Chapter 5

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After convincing Jan-Di relentlessly to go to the party she finally agrees. With our heels clicking on the floor, we glance around the party that was held in a five-star hotel. As Jan-Di stood beside me wearing her short pink dress we were somehow suitable to be here. When we open the doorway, all eyes went on us. I could feel people watching our every move, and I began to feel shy.

But ignoring it, we saw F3 waiting for us, minus Ji-Hoo. Jun-Pyo flash his smile knowing Jan-Di was here. While the playboys gaze at me with a kind smile plastered on their face.

"You look beautiful." When Jun-Pyo dragged Jan-Di away Yi-Jung compliments me. The red Lacey dress caught their attention.

"Thank you." I didn't think much of my appearance but knowing I look good boost my confidence. Being stuck with two of them we saw Ji-Hoon holding Seo-Hyun in hand. I turn jealous knowing somebody was head over feels for her. I wish I could experience the magical world of love.

"I'm going to find a girl to dance." Woo-Bin declare when he saw a slightly older woman at the party. When he's away I sigh at the place, full of chatters and fancy things that doesn't suit me.

"What got you thinking Sora? Not liking the party?" Yi-Jung asked. I was never good socializing at a party. I prefer quietness and have my head buried in fictional books.

"I hate parties. In fact I'm sick of it." I stated boldly, it was enough to make him smile at the revelation.

"Then can I change your mind by dancing with me?" He places his hand out waiting for me to take it. Knowing no one else was going to dance with me I took his offer. We went to the center, and Yi-Jung hold my waist. Being close to him makes me smelt his scent.

The subtle yet distinctive fragrance of Patchouli, which balanced with nutmeg has me sighed in holiness. It was a sophisticated smell with a touch of sensualness. Not only he is handsome but he knows which cologne to attract women.

Moving my hips back and forth, I followed the rhythm of the music. I wasn't a good dancer but with Yi-Jung I have to impress him with my no less skill.

"You know, I think you're the most beautiful out of every girl here." He spoke to my ear that has me giggling.

"Mr.So if you talk like this I have to think you're flirting with me." I said grinning ear to ear. Yi-Jung smile at my playful attitude.

"Maybe I am. I can't help it, beautiful woman like you deserve to be in my arm." Like river that flows through, his word were sleek. He knows how to tweak my heart.

"Sadly I don't believe that. You're a playboy. My trust issue is still there." I could tell he was upset by my words, but he understood it. He wasn't a guy who stick around with one girl. He has multiples, and I won't fall for his lame trick.

"Then I'll just have to prove it to you." He said before we ended our dance. Yi-Jung chatted with others and I walk out of the place to get fresh air. A week ago I had would stay in my room, cope up reading and listening to music. But now I'm socializing and talking with new people. Not to mention, how my heart thump each time I am near them.

What an irony.

From afar I saw Ji-Hoo talking with Seo-Hyun. The woman left in a hurry leaving him alone. He looks upset, and I couldn't help to approach him.

"The stars look beautiful tonight." I didn't want him to know I was spying on them. So I pretend to look at the twinkling stars above us.

"Indeed." I stare at Ji-Hoo side profile and saw tears falling out of his eyes. Surprise I reach for my handkerchief.

"Here, please don't cry." I don't know what happened but seeing him cry pains my heart. A guy so beautiful and stunning shouldn't waste his tears.

"She's going to France. I should be happy but why is my heart hurting?" He muttered while wailing in pain. Remembering what Yi-Jung said, the woman that Ji-Hoo loves is special.

"I know you will heal soon Ji-Hoo. Stop crying before you'll make me cry too." I don't like seeing people cry. Especially Ji-Hoo, he has gone through a hard time and I felt dishearten. Holding his shoulder for a comfort, Ji-Hoo lean it to hug me. Startle I couldn't push the guy away. He was sobbing, full of anguish because of her. Letting him cry I let the moon witness his grieve.

When minutes passed by his sob dies down. Wiping his tears away he tried to smile at me.

"Thank you, I feel better now." I smile in return knowing I have done my best to comfort him. But then moment was soon interrupted when a scream emerged.

"Jun-Pyo falls into the pool!!" Rushing to where the pool is I saw crowds forming. I saw Jan-Di trying to revive Jun-Pyo by doing CPR and it has everyone on edge.

"Cant he swims?" I couldn't help asking Woo-Bin, he looks back and shook his head. I would make fun of Jun-Pyo, but the guy is dying. But this wasn't true, Jun-Pyo woke up when Jan-Di was doing mouth to mouth resuscitation.

When he starts smiling, she punches him for pretending and everyone continue their activities. The F3 members and I couldn't help to laugh. I would have help Jan-Di but seeing Jun-Pyo smiling and having a good mood makes me feel great as well.

However, his happiness didn't last long.

I was looking for Jan-Di and spotted her at the back of school with Ji-Hoo. He was playing his violin and in sudden his string snap and injure his skin. Jan-Di rush to wrap a handkerchief around his bleeding finger. I look in detail and saw how timid she was.

Jan-Di is falling for Ji-Hoo.

"Hey what are you doing?" I shouted at Miranda and her gang, as they were recording the scene. Once they notice me they ran off with it. I could only connect the dots together and realized why.

"Oh no..."

My feet began to burn as I ran inside the hallway to F4 lounge. Just as I predicted, Jun-Pyo has thrown the camera to the floor and Miranda gang scram off in frightened. Jun-Pyo looks irks and vein popped out as he clenches his fist.

"Where are you going?" I had to ask him to confirm my thought. He was looking at me furiously, and I could tell this isn't good.

"How dare her be lovey dovey with him!" He said angrily and threw his tantrum like a little kid. I hold his arm, trying to prevent a fight from happening.

"Just calm down ok! You can't get angry at Jan-Di. She won't like you if you act like this." I said, trying to cool down the fire that's burning him. Jun-Pyo tried to push me off, and I stumble back.

"Ah!" I close my eyes preparing myself to land on the floor, but nothing happens. When my eyes flutter open I saw Jun-Pyo wrapping his hand around my waist, trying to restrain me from falling. My heart pound vehemently, as our eyes interlocked. When our consciousness start to work Jun-Pyo move his hand and I retrace back from my step.

"I want her to like me. But it breaks my heart when she goes for Ji-Hoo." He whispered, just like Ji-Hoo both guys is having a melancholy heartbreak. I couldn't help but to sympathize, it was like a domino effect where one falls for the other. Creases appear on his forehead, and he tried to move.

"No!" I wasn't going to let him see the pitiful scene. Therefore, I hug him from behind. It might be sudden, but I could feel his muscle underneath his shirt. Jun-Pyo was shock by my movement and stop.

"Please... don't go."

I have gone insane. I'm asking Go Jun-Pyo to stay. I was sacrificing myself for my friend happiness. Also I may not know how love works from these people but I wanted to try to help each one of them. When he calms down, I let go and I could see the bitterness from his eyes.

"I know you hate the situation. But you can't have everything in life. It doesn't work like that." I tried to open his eyes to reality. No matter if we are rich or poor if it's not our fate we can't force it. Just like love you can't demand if it's not from the heart. Jun-Pyo realized that and look at me.

"Sora, is it possible for us to fall in love instead?"

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