Chapter 14

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The competition continues the next day. Everyone become restless knowing it's in Jun-Pyo favor. Moving my eyes toward Ji-Hoo, his expression didn't falter, it was hard to read him. On the other hand, Jun-Pyo smile flawlessly as if he already won. I scoff at the ridiculous situation, as much as I like the curly hair guy he can be ignorant sometimes.

"Do you really need to do this?" I asked hoping what I'm about to say will change.

"You know Sora, a man, never backdown from his words. We must fight and settle it." He smirked, clearly thinking he can get them expel.

"Why? Isn't focusing on us is better?" I tried to remind him about the kissed. The emotion that pours from it.

"Once this competition over maybe I will." He was in his own world, no thought of sympathy for his friend. My eyes glare at him, with a gritted teeth I realize he wasn't going to give up.

"You're stupid Jun-Pyo. An idiot at most." I spoke before leaving him stun in place. His heart hurt from the harshness and it pisses him off.

I made my way to Jun-Hee and asked for Ji-Hoo address. At time like this, I should see him. Knocking on his house, his figure stood in surprise seeing me in the evening.

"I'm sorry. Are you alright?" I asked in concerned.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"The car race. You shouldn't do it. Forfeit from it Ji-Hoo." I spoke, in worry. The guy judges me in his mind. Trying to understand this sudden command from a girl he barely knew.

"Is not for you to-" He tried to act tough but I could see from the face that it had bothered him.

"Your parents died in a car crash while you're in it. Do you think you're ready for it? Because I know I wouldn't." I said softly. He stood there not believing someone would understand his dilemma. Not even Jan-Di said this to him.

"Follow me." Ji-Hoo instructed before we got to his garage.

Entering the car, he places hisself at the driver seat. When I sat beside him, I saw him clenching his hand on the steering wheel. Like a flash of light, memory hit him. I could see the terror written on his face. It was haunting him, the day where his parents died.

"Ji-Hoo I'm here." Holding his shoulder I gave him my comfort. Tears pour out from his eyes still shaken to the image.

"Why do you care about me Sora?" He was questioning my act. The last time we talked was when I slapped him. He knew it was his fault and left me alone. But this time I came to him knowing what's troubling his heart.

"Because you and I, we are similar than you think." It was enough to have his head snapped towards me. I clench my fist feeling remorseful for Ji-Hoo. Ever since he was young, he has no one to rely on except Seo-Hyun and F4.

"Sora I-" He didn't finish his sentence before capturing my lip with his. My mind turned blank the moment it happened. I close my eyes as we deepens the kiss. Wrapping my hand around his blond hair, I open my mouth to give him access. While our lip moves in sync I could feel the emotion from it. Ji-Hoo was weak and wretched of haunting past. It terrified me because I still wasn't recovering from mine. Both of us broke apart, and Ji-Hoo apologize from it.

"Don't be, you needed a distraction." I could tell it was a way to get rid of the bad thoughts. But he shook his head.

"No, you are not a distraction. You are something else." I wasn't sure what he meant but I let it slide. We got out of the car, and I went home in awkwardness. I was trying to comfort him but in the end he did the unthinkable.

Not only I kissed two members of F4 but they are giving me a headache. I know this isn't good.

The next day everybody was prepared for the race. Jun-Pyo looks somber, due to his strain friendship. As I walk with both playboy on my side, I glance to the left and saw Ji-Hoo with Jan-Di and Ga-Eul. Like a separate group Ji-Hoo and Jun-Pyo glare at each other. While Ji-Hoo lingering stares stop and move to mine. I shriek before people look at me in curiosity. Ji-Hoo tried to hide the smirk and walk inside first.

When both of them start. My heart beat rapidly. Seeing Jun-Pyo on track with Ji-Hoo behind. It looks like he would win. However, Ji-Hoo catch up and this got everyone on their seat. Both finish the line in no time. I sigh at how none got injure but so far it's a tied.

Therefore, last challenge start. It was swimming. This isn't a competition anymore this was trying to heal their trauma. Jun-Pyo once again at its drawback.

"No way! I'm not going to." Jun-Pyo refuses. He was no way going into the water to compete.

"If you forfeit. Ji-Hoo win." This got him quiet. He just can't admit this was going nowhere. A hand shot up in the air and turn to look at Jun-Hee.

"Let's make it an exception. I'll participate on behalf of Jun-Pyo." Yi-Jung spoke. I could see Jun-Pyo nodding in agreement which was then decided.

"That wouldn't be fair on Ji-Hoo. I'll participate for him." Jan-Di this time speak. This got me annoyed. This happened because of her, and she was siding with Ji-Hoo most of the time. Not once she apologizes to Jun-Pyo or F4 members.

"Are you sure?" Jun-Hee asked her.

"Then I'll participate instead of Yi-Jung. Woman to woman. How about that?" I said making them raise an eyebrow on me.

"Alright why not." I smirked when Jun-Hee agrees. I could see Jan-Di looking at me in curiosity as I try to plan my strategy. When people walk out of the house, Jan-Di stop me before I reached my neighborhood.

"Why?" Jan-Di asked. She thought I wouldn't be involve in this. In my heart I didn't want her to get kicks out, but she too frustrated me.

"Because I want you to realize things would have been better if you didn't hurt Jun-Pyo." I said, her heart breaks hearing it. The girl who always protected her, became bitter knowing things get complicated. She knew she didn't deserve to be studying at Shinhwa. She was a normal girl who was thrown into a rich world. Having me by her side, she thought it would have been easier. But with no one now, she felt completely helpless.

And she blames this all to herself.

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