Chapter 28- I

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"It really is troublesome when you have two teenagers who's moody all the time." Eun-Jung explained about her kids. I giggle at the story while focusing on the cake in front of me.

"Anyways, we'll have guests coming soon. Let's hope the kids be on their best behavior." Eun-Jung spoke. Nodding my head, I walk outside to find Jumin. The poor boy got himself bleeding from playing soccer. When I notice him outside of the front door, I smile at him.

"Hey, let me treat your wound." I lightly spoke trying not to scare him off. The toothless boy shows me his leg proudly as I examine it. Is obvious he needs a new plaster.

"Now be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." I warned before I touch his hair lightly. Jumin gave me a bright smile before he walks away to play.


It wasn't long before a familiar voice caught me off guard. In front stood six people who I never thought would be here. I could see the confusion runs through their eyes.

I should have asked Eun-Jung who the guest is.

"This is the room where the kids sleep." I explained, showing them around the place. The awkward meeting makes me spill one of the truth about myself. Working here for free to help the orphanage going. Jun-Pyo was here because he'll be the new investor after his mother. The others were thinking to donate as well.

"You shouldn't have kept it a secret! I would have come and help you." Jan-Di respond. I gave her a sheepish smile knowing how supportive she was.

"Hyun-Bin wouldn't give me my toy back!" Suddenly Minnie rush to where I was with tears welling her eyes. Yi-Jung notice and hang his jaw.

"Her?" He was the only one who knew who she is. It's obvious the lied came out.

"Oh! Is this your friend sister?" She asked when eyes goes directly at her. I could see how excited she looks. Being surrounded by kids she never have older people to talk to.

"Yes they are. Why don't you go to aunt Eun-Jung -"

"Brother! I know you. Can you play with me?" She ignores me and tugged on Yi-Jung pants. Her puppy eyes shine at the helpless guy. I could see the hesitant from their end.

"They are busy, we can-"

"Sure why not." He spoke making my mouth jaw drop. The others look at each other before nodding their head slowly.

"Seriously?!" Except Woo-Bin witchy girlfriend. It's like she didn't want to be here in the first place. Minnie, who heard the reply hold onto the playboy hand before dragging him to where the kids are.

"Be careful!" I shouted apprehensively.

"Don't worry the kids will be fine." Jan-Di gave me her comfort.

"Is not the kids I'm worry. Is F4" I sighed before explaining to her how energetic the kids with new people. Leading Jan-Di to the kitchen I continue where we left off. Not long I began to follow where F4 is. The sight makes me smile. Ji-Hoo teaching the kids piano. Yi-Jung and Woo-Bin playing football with the boys. Jun-Pyo however was bombarded by little girls who were pulling his hair. It isn't everyday where you see this view.

However, it didn't last long when I heard a female sound screaming. My heart races and my leg run towards the source of voice. I saw Eunji, with a horrify expression and Jumin in front of her.

"What's going on?"

"This little maniac drops his drink on my dress!" She shouted, pointing at Jumin in tyranny.

"It was an accident! I didn't mean it." He shouted in defense. I sigh before bending down to his eye level.

"I know Jumin. But you need to apologize." I spoke calmly. I know he was telling the truth.

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely. I thought everything would be alright but Eunji wasn't having it.

"Do you know how much this dress cost?! This was made in France, and a simple apology won't do it." It sounded like deja vu, how she acts like Jun-Pyo. But even he wouldn't shout at little kids. I could hear several footsteps walking towards us and it didn't take long before Woo-Bin roll his eyes at her.

"You can wash it Eunji. Is not that a big of a deal." I finally address her by her name. I was getting irritated, and she wasn't making my mood better.

"What do you know? Kids like him need to be teach a lesson. After all he has no parents. Therefore, he has no manner." I drew a sharp breath hearing what she said. My blood boils of how it cause scar to Jumin.

"Eunji watch your mouth. I have no problem kicking your ass just because you're my friend girlfriend." I spoke. She can hurt me but not the kids. They are my everything. She folded her hands and gives me a raise eyebrow.

"Why would you sympathize with them?" She challenged.

"Eunji stop it." Woo-Bin warned, trying to prevent a fight. Her eyes never left mine, but I never cower from it.

"Is not sympathy. I too, have no parent but we all have manners more than you." I could see the people around widened their eyes. Ji-Hoo jaw drop at the revelation. Being angry makes me said things I never want to share.

"I want everyone out of this orphanage. And you never show up your face in front of me or I'll hurt you." I spoke. They didn't move a budge until Jan-Di makes them. Woo-Bin hold onto Eunji and dragged her out. Once they left that's when a salty tear make its way out.

What she said was uncalled for. We all know the reality but saying it out loud was harsh. After the kids went to sleep I walk out of the place. Inhaling the nightly wind, I heard the sound of car stop beside me. Glancing up, I regret on doing it.

"Sora, let's talk." Woo-Bin spoke in a clear-cut voice. Ignoring him, I walk faster to the bus stop. But I didn't make it when he held my wrist. Turning me around we gaze into each other eyes.

"What do you want? To lecture me of how awful I was to her?" I pull down to reality and realized the event that happen today.

"No, I want to apologize. I'm sorry. I didn't realize how terrible she was to everyone." I folded my arm and raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you go out with her? You don't look like the type of guy who enjoys spending time with girls like that." I was curious. They say opposite attracts, but this was the end of the spectrum.

"I don't know myself. But I swear I broke up with her after that." He laughs sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"If you are going to date someone, at least find a better one!" I puffed my cheek in angriness.

"Are you jealous?" Woo-Bin smirked which caught me off guard. My words stumble and in the end I could only blush in defeat.

"Of course no!" He laughs whole-heartedly of how work up I am. Once the sound dies down, we stood in silence. I could tell he wants to say something else, and I was waiting for it.

"Your parents..." He knew it was a sensitive topic. But he wanted to know the darkness of my life. How everything crumbles in a flash. And to the point where I am now. I always hid these in the deepest part of my mind but with Woo-Bin it feels like I can share anything.

"My parents they were murdered."

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