Chapter 10

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At school, the board was full of Min-Ji pictures before plastic surgery. It was yesterday how people spite Jan-Di but now they turn their hate towards Min-Ji. Miranda came over to us and fakes her concern.

"I hope she didn't hurt you that bad." I gritted my teeth at her awful attitude. She was the one who hurt us from the sidelines but had the audacity to say it's Min-Ji fault. I could see Jan-Di thinking the same and cripple the photo.

"Don't act like you're a saint. You also got your appearance fixed." I spoke before we walked out from the crowded area. As I saw Min-Ji crying at the staircase, we approach her.

"I won't say sorry." She spoke before Jan-Di slapped her. I can hear the sting from one ear to another. Min-Ji expected it and clench her fist. We were suppose to be a great friend but one pursue love over friendship. This was an end of our meet. Wiping her tears with my thumb, I glance into her eyes. She was a broken mirror that couldn't be glue back.

"Take care of yourself Min-Ji." It was a goodbye that didn't need to be said. Jan-Di was upset, but I swing my arm around her shoulder.

"Let's go karaoke after school." It was a way to cheer her up. Jan-Di smiles and we went back to the classroom. This time one problem has been resolve all because of F2 help.

We didn't finish the school without a surprise. F3 told us to come into their lounge, and I could see Jan-Di was tired of seeing Jun-Pyo. However, this isn't about him. It was Ji-Hoo who came back from France. I glance at the corner of my eyes. My friend expression was dumbstruck. She hugged Ji-Hoo in tightness while I gave him a smile. It was impossible to act and breathe seeing Yi-Jung eyeing me like a prey.

I thought by having F4 back everything is complete. But there's a feeling Jan-Di still in love with Ji-Hoo. I hope she'll give Jun-Pyo a chance. The guy has a weird way of showing love, but he meant no harm.

As I walk to the school garden, Ji-Hoo was surrounded by female students. By the look he was enjoying it. He was different this time, as if a burden has lifted its shoulder. When he notices me, he makes his way to where I stand.

"Are you staying or going back to Paris again?" After seeing him, I have no news about his intention of being here. He shook his head indicating it's a no.

"How are you Sora? how's everything going?" It was hard to pour the story of what happened. The way I became close with F3 and Yi-Jung asking me out on a date. A chuckle escapes his lip and ruffles my hair in notice.

"I understand. Must be difficult right." I gave him a nod and signal him. My head is spiraling down with events that hasn't been clear up.

"Thank you for the book. I finally finished reading it. I never realize that the main character fall for another guy." I chortle still bewildered at the ending. The book was the missing puzzle to my collection of romance novel.

"I'm glad you like it." We didn't speak much but the silence was comforting. It was like we know each other without talking.

"We are going on a trip?" I repeated what Woo-Bin mentioned. He arrived at my house unannounced and brought me the news. Apparently F4 invited me for a holiday gateway. I was the only one who knows about this. Jan-Di was going to be force along with her friend Ga-Eul. I could see Woo-Bin chuckling at the look I have given him. A month ago this wouldn't make sense sense, being with F4 and spending my time with them.

"Yes pack your bag. So we can go." He pushed my shoulder in urge. I want to reject him but seeing Woo-Bin upset would be an unpleasant sight. It took me a while to figure out what I need to bring but once I got it we drove to Jun-Pyo private jet.

"How rich is this guy?" I muttered to myself as I saw the inside of his jet. Jan-Di being grumpy still sat next to Jun-Pyo. Ga-Eul look uncomfortable beside Yi-Jung. While Woo-Bin sat at the back with a drink on his hand. Since Ji-Hoo look the most normal out of them, I took a seat next to him. He eyed me but didn't say much to it.

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