Chapter 34 - I

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"My real name is Kang Minyeon. I changed my identity when I was young. Madam Kang servants took care of me." I explained. Jun-Pyo eyes widened hearing his mother involved in this secrecy.

"I'm really sorry!" I bowed 90 degrees. I know I was wrong for keeping it a secret. They have been nothing but supportive towards me. Chewing the inside of my lip, I was beginning to feel apprehensive. It was hard to read their expression.

"You don't need to apologize. You've been through enough." Yi-Jung dismiss my sorry and shook his head. Everybody agreed with him.

"Alright, who's up for a game?!" Woo-Bin shouted.

Ji-Hoo pass the ball to Yi-Jung. He was running to the other side, but Woo-Bin block him. Jun-Pyo anticipated from the back hoping he wouldn't set a goal. Jan-Di and I watch from the sidelines, cheering for them. We were surprise when they agreed to play soccer. But it was a good thing, the boys need a healthy competition. Whoever lose will buy dinner for all of us.

"You know Jan-Di, are you a CCTV? Because you've been watching Jun-Pyo the entire time" I spoke, the girl blushed when my eyes notice it. She was making it easy for people to see, how much she's in love with that curly guy.

"N-no you got it wrong!" The more she rejects the more she becomes red. Even my dead ancestor could smelt her lies. Rolling my eyes, I look at her.

"You only live once. You better chase your happiness before it's too late." I advice. It was frustrating how they like each other but stay apart. As if they can't change their destiny. I could see her digesting my words.

"Anyway, I'm going to buy drinks for us!" I wink before going to the store. They could be dying in thirst if I don't have anything in my hand. Picking a few can of flavor drinks, I paid them with the right amount of money. The sun was soon to set, and the day will end soon. As I went back, I could see Jan-Di near F4. By the look she was worried.

Then I realized why, Yi-Jung and Woo-Bin were in heated talk. Jun-Pyo tries to pull Woo-Bin who was up against the other playboy face.

"What's going on?" I asked Jan-Di who seems shock at their behavior.

"They got into a fight..." She started. I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to add the information.

"It's about you." That's when my jaw dropped. I didn't expect myself to be the source of a problem. I was gone for a few minutes, and they were fighting for God's know what.

"Who started it?"

"Woo-Bin." That's when I gave a glare to the Casanova. Running between both of them, I tried to break the fight off.

"Hey! Knock it off you two!" I shouted, feeling angry of how they shoot daggers toward each other. This behavior is unacceptable. They are a good friend. With the heat, making my head spin we know we have to end this petty fight.

"Woo-Bin come with it!" Without hearing his answer, I drag him away from the guys. Pulling up behind an unknown building, I fold my arm waiting for an explanation.

"What happen? I demand to know!" Woo-Bin stare at me before rolling his eyes.

"Is nothing serious. We were playing around." He might be a captivating but he's a bad liar. Even I could see it.

"Jan-Di said you were fighting because of me." I couldn't help speaking of it.

"You're cute when you're angry." Woo-Bin diverted the topic and smirk when he saw my furious face. My heart thumps at the wrong time due to his word. I puffed my cheek in disbelieve of the effect he has on me.

"I'm serious! Tell me the truth!" I was about to slap his chest, for playing around but he caught my wrist. Holding it, we stare into each other eyes. It never bored me how mesmerizing his brown eyes is. I was lost in it.

"I told him to stay away from you. Because you're mine."

Right there, my stomach did a backflip.

How could I calm down, when Song Woo-Bin said those words to me. I couldn't contain my shock even when I returned home. I was sure he used those lines to his exes. I pinch my cheek to see if I was dreaming but the pain hits me. This is the reality that has me questioning.

With every problem, there is two sides of the story. I need an answer from Yi-Jung. By going to his place unannounced makes me wince. Because my brain reminded me when he cheated here.

"Why do you hurt me like this?! Saying you like me but play my heart." I heard the voice shouted in his studio. By the sound, it was a girl. I could hear something move before Yi-Jung spoke.

"Don't act like you know me. You ask me to date you not to love you." He said emotionlessly which made me hold my breath. I always hated it when he acts cruels toward girls.

"I know the playboy is just a mask. Because the So Yi-Jung I like is a carefree and kind person." She spoke between her sobs. Leaning my ear against the door, I was ready for him to speak, but the door flunks open causing me to retrace my step. The girl he talked, glance at me and when I notice it, I grew speechless.

Ga-Eul, Jan-Di friend was tangle in a web of love since the very start. She ran past me and I begin to feel concern. She is a nice girl who doesn't deserve it.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I said softly as I entered his place. Yi-Jung was flabbergasted to see me. The look of shame grew on his face knowing I heard his conversation.

"Right. I wanted to know about what happen in the fight with Woo-Bin." It was no use beating around the bush. I came here on a mission to find out why. Yi-Jung chuckle and glance at me with a conceited look.

"Woo-Bin was being put to his place. After all, I don't share my woman." My face grew hot, I wasn't naive. I know who he was talking about. Perhaps knowing the problem makes me feel worse of myself. They were fighting because of a girl who isn't worth of their time.

"You can't be serious. Ga-Eul likes you there are no way you like another woman." I tried to pretend as a fool who couldn't comprehend his word.

"I don't care about Ga-Eul. She chooses to date me knowing I have somebody in mind." He was being selfish, trying to hurt a girl who gives it all for him. I frown of how bad he is.

"You can't do this. Ga-Eul is an amazing girl she's been trying for you." I spoke.

"You don't understand, Sora." I was trying my best to make him realized how perfect Ga-Eul is. But Yi-Jung has set his feeling aside.

"You're right I don't." This isn't my battlefield. I know nothing of their relationship. I shouldn't meddle into his business. Turning around, I was ready to leave but Yi-Jung words make me stop.

"I love you."

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