Chapter 6

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Jun-Pyo question rings inside my head. Of course I denied it since he is in love with Jan-Di. Thinking of falling in love with him sounds peculiar. It sends chills through my spine. If he asked me a few weeks ago I would tell him to go to hell. But as I grew closer with F4 I realized Jun-Pyo is the most vulnerable out of them all. He was afraid, and it makes me want to protect him.

"What is wrong with me?" Pushing my hair to the back, I couldn't help laughing. If I spend more time with this people, I know I would be doom. I have to avoid them, and the first step was to reject Jan-Di offer to go to a party that F4 hold. The invitation was for Seo-Hyun birthday party. Jan-Di wanted to go for Ji-Hoo and Jun-Pyo is eager for her to come.

"You're on your own." I said teasingly. She sighed in fake sadness knowing I won't be there but I'm sure she'll pull through.

When the party started, I was at home, with books laying around my bed. A romance story of a woman married to a CEO while having an affair with her therapist. It was a twisted love but it got me intrigue. I could feel the emotion of the character and each page flicker with sadness.

However, I was disturbed by a car honking in front of my house repeatedly. It disturbs my peace, and I went out to check it. As I stood outside, I saw a familiar guy waving at me. I furrowed my eyebrows at how this people knows my address easily.

"Woo-Bin what are you doing here? It's late at night." I spoke through the gate.

"I hope you don't mind. The party was a boredom, and I stole your address from Jun-Pyo." I gave him a meek smile once he explains the situation.

"If you're not sleeping why don't we go for a drive?" He suggested, I could see his car keys dangling on his hand while waiting for my respond. Having a fresh air sounds relaxing to my ear. Nodding enthusiastically he smirks at me.

"You should change first. Even if I like you looking like this, I don't want you to catch a cold." He notices I was wearing my sleeping gown and pointed it out. The accident with Jun-Pyo got me blushing again. I should be more cautious with my clothing. I can't have F4 members see me like this.

Once I change, I sat in his car. His citrus cologne hit my nostril once he drives. I couldn't help but to eye him. He was wearing formal attire but here he was spending his night with me. We drove on the highway and Woo-Bin press the car roof button.

"Wow" When wind enters, my hair flow to the back. I stuck my head up and have my arm in the air. Woo-Bin notice and chuckle at the carefreeness.

The coldness flourish around my skin. It was making me alive. Sitting back down, we arrive at the beach.I stare at the moon that cast above us. Stars twinkle, and waves crash to the shore. It was a holy site that has me in peace. The serene water and the tranquility of the night almost drown me to sleep. Until I realized I wasn't alone.

"You know. I only know your name and your closeness with Jun-Pyo's mother. But who are you really?" Woo-Bin asked.

"I'm Park Sora. I'm 17 years old and attend Shinhwa High School." I said sarcastically.

"Very funny, but what's your hobbies? Or dislike?" Woo-Bin was more interested in my personality which makes my heart warm. I never have a conversation with guys like this. Usually they would ask what my parents do for a living. I guess those guys wanted to know if I was rich enough.

"I-I like books, because it takes me to places. I also like music, especially trot music. I guess I sound like an old woman." At the last sentence I recognized I sound like a fifty years old woman and not thriving with life.

"Interesting. How about a boyfriend?" Woo-Bin was persistent in knowing it all. I shrug my shoulder at the thought.

"I met my first boyfriend in junior high school. But he cheated on me because I was boring. He said dating me felt like dating his grandma." I chuckle to the idea but when we were young harsh thing would pour out without filter. I notice the soften look on Woo-Bin face.

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