Chapter 4

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Walking out of class, I was greeted by an attractive sight in front of me. The playboy smirked seeing I was the one he was looking for.

"Sora how is your bruise? Are they getting better?" I was surprise Yi-Jung wanted to know my condition. I gave him a nod which relief his face.

"By any chance have you seen Jan-Di?" It didn't hurt to ask him where her current about is. She was the one who cheered me my days up but I couldn't see her at all today. Yi-Jung shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly not having the answer to it.

"Say, do you want to come with me?" Yi-Jung has me tilting my head to the side in confusion. Without a respond he dragged me to an art room. There was no one here except the two of us. I wonder why I'm here.

"Do you like painting?" He asked, the question throw me off guard. Yi-Jung wanted to discuss my talent in arts.

"I'm not good. I can only draw stick figures." I said shyly. I was never good with drawing or pottery. Something that Yi-Jung specialize in. He chuckles to my answer before asking me to seat.

Once I did, a white canvas stood in front of me. I was puzzled to what this is.

"I'm a little bit bored today. So teaching you drawing might be fun." Yi-Jung stood behind me with his breath fanning over my ear. My cheek flushes of how close he was.

"Why don't you try to draw that flower vase over there? I'll help you." I couldn't reject So Yi-Jung. If I upset him, he might tell Jun-Pyo. And I would be given a red card. I prefer a quiet life without a disrupt. Nodding my head, I hold the brush in hand and dip it in the blue paint.

Each stroke that I did eloquently, Yi-Jung watches it all. His eagle eyes peer from above as I focus on my drawing. He might be a playboy but when it comes to art he's serious to it. Crease appear on my forehead when I struggle to get the shape of the flower. I realized my painting wasn't going the way I plan.

"Here let me help you." He notices it and took my hand from behind. Delicately he starts to draw by using my hand. He was guiding me to the right path, and I smile of how it turns out to.

"Omg! It looks good!" I whipped my head, and that's when I shouldn't have. Yi-Jung face was 2 cm away from mine. His eyes fall to my face, and I could see the hesitant for him to move. Like a mouse stuck in a mousetrap, I was rooted in place. Gulping my saliva, I could see Yi-Jung stare at my lip. My pink lipgloss shimmer and his eyes were fix on it.

That's when the bell rang, indicating class to start again.

"Well I'll see you again Sora." Yi-Jung moved away and leave the room. I sat in awe of what happened. Never in a million years I would be this close to So Yi-Jung. My heart flutters thinking how intimate we were. It might not mean anything but my cheek was getting redder like tomato.

F4 is really something.

"Jan-Di where the hell were you?!" When I saw the girl I couldn't help to scream. Frustrated she wasn't here all day. Magically appearing on my face as I gave her a stern look.

"Sorry, Jun-Pyo kidnapped me and gave me makeover at his house. But not only that he ask me to confess to him!" I couldn't answer her when I couldn't understand the situation. Just yesterday when she kicks him but today she was at his mansion.

"He thought I wanted to be his girlfriend! But of course I rejected him! The audacity of that guy!" Jan-Di continued in anger.

What in seven shade happen to Jun-Pyo process of thinking? The girl has been out loud in hating him. So why does he think she wants to be his girlfriend?

"Luckily Ji-Hoo was there and lend me a pair of shoes. I need to give it to him." She said, holding her arm we went to F4 lounge. Thoughts about Jun-Pyo still linger in my mind. But when Yi-Jung stood in front of us it disappear and memory of this morning hits me. I tried not to blush but the guy was smiling showing me his cute dimple.

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