Chapter 21

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Two men enter the room. They introduce themselves as the boss of the company. One of them got a bunny ear and told us to pose. Shivered run through the back of my neck when one of their hand touches my shoulder.

I told them I didn't want to do it, but they kept insisting saying it will help my friend a lot. Eventually I sat down next to Jan-Di. A flash of the camera binds my eyes. They smile in satisfaction, before trying to make us wear a sexy uniform. This time we both knew it's dangerous, when we try to get the door the men pinned us down.

"Let go!" Screaming, I wriggle myself out of the sleazy old man. I could feel him sniffing my hair. We were doomed at this point. Jun-Pyo would kill us if he found out about it.

A young man burst open the door and kick the two men out of our hold. The savior holds my hand and Jan-Di before we make a run for it. As we got out of the building, we took a breath.

"Thank you." I thanked him severally as fresh air enters my nose. Who would have known if we stay inside dangerous things might start. The guy flashes us a grin in reply. When I see him up close I could see a handsome guy.

"Thank you, if it weren't for you, we would have die there" Jan-Di spoke. Once we calm down, we bid our goodbye to him. Giving him one last glance I felt a sense of familiarity from his face.

Who knew this was our first encountered.

That guy was a transfer students to Shinhwa High School. To say it's coincidental would be understatement. My jealousy came to life when he follows Jan-Di like a puppy. Every time I come closer, he would be step ahead, dragging her with him.

"Lee Jae-Ha What's your intention with Jan-Di?" I asked as I finally got him corner. Staring at him, he gave me a smirk as if it would loosen my guard.

"I just want to be her friend. Is that wrong?" I know being friend was just a cover up for something else.

"Did Madam Kang ask you to do this?" He froze when I mention Jun-Pyo's mother. This time I grinned knowing I hit the nail. It was a careful plan, trying to persuade Jan-Di to be with somebody else. He continues walking while I stay in place. His back looks familiar, but I couldn't figure it out.

For now, I need to focus on Jan-Di.

"Please listen to me. He isn't what you think he is!" I exclaimed as Jan-Di tried to move.
She rolled her eyes not understanding why I said this thing.

"He is nice Sora. He wants to help me. You wouldn't know a thing. You're rich. You have everything you need." She said harshly causing my heart to slice. When her shoulder past mine I clench my fist. I was the girl who helped her, the one who stood by her side. And the guy shows up suddenly charming her. She didn't learn her lesson from Min-Ji.

Why is she so easily persuaded?

Just like typhoon that cause structural damage and harm to human, it eventually destroy Shinhwa High School. The very next day, Jan-Di and Jae-Ha pictures were published on the magazine cover. Jun-Pyo was enraged, he confronted the two as I stood on the side.

"Just because you did a photoshoot gig, doesn't mean you're a model. Is this the reason why you couldn't go to Japan with me?" Jun-Pyo couldn't hide his disappointment. Out of every fight, this was the most bizarre. However, we both knew their relationship wasn't great from the start.

"Or was it his birthday that makes you want to stay with him?" He said sarcastically. This time Jae-Ha laughed.

"Your girl is in a crisis and all you could do is get angry." Jun-Pyo took that offensively and send the guy down. Punching him, bloods pour out of his face. I didn't want to stop him, that noisy guy deserve it.

"Stop!" Jan-Di got her confidence and stopped the two guys.

Jun-Pyo get up and approach her. He tried to stay calm but it wasn't working.

"Jae-Ha helped me. The only person who understood me." Jun-Pyo and I flinch hearing her.

"The only one?" This time I spoke up, as tears tries to come out. Jun-Pyo saw my bitterness and grab her by the jacket.

"What is that bastard to you?"

"I hate this! I wish I never met you or F4. I hate this life." She shouted and this surprise me. Including F3 who were walking to us. It was a low blow that neither of us could prepare. Knowing it Jun-Pyo let her go, disappointed by her choice of words. Yi-Jung pull me towards him before we walk off silently. Glancing at her one last time, I could see Jae-Ha smirks. I couldn't believe she would choose that low life guy than her own boyfriend.

The next day the atmosphere turn cold and tense. Nobody speaks about Jan-Di as Jun-Pyo tried to recover from the shock. Jan-Di stood by herself, opening her locker. A slip of red card flew out of it. She stares in sadness knowing this is her second time getting it.

"No" Yi-Jung hold my hand as I tried to bring Jan-Di desk that was removed from class. He tried to convince me it wasn't worth it to help her, until she realizes her mistake. Unclenching my fist, I walk away with Yi-Jung agreeing to his words.

That night, Yi-Jung told me Jan-Di had been kidnapped. The kidnapper apparently left a letter to Jun-Pyo house. I couldn't believe the problem keeps adding on. He sent me the location, and it's time I made my move too. I could only hope she'll be fine until we save her.

The old warehouse was dim and far from noise. As I stepped closer, I could hear a girl sobbing and some muttering. Peeking behind the wall I saw Jan-Di tied up and Jae-Ha next to her. What makes it horrible Jun-Pyo laid on the ground beat up by several guys.

"No!" Seeing how weak Jun-Pyo, I walked out of my hiding spot. Jae-Ha smirked predicting I would show up. Coming closer to where they are, a struck of recognization hits me. I finally realized who he was.

"I remember you. You're Lee Min-Ha younger brother right. We went to the same junior school." I spoke, pointing at him confidently. He was different than his brother but they look the same in a way.

"Nice of you to remember me. I always envy you, a quiet girl with burden past. I watch how Madam Kang protect you." This time I stood in quietness knowing he knew something about me.

"Let her go." I stare at Jan-Di with tears pouring out of her eyes. Watching the guy, she loves groaning in pain. It was a pathetic sight. How much people would defy the love they have.

"Can't do. Boss order." Jae-Ha grabbed a chair before asking Jun-Pyo to give up on Jan-Di. This was a way to threaten him to stop their relationship. Jun-Pyo refuses and the chair swing downward. This time I lunge forward to protect the leader of F4. I felt a sudden pain on my back as the chair breaks and fall to the ground in pieces. My eyes drift to blackness not able to cope with the pains any longer.

The only voice I could hear was Yi-Jung shouting my name.

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