Chapter 3

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The next day I walk up to my locker with Jan-Di by my side. I couldn't see Min-Ji but it didn't bother me, she'll show up eventually. Once we opened our locker, I saw Jan-Di confused look.

"What the hell is this?!" It was no doubt the red card was from F4. She scrunched it into a ball and throws it to the floor. She didn't faze by it but I was.

"This isn't good." Jan-Di found her desk vandalize with permanent markers. We sigh before we tried to find another table in other classroom. I could see her getting annoyed and clenches her jaw while muttering Go Jun-Pyo name.

"I'll go to the left, and you go to the right." I suggested so we can find a new table. However, I was stupid. I left her alone without any protection. I was to focus finding a clean table I didn't realized people threw egg and flour on her.

"Is this all you got! Bring it on!" Jan-Di scream at the students. They all laugh while egg splatters onto her uniform. I gasped before covering the girl. I could feel the flour and egg wetting my blazer. But my main priority was getting her safe. From the corner I saw Min-Ji hiding, I couldn't blame her. She was scared.

When we both made it out. she went to the toilet while I sat at the emergency staircase. Brushing the flour off my hair, it looks like snowflakes by now.

"Seriously can't Jun-Pyo be more mature. Why are they being so rude to her? I hate this place and especially F4." I muttered under my breath, the rage that burn my heart was set into place. Everybody wanted a peaceful school life but like little kids they were rascal.

"Ah so noisy." I stopped breathing when I heard a voice from behind. Turning my head I saw Ji-Hoo with an amuse look on his face. I heave knowing he heard me talking by myself.

"Uh .. I -" I tried to articulate my words but it got stuck on my throat. Ji-Hoo would definitely kill me now. I was waiting for a hit but in lieu he took his handkerchief and brushes the flour of my uniform.

"Now it's my turn to give you my handkerchief." I blush in crimson red knowing he spoke the same thing as me. I never interact with F4 members but seeing one up-close was like staring at a prince. Especially Ji-Hoo who wore white clothes, definitely a Prince Charming.

"Thank you, I'll wash it for you!" I said when he placed the fabric on my hand. Thanking him, he waved it off.

"No need, I'm not coming back here. This place is getting noisy." Knowing the noise was from me I couldn't help furrowing my eyebrows. The guy is migrating because of me. Ji-Hoo might not speak much but when he does my heart flutter from his voice.

Trying to shake this feeling off I meet up with Jan-Di. We went home in sudden. On the way back I thought of F4 and that particular blonde guy name Ji-Hoo. There's more than meet the eyes. When I entered the house, I sighed. The loneliness starts to hit me. Ever since Jan-Di came to school, life has never been this thrill before.

If only I know the storm that would cast over. I would have prevented it.

The next day, I tried to find Jan-Di at the swimming pool. My smile dropped at the scenery of the place. There were trash all over and revolting smelt began to hit my nose. This must be done by F4 . I shook my head in downer. The pool is for everyone to use so why are they doing these filthy things for their selves?

"Jan-Di?" I tried to find the girl at the changing room, but she was nowhere to be found. I tried to walk back but only to be held by three unknown male students.

"Hey! Let go!" I scream as they push my body to the cold tiles. One of them hover above me, pinning my waist down. I struggle as I couldn't understand the situation.

"Wait! This isn't her. It's her friend." The guy who covers my mouth speaks. Surprise shown on their face realizing I wasn't the person they were looking for.

"Who cares! Jun-Pyo wants us to mess with them." The guy above replied. So this is because of him. I grimace in bitterness, disbelief of how low Jun-Pyo antics is. They tried to touch me while I tried to scream. Hoping someone would hear.

"This bi-" I bit one of the guys hand, and was slapped by him. Wincing, I still combat in protest. I don't want my dignity to be taint. They tried to punch my cheek to knock me out, but I was persistent. I can' faint knowing my body being touch all over. As tears sprang out of my eyes I was scared to death.

Somebody help me!

"What the hell are you doing to her!" A voice stopped them. Their movement froze and they get off fast as a lightning. With a blurry eye I look at my savior. As cliché as it sounds, one of the F4 members help me.

"W-we were told to mess with Jan-Di and her friends." One of them bravely spoke. My hero look at me before casting his eyes darkly at them.

"In a few hours you will meet us at the F4 lounge. If you don't show up I'll get you myself." They all scattered being frightened by his threat.

"Are you alright?" Woo-Bin crouch down to my level and ask my condition. I couldn't utter a word but I nod my head. He saw the bruise that's forming on my cheek and the redness of it.

"Jun-Pyo is such an idiot." He mumbles before taking his blazer off. Putting it around mine, I mumble a word of thank you.

"Can you stand?" I shook my head when my leg turned jelly. Woo-Bin sigh before supporting me with his arm. He made sure we weren't going fast. Who knew the Casanova has a kind heart for a weak woman.

"Sora what happen!" Jan-Di eventually shows up and asked me in shock. I was about to speak before Woo-Bin told her that somebody tried to rape me.

"Is this the curly hair doing?!" We both stay silent, and Jan-Di knew the answer to it all.

"I was in class when I heard a rumor about me being pregnant. And then seeing you like this? He needs to be teach a lesson!" She proclaims, as I touch my head in a dilemma. She too was having it. We went to the F4 lounge and Jun-Pyo stood there with his smug looks. If I have the strength, I want to erase it off.

"What did I tell you, she'll come back crawling for my forgiveness." Jun-Pyo said to Yi-Jung. Once Woo-Bin and I entered, they notice something off.

"Hey Go Jun-Pyo! You twat! How dare you make rumors about me and hurt Sora! She was almost rape because of you. You piece of jerk!" They stare at her before piercing their eyes into mine. Jun-Pyo looks appalled and guilt switches his face. If this isn't about me, I would have laugh at his expression.

"I told them to scare Jan-Di off not Sora." He mumbles, he might not know but his command has different meaning. Jan-Di had enough and kicks him in the face. Instantly I forgot why I was here and watch the comedic duo in front.

"Just so you know, I'm still a virgin!" She shouted. Jun-Pyo wince and glare at her. I wanted to follow Jan-Di but Ji-Hoo stopped me.

"Let me treat you." It was a simple command that has me following. I sat on the sofa as Ji-Hoo rub the cream on the bruise. I wince when his cold finger made in contact. Despite the pain, his face was inches away from mine. If one of us moves, our lip will touch. This wild thought got me blushing. Ji-Hoo notice and place his hand on my forehead.

"You don't seem to have a fever but why is your cheek red." Oblivious to this I clear my throat, telling him it's nothing. Once he finished Jun-Pyo approach me.

"I'm sorry Sora. It's not my intention to hurt you. Those boys will be punish no doubt." I could hear the sincerity from his voice. He didn't mean this to be out of hand. Beside his target wasn't me and I just got in the way.

"I forgive you Jun-Pyo. I have to go now thank you." I spoke before brushing past him. As much as I wanted to stay in the  lounge, I didn't belong there. My presence was not needed once I have been treated.

When I glance at myself in the mirror, I could see how horrible I look. Like typhoon it messed up my face. The bruise was still there and it'll likely to go away in a few days. Scrubbing myself with hot water I could still feel their touches all over me. Thoughts fill my head and in the end my nail dig into the flesh of my skin, with blood bursting through. I was glad Woo-Bin was there.

Who knows what would have happen.

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