Chapter 25

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My ending with Yi-Jung was somewhat fast and non-dramatic. I would have thought we would cling to each other. However, as time separated us, I realized we weren't ready to love without despair. Pushing him out of my mind, I walk to the hotel alone. Even that got interrupted.

"Huh?!" A hand grabbed me by the wrist and I glance at the culprit. Giving him a confuses look, I was half relief he isn't a stranger.

"Sorry, just follow along." He whispered before an older woman walk towards us. By her face she looks annoyed.

"I went to Macau just for you and you're spending your day with another girl?!" The woman blatantly accused me with her fake nails. I look at her and back to the guy next to me.

"Min-Jung I told you we were never together to begin with. This girl here is my girlfriend." I almost let out a yelp before a hand tightened my waist. Letting me to stay quiet at the bizarre scene.

"I hate you Song Woo-Bin! Go and spend your day with this cheap girl." She shouted in anger before stomping off. I, on the other hand, have my mouth hang open.

"I'm sorry I had to drag you in. She just wouldn't leave me alone." Woo-Bin explained as I glare the woman off.

"Cheap? I'm very expensive!" He chuckles at my disbelieve and look around as I'm alone.

"What are you doing here?" I forgot he didn't know my encounter with Yi-Jung. Giving him an explanation his eyes widened.

"He was in distraught when you left." He whispered, my gaze fallen to the ground. I truly do believe he loved me at that time.

"I guess we weren't meant to be. Say do you want to walk around?" This is my first time without Jae-Won. Giving him a deserve break  I want to be alone and gather my thought. But knowing it's a lonely road, Woo-Bin could be a great company. He gave me a smirk which means he was up for it.

In the end we end up sitting in a cinema. Watching a romantic movie together. Glancing to the side, he looks fixated on the screen. It's been a long time since I've seen him this close. Never once I've contacted him but he wasn't angry about it. He was happy, happy that I was fine.

"Are you done staring at me?" I gasped when he notices my piercing eyes burning him. I quickly glance away to hide the embarrassment. I was glad he didn't push it. We both sat silently and enjoy the moment.

Once we finished, we went to another place. Standing on top of Macau tower I gaze in amazement of the beautiful view. The city looks small as we watch from above. It was prettier as lights turn on.

"I still remember when we went on a holiday. Watching the firework together." I said. A flashback hit me. That day when everybody were together.

"Such a shame things has fallen apart." It's a harsh life knowing Jun-Pyo move to Macau and took care of his parent business. Forcing him and Jan-Di to break up. I know that if their love is strong enough they'll be together again. When I felt Woo-Bin lingering stares, I turn my eyes to him.

"What?" He was making it obvious and it makes me wonder what goes through his head.

"I know I'm not the right person to say this. But come back to Korea." He said immovably.

"What?" I know I couldn't grant his wish.

"I can't" Refusing him I could see the sad look he pulled. I didn't like making him unhappy.

"Why not? Is there something wrong Sora?" He asked which made me shook my head. Despite how kind he is, the secret I have is hard to tell. Shaking my head, he saw the glimpse of fear through my eyes.

"You can tell me anything Sora." He comes closer and lifts my chin with his finger. He feel so close yet so far with how unopened I am.

"Im not ready, Woo-Bin."

And with that I run away.

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