Chapter 41- Epilogue

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4 Years Later

"Lee-Hyuk and the victim have a strong relationship. Both of them are business partner. When the victim involves in money laundering, Lee-Hyuk has a strong desire to kill him. His fingerprint matches the weapon of the crime. Without any doubt he's the criminal." I explained, as I stood proud on what I've found. The judges look at each other before putting their verdict out.

"Lee-Hyuk you're sentence to ten years in prison for first degree murder." The man look horrified, after knowing the result. I pump my fist mentally, happy of the outcome. He was escorted by the police and thus its case closed.

"Great job, Minyeon" Byun-Ho an attorney from LC law firm congratulate me. We stood outside of the hall with a kind smile to each other.

"I was doing my part of job" I responded, being awfully humble of my achievement.

"Are you kidding me? You haven't lost one single case. Everybody is jealous of you." He exclaimed, putting his hand in the air for exaggeration. I chuckle at how dramatic he can be.

"When you have strong justice, it'll help." I said, before moving my gaze to his back. There was a man who leaned against the wall waiting for me.

"I know. Hey, do you want to go for dinner-?"

"Woo-Bin!" Forgetting about Byun-Ho, I immediately called the Casanova. Biding him a goodbye, I run towards my friend.

"Did you win?" Woo-Bin asked, as we walk out of the place. I nod my head enthusiastically like a little kid.

After Jun-Pyo left to America, Yi-Jung follow. It was only F2 and Jan-Di who stay behind. It wasn't as lonely as I thought it'll be. As thing progress, our life changes. Woo-Bin took over the construction business while Ji-Hoo and Jan-Di became a medical student in Shinhwa University. Because of Chang-Mul, I made a promise to myself to put every criminal in jail. Hence, I turn into a prosecutor. Graduating early from a top university gave me direct access to work on cases I've dreamt about.

"Is he coming back today?" When we passed the crowded street, Shinhwa Billboard hang proudly. This awakens my memories of him. Jun-Pyo prove to his mother that he was the leader to his company. Becoming a managing director in his age is an accomplishment. Woo-Bin responded with a nod. We met up with Ji-Hoo and Jan-Di on the way and I immediately run towards her.

"Are you excited?" She knew what I was talking about and blushes.

"If I say no it would be a lie." Her long hair moves to the back as she admitted the truth. Jan-Di became a beautiful swan and has been glowing knowing life has became what she wanted. She is chasing her dream while waiting for Jun-Pyo. The four of us catch up and talk about our days. It didn't take long before the sun to set. Knowing Jan-Di has to meet up with Jun-Pyo we departed early. I walk out, but a little girl blocked my path.

"Excuse me, the man over there said you're pretty." She taps me before speaking what she heard. Her little hand pointed to the man. Following her gaze my heart flutters.

"Tell him that he needs to buy me dinner." I whispered before she ran up to him, delivering the message I sent. When he looks startled, she ran off. That's when I sprint and jump into his arm.

"I miss you."

I never had the chance to tell him how I feel after our parting. Lonely night became my friend as time passes. Seasons change and time progress but the memories we have, became stood still.

"I told you, I'll come and find you Sora." It was a promise he made. Despite how much hardship we went through. He was still the Yi-Jung I know.

"It's Minyeon. I changed my name back." I corrected him. The name and life brings back suffering but I was ready to embrace it. I'm not weak like before, I've changed.

"Alright my beautiful Minyeon. Let's go, we need to find Jun-Pyo and the rest." He holds my hand before dragging me to where the guy is. He knew where they were, so it didn't take long before we saw Jan-Di talking with Jun-Pyo at the beach. He took out a small box which she gasped at.

"Will you marry me?" Hearing the words got me emotional. After endless of chapters we went through, he finally proposed to her. The fact it tears me up, feels like I'm the one whose being asked.

"Not so fast, we object this." Ji-Hoo spoke as F2 nodded with him.

"You can't get marry without our approval!" Woo-Bin chirp in as we came closer to them.

It's crazy how our life has been. I never realized meeting F4 is what I needed for my happiness. Our friendship will continue to growth, as every meeting is a new stage for us.

As I glance to the left, I saw the man who got my heart raised. Is been a long time since I dated, but there's time I wish to do it. He was the missing puzzle to complete me. I couldn't bare to see him in another girl's arm. I wasn't sure if he wants me but reaching for his hand was the first thing I did. When he notices it, he interlocked it with his. Knowing that was a sign we look into each other eyes.

Ever since we met, I know he was the one.

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