave in.

Coincidentally Jun-Pyo also left. Things become messy. F4 has fallen apart, and my relationship shattered.

"Are you alright Ms?" He notices my sadness and offers his handkerchief. This makes me teary.

"Did I do something wrong?!" He looks baffled with my emotion and thought he was wrong. In reply I gave him a shaken head.

"You just remind me of a memory." I lean back against my seat and thought of the day where I gave Jun-Pyo my handkerchief. A simple memory that has a place in my heart.

I will miss them all.

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