Chapter 12

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Jun-Pyo jolt in bewilderment. The girl who told him to be with Jan-Di has confessed. His heart goes faster especially as I cling onto him. My leg twitches knowing I need to move before I'll turn into stone.

"I don't think you should be with me." He replied. My hand clenches knowing he was going to reject me. Just like my first love, he was going to say thing that hurts my feeling. I was never the fun of the party. I was like a calm river. Dull and unattractive.

"I hurt people for entertainment. While you're sophisticated girl. You deserve somebody better." He said thoughtfully. He has seen the way I act and behave, it was nothing compares to Jan-Di. She would throw fits to people who hate her, as I would bottle it in. She would do things out of the box. While I remain passive. It was a contrast that get me sighing.

"Is it because you see me as those girls at school?" He talks as if I was those girls who learn the rich life and has to be proper.

"N-no of course -"

"You wanted a wild girl who can tame you? But guess what? She likes Ji-Hoo. She want to be with him. And you still wait for her? Talk about dedication." My words turned sharp. I like his loyalty for Jan-Di but this was stupid. Jun-Pyo was loss for words. He knew I was right. Every word hits him.

"Jun-Pyo before you judge me. You should know me better." I said with a low tone. Turning my back I walk away. I shouldn't have open my mouth if I know it was going to end up like this.

The next morning I tried to avoid Jun-Pyo. He was like a stray cat, looking for his mother. Every time he passes by my class, girls would squeal but he has one mission to see if I was there. I tried to ignore it and look at the window. Watching the tree leaves falling. I didn't want to deal with F4 nor Jan-Di but the girl block my path to the toilet.

"Can we talk?"

We stood at the rooftop as I cross my arm. I could see the apprehensive look she has. She was scares but tries to push the anxious off.

"Look Jan-Di things happen. I became his fiancé out of coincidence." I could see the relief that went through her.

"Jun-Pyo he's a special guy. I like him ..." I spoke with a tone of sincerity. Jan-Di didn't believe it, she thought of me as that girl who stand on the sidelines. But here I am, putting my own thought. Confessing this feeling that's forming inside of me.

"So whoever he chooses at the end, please don't blame me. Not everything is about you." A flash of hurt pangs through her eyes. My words were like acid. She knew it's her fault, betraying his trust and love.

"I have to warn you since you don't clearly get it. Once you enter this school, your life isn't yours anymore." Walking past her, I tried to be brave. Her foolish act will cost her and everyone who surround her.

Just then a phone call interrupted me. A person who holds my secret is here. She came back.

Joining dinner at F4 leader mansion, I saw Yi-Jung and Woo-Bin on the left. While Jan-Di on the right, which I have no idea how she was invited. Jun-Pyo wasn't here but his sibling, Jun-Hee was.

Jun-Hee was like an older sister to me. Even to the point of shipping Jun-Pyo and I together. It was comical thought, but I realize everything is possible.

"What do you think of Ji-Hoo getting kick out from F4?" She asked the F2 members beside her. Her hand clenches on the wine glass as she looks at them. The playboys look at each other before Yi-Jung speak.

"I think it's absurd. I believe Jun-Pyo needs to realize his wild decision."

"I feel for Jun-Pyo. Taking the woman he likes is cruel." Woo-Bin contradicts his other friend opinion. Jan-Di glance down knowing this was about her.

"What do you think Sora?" This time Jun-Hee redirects the question to me. Eyes went to me wanting to know what I thought off.

"I'm not sure. We are all mess up in the head at some point." I shrugged not wanting to agree or disagree with the situation. This isn't my battlefield, and whoever I chose will hurt in the end. Jun-Hee smirks liking my answer. We all continue eating, while I glance at Jun-Pyo room. I know he is sulking and he hasn't eaten because of his stubbornness.

When Jun-Hee took Jan-Di home I stay in the mansion to bring Jun-Pyo food. Knocking on the door, I promptly twist the doorknob.

"Sora?" He was laying in bed with phone in his hand. With a smile I place the food on the table.

"Thank you, I was getting hungry." He spoke genuinely.

"Are you alright now?" I asked, it's been a few days since Jan-Di tried to talk to him. He refuses constantly, saying it was not worth it. Deep in my heart I felt happy he didn't talk to her, I was scare he'll be persuaded. I was starting to like Jun-Pyo and if his heart changes for her, then I'm the problem why people don't want me.

"I'll leave now." I said. However, a hand reach out. Holding my wrist this was a hint to stay. I look at Jun-Pyo in puzzle before he push me to sit in front of him. My eyes gravitated to his red silky shirt with two button off. Showing a full tone chest. It was hard to breathe, and he notices it.

"Are you done checking me out?" I tried to snap my eyes elsewhere, but I was caught red handed.

"I wasn't!" I firmly spoke trying to pretend I was clueless. He chuckles at my dumbstruck expression.

"Cute." He whispered making me blushes.

"Sora, about what you told me before" My heart thumps not feeling good about it.

"Jun-Pyo what I said it doesn't change. I'm starting to like you. But I understand if you choose Jan-Di. As she has something that I don't have." I said sadly. I was selfish wanting his love when we all know he will have his eyes on her. After Yi-Jung, I have to experience another heartbreak from Jun-Pyo. I was caught in a tangle web.

"No, you're wrong." Jun-Pyo stated. Grabbing me, he place his lip on mine. My eyes enlarge at the moment he did it. Heart beating rapidly, mind turning blank. The guy who I despise, was the one who took my first kiss. He isn't kissing Jan-Di but me, Park Sora the girl who never meddles into F4 lives. My hand buried on the back of his hair as I melted into the kiss.

And only the moon witnesses it all.

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