Chapter 9

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When no one believed in Jan-Di I was the only one who does. Jun-Pyo was far in his own world believing such lies. Knowing Min-Ji was the last person with Jan-Di I made my way to her desk. Kicking her table, I gave her a heated look.

"What did you do to Jan-Di?" I know my instinct was telling me somethings wrong. She gave us a exasperated glance trying to be naive.

"I -I don't know. We went to the night club and Jan-Di wanted a drink. Then she left me alone." I inspected her expression seeing if she was lying or not. It's obvious this girl is hiding something.

"What?! You were telling me to drink! You imbecile-" Jan-Di yelled furiously. I hold her arm in case she would turn violent. I understand that she was angry at her. We are friends but Min-Ji were pretending.

"Let's go. We'll sort this mess." I whispered to Jan-Di. We went out of the room with stares still remain on the girl next to me. I know if this isn't solve Jun-Pyo would start a massacre at school.

With lots of pleading toward Yi-Jung and Woo-Bin, they finally lend us a hand. Also in addition Jan-Di friend, Ga-Eul. We became a team of detectives.

"Ok so how do we find this guy?" Ga-Eul asked. Her long hair moves as she turns her head towards us. I could see Yi-Jung smiling at her. This girl is pretty and my heart wince in pain. Yi-Jung is a playboy there's nothing good in getting together with him nor Woo-Bin. I stare at the photo once again noticing how easy this photo looks like.

"There's no sweat around their face." Their face looks at me in puzzle. I could see Jan-Di spinning her head grasping At what I mean.

"If you were to have sex with a guy. Then the sexual activity would lead you to sweat. But there's none in this photo. Jan-Di can you remember any odds when you woke up in the hotel?" I gaze at her trying to find any hint.

"The ... lipstick! I wore a pink lipstick, but a red lipstick was place on the table." I smirked when there's something weird from this whole event. An object like that wouldn't be laying in the room carelessly. There would be no time for prepping up when it's one night stand.

"Right. This was a set up. Luckily the guy has a tattoo. We can find him by this." Pointing at the skull tattoo, we understood everything now.

"I'll get my men to find this guy." Woo-Bin determined. There was no hint of humor from his voice. He was serious finding the culprit to end this all. Yi-Jung also made a phone call to his men to locate the hotel where Jan-Di was brought in.

"So sweat .. huh ?" Woo-Bin arched his eyebrow remembering my words.

"The book that I read, has an explicit sex scene. So I'm just implying based on it." It was true I never had an intimate relationship with others. But it didn't take genius to figure this one. He smiles playfully before getting another phone call.

"One of the tattoo parlors has seen him." He spoke briefly. At the same time Yi-Jung reported his discovery as well.

"We got the hotel."

We know we had to split up. Woo-Bin team up with the girls while I went with Yi-Jung. Both of us walk to the location as it was close, he realized the quietness and try to talk.

"Who do you think did this?"

"Somebody who's in love with Jun-Pyo. Min-Ji is the suspect. If we can catch her, we can tell Jun-Pyo about this." I explain. I want the curly hair guy to feel happy. Is the least I can do as his friend. He helped me at my trouble night, so I wanted to return the favor.

"About the day before." Yi-Jung brought up the topic of us almost kissing. Knowing this won't end well I walk in a hurried.

"I think the hotel is-"

"Come on Sora. Why are you walking away from me?" He notices my discomfort. Yi-Jung has never met someone who avoid this topic with him. He was used to girls bowing down for him. But I was different. I prefer to run off before talking about it.

"I-I'm not. I just want Jan-Di name to be clear." It was true he was getting me distracted. Plus I was pissed at how close he was with Ga-Eul just now.

"I like you Sora. Go out with me" The sounds of cars and bird falls into silence. As Yi-Jung admitted his feeling to me. I was paralyzed hearing it.

"Like? For a week or for forever? I hate to tell you but you're a playboy. You'll find someone interesting in a few days." I couldn't see myself having a good time with Yi-Jung. Because he was a carefree guy, he spends his time with different women and forgot who could give him real love. Yi-Jung laughs despite his heart hurt. To him I was slicing a deep wound.

"Then let me show you I can change." I know he was gutted with his words. But I shook my head.

"Don't change for me. Once you know who I am, you'll find out I'm a broken doll." I said morosely before we walk into the cheap hotel.

Yi-Jung wanted to argue, but he knows it wasn't a good time. Focusing on the task, he pulls out his rich card. This got us watching the CCTV of yesterday night.

Pressing forward, I saw Jan-Di carried by the guy in the photo. We nod to each other and ask for the room number. Hopefully, there's still some clue left. When we approach the room, it was open and I saw two familiar people inside.

"I like you senior!!" Min-Ji yelled as Jun-Pyo stood there in fierce. By the look he realized the truth. I was right all along, the girl who swore to be our friends was fake.

"You disgust me. Don't show your face to me anymore." Min-Ji collapsed to the floor with eyes brimming with tears. Her body tremble solemnly. She knows his rejection was gut wrenching and cruel. Jun-Pyo startle when he saw Yi-Jung and I like a spy outside of the room.I was about to move towards Min-Ji but Yi-Jung stopped it. He didn't want me to give my kindness easily.

"Yi-Jung let me go." I yank my wrist out of his grip. But being stronger, he took this as an advantage. Pulling me to a secluded hallway, two of us breath unstably. In immediate he slammed my body against the wall with hands trapping me. I gulp my saliva nervous of seeing this side of him. If I know this was going to happen, I would have left with Jun-Pyo.

"I can't control this feeling. I smile pathetically every time I see you. You have no idea how much you effect me Sora." He confessed. If he's a guy with no trace of record playing girls heart, I would have believed him. His face that focus on mine was making it harder for me to think. My angel was telling me to trust him but my devil was putting a guard for us.

"Sora! Oh My!" After going to the tattoo parlor Jan-Di rush to the hotel but with a luck she saw us. Yi-Jung moves away not wanting to prolong our moment. I walk off with Jan-Di still in questioning. For now,  I want to be away from here.

At least far from Yi-Jung.

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