Chapter 35 - II

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The three words that held the most meaning was spoken from his mouth. Turning my head around I stare at him.


"The woman I love is you! There's not a single day I don't think of you. My heart suffocated knowing you're not mine." His hand unclench as he became transparent with me. Tears fall down from my eyes, torn apart at his confession. I thought he was happy in life and move on, but he wasn't. He wasn't well, like me.

"I never meant to break your heart. When we dated, I didn't take care of you. And I realized my mistake. That's why I'll be sorry forever." He was hurting. Hurting since the day, I left. He was mauling over his past action. It was my fault, leaving him when the storm hit us.

"Yi-Jung, I hated you a lot when you cheat on me." I couldn't go to sleep without crying. He was the air that I breathe, the light that I searched for. But he threw my love away.

"But by hating you, I couldn't forget you." Running up to him, I wrapped my arm around his body. His broad chest reminds me of home. He was the ex-boyfriend who I let into my life. A love so beautiful that ended so fast, was what I describe our relationship. His hand place on my waist before taking me to hisself.

"Give me time to sort my feelings." I whispered. I couldn't give him an answer yet. We are still vulnerable and we needed to wait.

"I will always wait for you."

With that. I finally realized his feeling for me.

After that incident. It became ingrained to me how deep his impact to my life is. He is a special person.

Before going home, I walked to Jun-Pyo's house. He wanted to talk and its urgent. So here I was, in his room as he paces back and forth. I raised an eyebrow of how panic he looks.

"Is there a way you can help me out of this fake relationship with her?" He asked hoping for a solution. I look at him silently. He already knew the answer to that. And even if there's a way, it would break the trust of my friend. I fold my arm sighing of how messy the situation is.

"We can't become fiancé again Jun-Pyo. Your mother wouldn't buy it, and Jan-Di would kill me." I said, trying to remind him the bad consequence that will follow. His spirit dies when I am hopeless to the situation. I gave him a hug to cheer him up, but I know it didn't work.

"I wish I can go back to the time when I kiss you." Jun-Pyo said while rubbing his head in annoyance. The passionate kissed we shared was enough to send us to the world of bliss. I blush of how fond I was with the memory.

"That was my first kiss." I was never the kind of girl who has it all. Since Jun-Pyo took my kiss, his eyes widened in sight. He couldn't believe his ear. He was sure, the playboy would get to me.

"I-I'm sorry." He apologized a year after we done it. He felt bad to take it without my permission but the deed has been done.

"Is fine, I don't mind it." I answered in confidence. Fancy how life works, from enemy to having my first kiss with him. There's no other guy I would have imagine it with.

"I don't regret kissing you." Jun-Pyo was playing with fire. Talking like this while he has Jae-Kyung and Jan-Di on the side. To him it didn't matter, he was only speaking his opinion and we both know it was a long time ago.

"You kiss her?!"

But Jan-Di who heard us stood in shock. She stumbles before running out of the room. The person who I don't want to hurt eventually did in the end.

"Jan-Di wait!" I yelled as she walks quickly, trying to dodge the person who kissed the guy she loves. However, I was firm in fixing this problem. It was a mistake, and I should have told her. Now things become chaotic and the only way out is to explain the truth. When I finally catch Jan-Di, I tried to block her path.

"I'm sorry! It happened a year ago when you had feelings for Ji-Hoo."  I apologize for my fallen out behavior. Jan-Di was hurt, and I felt my chest constrict in remorse.

"Why? Why would you do that to me?" She asked agilely. She was looking at me in hopes that could make her understand.

"I had a small crush on him before. Jun-Pyo is an out of box character. My days never get bored with him." I revealed. He was interesting to be around.

"He is indeed wild." She chuckles, when I glance at her face she didn't look upset anymore.

"I forgive you. I'm just angry how things became like this." She sighed, while clenching her maid uniform. That's when I took a notice of her appearance.

"Are you a maid in Jun-Pyo house?" I scrunch my nose at the thought. When Jan-Di didn't reply I couldn't believe it, it's true. Jae-Kyung must have helped her.

"I have to get back to work. We'll talk later Sora." She didn't look happy, she was tired of it all. I bid her a goodbye before her depressing form walk inside the haunting mansion.

"I can't do this!" Jan-Di yelled as tears misted over her eyes. She grips the wedding invitation and rips it apart. She couldn't believe his mother handed her the thing she dreaded the most.

"Calm down." I spoke, putting the girl in hug. This time everything is real, Jun-Pyo will tie a knot with the girl he despises. I could feel Jan-Di wetting my shirt as she cries.

"We will find a way to stop it! So don't waste your tears for that curly guy." I spoke, trying to reassure her. Eventually, she stops sobbing, and we continue packing our luggage. Since the wedding is in Jeju, F4 will held a holiday before Jun-Pyo misery start. I could only hope Jan-Di will stay strong.

She doesn't deserve this.

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