Chapter 26 - I

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"Come back to Korea."

His words loom over my head. With question assembling, I could only reject him. He knew it will take sometimes for me to give in. And I realized I was getting sick of running away, moving to different countries while getting new teachers for home school. I felt like a bird trapped in a cage.

Going home, attending  school with Jan-Di. Having F4 as friends, this is what I want. I want to be fearless. Now that I'm face to face with Jae-Won, he was gazing in confusion at this sudden change.

"Are you sure?" It was one question that determine it all. Gripping my jean, I sigh, before moving my eyes to his.


It will take a few more days to pack and leave everything. But Jan-Di and F3 are leaving Macau today and giving my goodbye I search for them at the crowded airport. Pushing my scarf to the back, I raise my hands in the air when I saw Jan-Di.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" She spoke seeing I was here with my bodyguard. Giving her a smile I gave her a hug.

"Take care of yourself Sora." Ji-Hoo spoke. While the other two, gave me a nod. I could see the disappointment through Woo-Bin eyes. If only he knows what's coming for him.

"You guys be careful." I replied before seeing them walk to the security gates. Once I heard a running footstep behind me I glance at the person.

"You are too late." I informed. I could see the distortion of his face. He was unhappy and mostly frustrated. This was the look of longing the person he loves. Giving him a pat on the back I could see him clenching his fist. Jun-Pyo the tough guy was finally breaking apart.

"I didn't get to tell her how much I miss her." If only his mother knew how sad he is, I could only wish she would stop her madness. Giving him my sympathy I walked away with my bodyguard. The sadness was eating me up and I need to get away from it.

Seoul didn't change, and coming back here makes the memories resurface. Shinhwa was the same. Full of snobbish and rotten brats. Fixing my uniform I walked out of the car with head held high. Everybody turn to look at me knowing I was a familiar face.

"Park Sora ,she's here?"
"She's beautiful!"
"Isn't she F4 friends? We better keep our head low if we don't want trouble."

People talk shamelessly as if I was a ghost. I try to find Jan-Di whereabouts as I walk through the hall. It wasn't long until I saw her with Ji-Hoo.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I smirked, seeing them surprise of my presence. Jan-Di gasp before wrapping her arm around me. I could see she needed a friend to get through Shinhwa just like her first day here.

"You surprise me! I'm so happy you're back!Everybody would be delighted to see you." She spoke enthusiastically. Once she let go, I gave Ji-Hoo a smile. Every time Jan-Di has a love problem. He would always be there for her. So this was nothing new.

"I'm glad you're back Sora." He spoke politely. Thus, the three of us began to talk light handedly. We notice how Jan-Di looks radiating. She told us she wanted to become a doctor. The thought makes me cheer for her.

I wish I could see her smile more but it didn't last. An invitation to Jun-Pyo birthday party was delivered to Jan-Di and I. I could see the hesitation through her eyes. She wanted to close the hurtful phase, but she was craving to see him.

"We should go. I'll be there for you." I spoke reassuring the girl. The universe already know how much they misses each other. With a sigh she cripples the invitation and link my arms around her.

"You're right."

After endless of dresses we put on, we finally found the best one. Jan-Di kept muttering to herself she's going because of Ji-Hoo, she was covering her hope being with Jun-Pyo. As we stood at the party, my bodyguard stood at the back waiting for this to be over. Ji-Hoo saw us and waved his hand at the table he's sitting. There the two playboys sat without knowing I'm here.

"You look amazing Jan-Di and Sora." Ji-Hoo compliments before the clueless guys snapped their head at my way.

"Sora?!" Woo-Bin spoke out loud seeing me. Giving him a cheeky smile I know he didn't expected it.

"Surprise!" I muttered before taking my seat in front of Yi-Jung. While Woo-Bin clear his throat knowing his words was taken seriously. At the same time we watch Jun-Pyo coming onto them stage with his mother.

"Welcome everyone! Thank you for coming." As Madam Kang, rambles about the spectacular event. Jun-Pyo looks stoic, trying to cover his emotion. Until his eyes meet Jan-Di. I could see a twitch of hope enter his face before pulling hisself to reality. He knows nothing would happen between them anymore. As the event continues I could see how uncomfortable Jan-Di looks like, she couldn't stand it and tries to leave before Madam Kang come face to face with her.

"I'm glad you're here. In honor of my son birthday could you congratulate him?" I could see the smug look of her one ton make-up. Trying to humiliate her in the most heinous way. I wanted to help my friend, but Woo-Bin hold my hand.

"Gladly, after all you invite me to the party." She answered before walking to the grand piano. We stare at her and expected this to go wrongly until her finger plays delicately on the key. Madam Kang face swivel as her plan backfires.

When Jan-Di starts to sing that's when F4 looks completely shocked. Eyes widened, and mouth drop was complete riotous expression. This is her secret ultimatum that nobody knows. Her voice was gentle and sultry which captivate everyone's ear.

Shim Soo-Bong
I Don't Know Anything But Love.

'It's not about the face, not about the chic, no no
What I needed was only a gentle love
Forgetting all the time flowing
Now without you, I can't do anything
I don't know anything but love'

She paused in between as the lyrics get to her. I admire Jan-Di for being strong as the world collapse between their loves. She was lost without him and the feelings she felt was hard to erase.

'I've always waited for this day
As much as the sorrowful time, please hold me
Cause you might fade away like that wind I had longed for
I love you. And I want to see you again if we are parted
I like you so much'

Once she finished everybody clapped. F3 and I stood up giving her an ovation. She deserves this after what Madam Kang has done to her.

"GO GEUM JAN-DI!" I could see the glare from his mother, but I couldn't careless. My friend deserves every bit of respect.

When she went back to her seat. My bodyguard approaches me. His mouth went up to my ear, giving me the news that ruin my whole night.

"Chang-Mul is here we have to go." As my blood runs cold, I excuse myself in a hurry. Trailing behind Jae-Won my heart beat erratically. I was barely settled in Seoul, but he already found my whereabouts. I grew restless thinking of seeing him. While we walked to the parking lot, I could feel a presence near me. Pushing my feet towards the car, we were blocked by the man who I never want to see in my life.


"Don't even think about it." Jae-Won said and hold him off as he steps closer. Twisting his hand to the back, I could see him writhing in pain.

"Hear me out!" Just seeing him overwhelmed my mind. Gulping my saliva, I was dumbfounded by the situation. Taking a step back I hear another voice.

"Sora...?" From my left Woo-Bin saw the unfolded accident. Confuse he runs towards me, holding my arms as my knee weaken.

"Take her away!" Jae-Won spoke to Woo-Bin. Knowing this was serious he nodded his head before pushing me to his car. Not once did I speak of what happen. The silence makes me think of how this could happen. I tried to hide and bury all of my past but with one step he enters my life and ruin it all.

When we arrive at my house, I open the car door in swift. Not minding the rain outside, my tears fall in misery.

When can I stop being strong to endure the bad stormy day?

"Sora!" I could feel Woo-Bin hand gripping my body, knowing I wasn't in the right state of mind. He pulls me into his embrace as I cried my heart out. Clenching on his shirt, I don't know how long we stood outside.

But what matters Woo-Bin is by my side and he was the only person who I need.

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