Chapter 30

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Pushing my hair to the back, I stood in front of Yi-Jung pottery studio. The incident of yesterday, invaded my mind and last through the whole night. Forcing the door open, I gaze around the room before realizing everything was a mess. His creation was broken and scattered all over the floor. His precious room was no longer his sacred place. In the middle, Yi-Jung drop to the ground with tears misting his eyes.

The person who give me his wicked grin replaced with misery. Running up towards him, I could see his lip quaver as tears glided onto his cheek.

"Yi-Jung..." By saying his name, I was hoping, it would distract him from his sorrow. The sadness that casted upon his handsome face makes me wailed in agony.

"What can I do with a broken hand?" He glances at his injury. It was true this was the consequence of the fight, but he have to face it. My hand drape around his neck, giving him a hug that could comfort him. He was vulnerable, and I wanted to protect him.

"You can still do many things. A talent can still be deliver in thousand ways as long as you believe in yourself." I reassure him.

"You're right. I'm sorry. It's uncool for me crying like this." He wiped his tears and tries to giggle.

"Is alright we all have emotion. When my parents died, I thought I could never move on with life. But here I am." I explain, remembering how many times I tried to get back on my feet.

"I am such a jerk. You've been through a lot, and I broke your heart." The incident of last year relived through my mind. I chuckle of how guilty he looks.

"Don't worry about it we-"

"No. I never told you why I was drunk." He said firmly.

"I met my father that time. We had a conversation, and it didn't went great." I waited for him to continue, so I can know the whole story.

"My father cheated on my mother with his secretary. She left him and he's been a playboy ever since. I guess I pick his up his choice of wrongdoings. Resembling him makes me drink myself. At that time I mistaken that girl for you. People were right, I'm not a good person." I should have leave and slap him for hurting me. But the universe has been unkind to him. A faulty mistake that broke our relationship.

"I forgive you Yi-Jung. Don't be so harsh on yourself." Giving him a pat on the back I smile widely.

"If I could redo everything. I want to have you in my arm again." He didn't mean to say it out loud, but my eyes widened at the swiftness of his words. We were sure we didn't have any lingering feelings toward each other but I was wrong.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it. Let's just move on." He cleared his throat before walking off. Placing my hand on top of my heart, it was beating insanely.

As if it was crying to be love by him.

"Jun-Pyo what are you doing here?!" I shouted, as I open the front door. The curly guy show up uninvited at my house making me confused as to why he's here.

"Can we talk?" It didn't take a minute before we walk around the park. Jun-Pyo looks like he aged a few years due to the stress. The brave and witty F4 leader is experiencing a crisis in life and has been driven to the edge.

"It's been a long time since we've talk." He has been busy with life and forget my existence. I couldn't blame him. The guy has been worn out.

"How are you? How is your fiancé?" The topic wasn't going to go by notice. He has been tied down to a rich woman who he despises. I could tell how awful his life is. Perhaps this was the karma for making peoples life miserable, now it's his turn.

"She's very out loud on her love for me." Jae-Kyung is head over heels for him. Even Jan-Di has taken her loss. His fiancé follows him like a lost puppy and it was harder for him to breathe. As if the air he breath has strangled him due to her affection.

"I'm sorry. I know if you fight for your love you will get your happiness." Jun-Pyo rubbed his temple and smile slightly at the reassurance. All he needed was a friend to be by his side to tell him everything will be fine.

"Thank you." It was odd to hear him thankful but nonetheless I took it.

"Remember when we call a year ago. And you ask me what money can't buy? It's my parents. I can't bring the dead even if I am the richest person in the world." I thought back to his question and how I wanted to answer it.

"Sora I-"

"My point is neither is love. You can't buy love. You have to chase it." I cut him off and gave him a stern stare. I was serious about it. He has to know what he wants and how he can grapple it.

"You're right." He spoke, feeling the burden half lifted on his shoulder. It was a good thing we met and have a heart to heart talk. I could see his face uplifted into a relief.

"I wish you were my fiancé." He groaned, we both knew how disastrous it was pretending something we weren't. Now he has a clingy girl by his side that he hated.

"Because then I can love you like no other." I stop laughing when Jun-Pyo blurt out his heartfelt truth.

I think my heart stop beating and heaven was an inch away.

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