Chapter 37 - Mature

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"Are you alright?" Woo-Bin question as I knock on his door. I shook my head, still overwhelmed by Yi-Jung.

"Can I sleep here?" I was too daring with my demand. But I had to do this. My room are shared with Ga-Eul and I couldn't face her when a few hours ago, I was with her man. Woo-Bin step aside and let me enter his room.

"Im guessing, Ga-Eul had a fight with him. And that idiot doesn't know how to make up." He spoke, making me gasp of how spot on he is. He chuckled knowing he got it right.


"I know a few things about women. Is easy to guess" His words makes me replied with a thin smile. He has been with a lot of women so hearing it was nothing new. But I like to think myself as the special one.

"Are you playing with my feeling?" The words blurted out accidentally which made me clasp my mouth in stupidity. He raised an eyebrow wondering what I meant.

"N-no sorry, I was just remembering a line from a drama." I said, covering my lies. However,Woo-Bin cackle at the bad excuse. As he sat on the bed, he pushes me on top of his lap.

"Woo-Bin!" The position got me blushing. He caresses my hair as I hold my breath.

"Tell me what got you upset." His voice was like a calm water that got me drowning. I know I can't lie anymore.

"I... don't get why you flirt with me. But never made a move. You're joking right?" I try to move out of this spot, but Woo-Bin hold me still.

"Because I respect you, I gave you space to sort your feelings out. I don't dare to hurt you with my behavior." An escape smile made its way to my face. He was full of thought. He was taking it slow. As I tried to shift, Woo-Bin grunt.

"Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" I asked, scare that I became heavy.

"I'm fine, just try not to move too much. Otherwise, it'll get bigger." I couldn't comprehend what he meant. He was breathing heavily, trying to control his urge not to take it to a next level. When I felt the lump underneath me, I realized my mistake. I shouldn't have taunted a man in need. But rush of adrenaline makes me excited. Cupping his jaw with my hand, I trailed soft kisses on it.

"W-what are you doing, Sora?" He was becoming nervous. He couldn't last long if it continues. I look at him before pushing my lip with his. This confidence came suddenly and I for once forgot the drama that existed between us. No matter how much he tries to stop he couldn't resist the temptation. He loved the way my tongue slide inside his mouth, swirling it around as it became wet and messy.

Fighting for dominance I failed miserably knowing he's the expert out of the two of us. He was like a sweet poison that injected through my body. Gripping onto his back, we pulled apart with visible string of saliva. He didn't stop and continues kissing my neck.

The air that we breath became dangerous. I felt like I was going to burst. The fact we spend our night like this, makes my sense aware. Reaching for his hand, I grasp it with mine. Each time the pleasure emitted, our hand clench.

He was good at kissing and it makes my stomach flip. Because he's been doing this to other women, making them, feel good. Holding him closer, I tried to ignore this uneasiness and let him continue. He was like King Midas whose touch turn me into a adolescent girl who arch for a passionate night.

"Woo-Bin ..." Moaning his name shamelessly, his breath stop.

"Do I make you feel good?" Woo-Bin whispered, which makes the pleasure stir up. Nodding my head, I could see how happy he was. Bringing me to heaven and back.

"We should stop while I still have my conscious." He ended his action and move beside me. Despite the lust revolving between our eyes, he was right. This isn't a good time to start something that we could regret. Burying my head into his chest, his hand wrapped around my back as we cuddle.

I finally crossed the line with Woo-Bin.

Then the dreaded day appears. The wedding. We were nervous because we don't know the outcome. Jae-Kyung was getting ready, her body slide into the wedding gown. She looks beautiful. Despite how wrong this is.

"I'll be back." I spoke to Jan-Di before walking to F4 waiting room. On the way I heard Jun-Pyo voice solidly.

"Woo-Bin break my arm." My brain couldn't comprehend what he asked for. When I saw them at the doorway, Jun-Pyo sat beside Woo-Bin.

"There's no time. I need you to do this." He was pleading and it hurts my soul of how low he stoops for. Yi-Jung shake his head due to the silliness.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked making the boy turns toward me. I for once agreed with Yi-Jung.

"If you can only think of this, I rather you married her." I spoke making Jun-Pyo stood up and come towards my way. I was disappointed of how bad his tactic is. His purpose was right but his delivery is bad.

"Tell me what I can do Sora?" His hand grip my shoulder, shaking it as I got the right answer.

"I want you to fight for it. If she meant the world for you, give her the universe." I advice as he stood there with a wary face.

This is it, whether he be trap in his mother finger or chase his happiness.

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