Chapter 19

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I step out of class with another homework in hand. Sighing, I stare at Jan-Di. Her eyes fallen at the result of her math quiz, totally failing it. She knows this would mess her scholarship. Even Jun-Pyo couldn't save her misery. With my hand comforting her, she knows she needs to work harder.

"My mom is definitely going to kill me." She spoke deadpanned of being murder by tonight.

"I can teach you." I spoke, encouraging her not to give up. She was my friend and seeing her smile at the idea got me determine to teach her. I know another person who could help her but Jun-Pyo jealousy would get in the way.

As we walk down the corridor, students pass by but a strange man in disheveled clothes walk in. I could see students avoiding him since he doesn't belong here. My blood turns cold as his eyes spotted me, like a hawking eagle he charges towards our direction.

"M-Minyeon is that you?" His voice that gives me nightmares comes to reality. He was here in front of me, looking cluttered with ghastly expression. Jan-Di tried to step forward but the man completely ignored her. Pushing her to the side, his hand clench my arm.

"Let me go!" I shouted as I could feel his nail digging into my skin. My heart sped up and turns irregular as memory flashes into my head. Like an unwanted invitation the bad things relive all over again. Trying to pry my hand out of his touch every students look horrified. I bit my lip not to cry, I don't want to look weak in front of him.

"She said let her go!"

I felt a hand pull me away before the stranger collapse to the ground. Turn out Jun-Pyo hit the man. Yi-Jung pulls me against his embrace as my body shaken in appall. Glancing at that person, I tried not to show my hatred towards him. Eventually two security walks inside to escort him.

"Minyeon I'm sorry!" He pleaded but the voice grew softer as he got dragged out.

"How could a delusional man enter this place? I need to fire them." Jun-Pyo said in irritation. He never saw a low security like today. To the point it even touches one of the students.

"Are you alright Sora?" Ji-Hoo notice the terror of my face. I could feel my leg turning weaker as I couldn't believe what happen.

"Did that bastard hurt you?" Yi-Jung tried to examine, he was frightened at what happen.

"I'll take care of her." Seeing the shock still run through my body, Yi-Jung determine to help me recover from it. The rest nodded knowing debating  won't go anywhere.

We sat at the school bench with drink in hand. Yi-Jung took me out for a fresh air, he never saw me looking traumatic like right now.

"Did he mistake you for someone? Or is he a stalker?" He asked in worried. The man looked crazy enough, and this scares him. I clench the chocolate drink before staring at him.

"He mistook me for another girl." I hated lying but I had to do it. Yi-Jung bend down so he could stare at me. Holding my hand he tried to calm down the trembling movement.

"You know I'm here for you Sora. If there's anything you need to say you can tell me." I gave him a nod as a reply. With a slight smirk that tweak his face an idea form in his head.

"You know we would get in trouble over this." I spoke, warning him of the consequence. The guy looks at me as if I was stupid.

"You really think we would get punish?"

"Well I- uh the point is what are we doing here?" It was true nobody would give us a punishment over skipping school. Especially Shinhwa.

I stood still on the stool, staring at the clay on the table. With Yi-Jung there's always different things that he always makes me do.

"Have you ever made a ceramic vase?"

And I was right. Yi-Jung likes to impress me with his crafty arts. He took a seat beside, telling me to follow him.

"You know I'm horrible at this right?" I spoke as I spin the pottery wheel in hand before moisten the center of the bat with sponge. All of this was the exact replicate of what Yi-Jung doing. Grumbling under my breath, I follow the procedure.

My finger wrapped around the clay feeling the watery mud mix with my hand. Once it shape into a cone, my eyes ravel towards Yi-Jung. His concentrating eyes while touching the mud makes me awe. His charisma exploded as he does what he's best at. Causing my heart to thump.

"Is my face that attractive?" Noticing the lingering eyes, I gasped in shock. My hand slipped on the mud and the wheel stopped abruptly. Yi-Jung chuckle at the mess I've made.

"Ah! I almost got it right." I pout like a little kid before giving up. Washing my hand, I watch Yi-Jung works on it. The flirty guy was erased, and only his skillful come to live.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed. He finished the vase in no time where mine failed due to my sloppy technique.

"I'm glad this cheer you up." The accident that happened a few hours ago vanished as he entertains me. The guy who is out loud at his feeling for me, was doing his best.

Perhaps I judge him too hard.

As we stare at each other eyes I tug his collar down. I just couldn't resist it anymore. Pressing my lip on his, I could feel his minty breath. His arm tries to pull me closer while refraining to touch me with his dirty finger. As our eyes close in thrill,  he took the lead. Out of every girl he kissed this one make his heart flutter and stomach churned. Like an additive sweet he was craving for it. I was never bold in my feeling nor action but this time I let my heart do what it wants. When we broke apart, blush form on my cheek.

"I want to try us." With a small voice I made my decision. I was ready to fully accept So Yi-Jung as my boyfriend. After all, I deserve to love somebody.

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