Chapter 27 - II

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"I'm sorry" I apologize. After taking a shower he was still at my house. Despite how drench his shirt he was firm with his decision.

"Sora, I'm not going to question what happen. But are you alright?" He took a step closer towards me, and his long finger reaches the tip of my chin, tilting my head upward I gaze into his brown orbs. Sighing I question how truly I am at this point.

"I will be." The reply wasn't a good sign but there's not much to do. Pushing the clean clothes to his chest, I could hear our breathing in the silence night.

"I got you this. Jae-Won, my bodyguard usually stays some night. I hope it'll fit you." I spoke, trying to divert my attention to the floor as I turned fluster from his concerning eyes. With no words exchange, he walks to the bathroom. By the looks, I guess he's staying. With him, my heart has been beating fast, something that hasn't happens ever since Yi-Jung left.

Holding the side of my head, I know I have to talk to grandfather soon. I don't want to see that man as long as I'm alive. He's a nuisance to my life.

"Sora?" When I heard Woo-Bin voice I turn my head to look at him. But immediately close it as I saw his athletic body in sight. He was only wearing a sweatpant and I almost drool at the sight. I even forget the tea I was making for both of us.

"I-I thought I gave you the shirt-"

"You did but I rather walk like this while seeing your expression." I could hear the teasing tone he tried to play. I'm not a white flower I've seen guys shirtless. But with Woo-Bin my heart jumps in excitement seeing it.

"I'm not! I-I-"

"I find it cute." My breath hitched hearing his voice right next to me. Still pressing my eyes shut I could smell the strawberry lotion that he uses. I never realized how attractive Woo-Bin can be.

"Can you stop!" I was beginning to feel infuriated.

"Stop what?" I hate how he's playing innocent, and it embarrassed me how it's taking an affect.

"Step away Woo-Bin or I'll punch you." It was a threat that I'll never do but I needed him to move when it's hard to breathe. When his movement shuffle I let out a sigh.

"As much as I like being punch by your small hand. I'll go to bed. Goodnight."

The next day things became worse. Jan-Di explained to me, Jun-Pyo is engaged to a rich girl. Which makes her mood depressed. What's worse, when we entered Shinhwa university to find Ji-Hoo, the fiancé was there.

"Is good to see you! I hope we can be friends" She introduce herself as Jae-Kyung and I could see how heartbroken Jan-Di is. If fate was worsening, this was it. Jae-Kyung is enrolling at the same place where F3 studies. Speaking of the guys, they walk out of the building and saw us. I was about to speak but stop when a girl in my age clings onto Woo-Bin arm. My heart pang of how close they were. I bite the inside of my cheek not wanting to make a remark of it.

When Jae-Kyung make her way to Jun-Pyo, Yi-Jung explain to us the curly guy will study in the same university. Now we know he's staying in Seoul semi-permanently. Ji-Hoo grabbed both of us before leaving the others.

"Who's that girl with Woo-Bin?" I couldn't help asking. Ji-Hoo chuckles of how annoyed I am.

"His next girl."

Somehow Jihoo words never left my mind. The way her hand touches his arm makes my blood boil. She was prettier than me and has a better body, so I could see why he's into it. But that doesn't give her the right to touch him. The more I thought of it the more I realized I was jealous.

For what?

I wasn't sure myself. Sure, he saved me multiple times. But there's no way I could fall for him. Beside, this feeling will be gone in short time. For now I tried to get some sleep, maybe I'll forget it tomorrow.

"Wow you look ... horrible." Jan-Di words get to me as I stood in front of my locker. She was right, I didn't sleep a wink and even wore a wrong sock to school.

"What does it mean when you see a girl holding a guy who has saved you on so many occasions?" I asked her truthfully.

"Huh? I'm not sure." I know she was hopeless. There's no way she would understand what I said without blabbering his name.


Jan-Di and I visited F4 and when I thought I feel better I saw that girl holding onto Woo-Bin like a koala.

"She's been following him like crazy." Yi-Jung notice my discomfort and gave me the dreaded news. When I get closer, her face was full of heavy make-up. She wore too much jewelry and I could see how hard she was trying to fit in.

"Hey, My name is Sora, what's your name?" I tried to be nice to her. But she looked me up and down gave me a glare. If looks could kill, I'll be chop already.

"Eunji and I'm Woo-Bin girlfriend!" She emphasized the last word which make me rolled my eyes. If he's going to get a girl at least find one with a decent personality. The girl has the nerve to talk to me like that. With a sigh Ji-Hoo chuckle at our interaction.

I swear I'll lose my sanity if I keep seeing her.

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