Chapter 17

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"In a few days Lee Chang-Mul will be release after serving his sentence for 10 years. He was famous for the murder of Lee Family. Killing his brother Lee Jung-Won, the ex-health minister and his wife." There was an image of the family on the news before it cuts off.

"Wasn't this the famous murder back then?" Ji-Hoo ears perked up knowing about it.

"Yeah, my parents and I went to their funeral. It was nerve wrecking to be there." Yi-Jung replied, nodding his head at the memory.

"What a pity for a crime." Jun-Pyo comment. I glance at the TV before returning back flipping the magazine. Everybody was doing their own things at the lounge, but they heard the news clearly.

"How could a criminal get released so soon. He killed two people!" Jan-Di spoke. While scorning at the newscaster. The others agree but simply didn't bother to press further. This happens every day, some crime can't be served with justice. I remained silent before walking out.

Leaning down on the toilet bowl, I poured the content of my stomach. It was churning as if somebody destroy my inside. Wiping the edge of my mouth I stood up. Feeling the water running through my hand I rub my hand ferociously for a second time. Staring at my disheveled appearance, I knew why this happened. The man who I hated is coming back.

My life will be over once he got out.

Combing my hair with my finger, I push it back in haste. Just before I could make my way out Yi-Jung block my path. Ignoring him I past through as if he was invisible.

"I'll find out soon Park Sora." He yelled which sharpen my breath. Clamping my hand I continue walking. I wasn't going to let my guard down, just because of So Yi-Jung.

"Are you alright? You look pale." Jan-Di express as she looks at my face. The girl who had a fight with me a few days ago turned into a friend once again.

"Is probably the weather." I said before sitting on my chair. Gazing at the window my breath quiver. I know I have to find a way to get this out of my mind.

The bitter liquid with a slight tangy taste hit the back of my throat. Taking shot after shot, my mind becomes foggy. Peoples chatter drown as I continue drinking. I can't remember how much Soju I've consumed.

"One more please!" I shouted at the staff. The woman look startle and sigh at me.

"Lady this is your sixth bottle. Please go home." She spoke, having those pitiful stares at me but I scoff at her.

"Just bring me more. I'll pay it all." I was losing my mind. Screaming with fierce attitude as if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. The woman gave me one last glance before walking away. Holding the bottle, my phone vibrates inside my pocket.

"Where the hell are you doing Sora? It's already late in the evening." Woo-Bin screamed through the phone. He was anxious knowing I was still outside.  Telling him where I am, the line went dead. Thankfully I was still sane asking for his help. I was losing my mind, suppressing my emotions by using alcohol. I know this isn't healthy but with no one to rely I was left alone.

It's a matter of time before this drink become nothing.

"Sora! Let's go home." Woo-Bin arrived with his self-looking distress. My cheek turned bright red and eyes blurring seeing his sight. I could see his outline but the detail was off.

"If it isn't the playboy! The one who cause misery for girls he dated!" People turned to look and assume I was the girlfriend that he cheated on. Woo-Bin looks embarrassed and swung my arm around his.

"Stop talking right now." He warned. As we got out, I push him off and walk falteringly. Having my hands in the air, I look like a bad example of cat model.

"This girl.. let's go." He mumbled, before crouching down to the ground.

"Get on my back." My hand, slipped over his shoulder while securing my leg around his waist. Smelling his luscious scent, I moan in delight.

"You smell so good Woo-Bin." My word fanning around his ear softly. He shivers being arouse to the act. If I was his girlfriend and in a close area he would have done something to this.

"Sora. Don't talk." He whispered. He can't handle it. Especially with my chest pushed against his back, it makes the walk to his car like a century. He struggled, and it takes a lot of urges to think of something else.

Once we got home, he placed me on the bed delicately. I could feel my eyes dozing off to sleep. This time, the cushioned pillow felt like heaven. My mind felt light headed and all I want is peace.

"You are truly something." Woo-Bin whispered before closing the door.

I woke up the next day vomiting the liquid. All of my money wasted for the rice liquor. Fixing my appearance I tried to recall what happened but like an empty mind it shut off. The last thing I remember was Woo-Bin picking me up. Trying to find that one person I couldn't see him early in the morning. I had to wait later to thank him.

The whole day I stay inside my room. The man told me he still needed a few days to replicate the key. I wanted to yell at him for being useless, but it was no use. Conserving my energy, I focus on my homework. I was probably a few students who do this. They all already have a clear future, homework was just nuisance for them to do.

"So x plus y divided by-" I scribble on my notebook keeping my eyes on the math equation. A yawn escaped from my lip once I finish the last question. Stretching my arm I glance at the window. The moon was already up.

Hearing the door flunk open from outside, I rushed immediately. Woo-Bin just got home, and I give him a smile.

"I forgot to say thank you for helping me." I said timidly. Clenching my pajama, I stood in nervousness. It wasn't an attractive sight, getting drunk, and one of the F4 members catches you.

"Don't worry about it. We all have our moment. But aren't you illegal to drink?" He asked. We were only a year apart, but I felt small being question like this.

"Fake ID..?" I couldn't help admitting the truth. I knew someone who pulled off something like this. Woo-Bin grinned when he heard me.

"And you said you were boring..." He chuckles to his words. Before he enter the room I asked him another question.

"Did I say something wrong yesterday or acted weird?" When I get drunk different things happen. Woo-Bin tried to remember and a devil grin flash across his mouth.

"Oh a lot of things" Woo-Bin was hiding it which means I didn't do something crazy. I did something outrageous. How could I do that to Woo-Bin. I just want to fall for my death.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry. I found it amusing." Woo-Bin came closer towards me, leaning his face to mine. His playful eyes search through my embarrassed one.

"You should stop acting like this." Woo-Bin warned dangerously.

"What do you mean?"

"Acting like this makes me want you." He pushed me till I feel my back against the cold wall. My breath turn ragged seeing him near. Woo-Bin is different than other guy, he is hard to read. Mysterious but full of mischief. His finger touches my cheek and presses on it. His lip tugged upward the moment I turn immobile from his touch. He never saw a girl this naive before and it arouse him.

"Woo-Bin I-"

"Now I know why the other wants you." He said.


"They all have their eyes on you. Even Jun-Pyo. But Yi-Jung shows it the most. You should be careful. Because I'm also interested in you." I tried to speak but fail so when he spills the secrets.

He went into his room before I could even interrogate his words. He left me just like that.

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