Chapter 13

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Go Jun-Pyo the leader of F4 and the heir to Shinhwa Group, kissed me. To this day I'm still in shock and the only thing I did was ran away. As I laid in bed, my finger grazes my lip. The feel of his lip on mine, felt gracious. Like cotton candy, it was soft and sweets. My cheek turned red thinking about it. I clench my pillow and scream in happiness, if he kissed me this is a good sign.

The next day Jun-Hee explained to me Ji-Hoo visited Jun-Pyo. Apparently something erupted from their private conversation. Now Jun-Pyo stood in front of headmaster, demanding to expel Ji-Hoo and Jan-Di. It was getting ridiculous. I stood behind Woo-Bin watching it all. I could tell the headmaster was getting nervous because to him, his job would be on the line. Luckily our savior came, Jun-Hee pull Jun-Pyo ear before apologizing to the headmaster. Her head beckons for us to move outside, and we obey it.

"You guys need to sort your love triangle." Jun-Hee spoke to both guys who stood glaring at each other. I was about to ask what she meant until Yi-Jung hold me back.

"Let's talk." It was a perfect chance to be away from them and sort our problem.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I folded my arms wanting to know what got Yi-Jung looking serious.

"I want to apologize. Ga-Eul confessed to me that time. I'm sorry that you saw that. I'm sorry that you got hurt. I didn't mean all of this to happen." He spoke sincerely, making me sigh in defeat. When Ga-Eul ask me if I like Yi-Jung I should have said yes. It would have prevented this.

"I forgive you Yi-Jung." He wasn't at fault. It happens, and nothing can't be change from it.

"But I rejected Ga-Eul because I like you Sora. I won't give up until I know who will win your heart." He said firmly.

I was wrong at my feeling. I thought I would move on from Yi-Jung but here he was. Making my heart thump rapidly. With, Jun-Pyo thrown in, it turn complicated.

We went back to our friends and were informed on how to solve the fight. They will do horse race competition. Ji-Hoo was confidence to win since this is his area of expertise. Meanwhile, Jun-Pyo practice his hardest.

The day of the race, Shinhwa students was spotted at the equestrian centers. We were a spectator, betting on who'll win. Most of them know Ji-Hoo will have this in the bag. It started inside the arena before it heads outdoor.

"I must say this is a refreshing sight." I compliment Jun-Hee on her idea as we stood side to side. Our eyes watch the field but knew something was wrong.

"The horse, is it sick?" The shiny black horse that Jun-Pyo rides on looks tired. Only a few people notice if they spend time with horses and I was one of them.

"Jun-Pyo has tired out the poor animal." Jun-Hee understand what I meant and explained the reasoning. If he kept this up, the horse won't be able to run anymore. They'll discard the horse once it's no good.

I won't let it happen.

Taking my blazer off, I jumped out and into the field. This has everyone gasp in confusion. Woo-Bin called my name but it was too late. I ran my hardest to where Jun-Pyo is, despite the horse being fast.

"Jun-Pyo! Stop!" I shouted, both guys look at me in startle. I was getting breathless trying to keep up with them.

"Get off the track Sora!" Jun-Pyo warned.

"You need to stop your horse! He's loosing his coordination! You're going to kill him!!" I screamed out loud, straining my throat in the process. The only way to end this was to put myself in front of the them. There's two worst thing that could happen. One I would get injure or two I would end up in the hospital. None of the option is great, but I didn't dare to see the horse in pain.

It feels like slow motion as I open my arm in the air and two horses running towards me. The guys widened their eyes before halting. Ji-Hoo horse stop immediately but Jun-Pyo was out of control. Closing my eyes, I was reading for the horse to tackle or hit me. But somebody wrapped theirselves around my body and shove me to the side. I landed on top of him while he groaned in pain.

"Ji-Hoo!!"  I gasp before moving off my savior. Jun-Pyo finally restraint his horse and ran towards me.

"Are you alright?" I asked Ji-Hoo.

"I'm fine. How about you?" I gave him a nod in return. He knew why I did it. He too can tell when the horse is exhausted.

"What the hell Sora! You could have been hurt!" However, Jun-Pyo was different. He was angry that I almost went on suicide mission.

"That horse is tired Jun-Pyo. You probably can't tell, but I can. You worked it to death." I explained pointing at the restless horse. He still couldn't believe it but the serious expression was enough to shut him up.

"Sora is right. Because of this we will have to use another method to settle the fight." I didn't notice Jun-Hee was approaching us with F2 behind. I could see Woo-Bin giving me an admiration look while Yi-Jung in mesmerize.

This fight was getting too much all because of one woman.

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