Chapter 36

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Jeju is a paradise.

Coming here, was nothing like the travel video I've watched. No wonder couples travel to this place. Having a honeymoon in Jeju sounds like a blessing. I turned to my left and saw Jan-Di happy with the change in scenery. Despite the mess, I could see the creases faded from her face. Ga-Eul on the other hand, looks distracted. I'm guessing, the quarrel with Yi-Jung hasn't stop yet. She turned worry when F4 arrives to pick us up, with their sports cars. Jae-Kyung already sat beside Jun-Pyo which leaves Jan-Di to ride with Ji-Hoo.

I was sure Ga-Eul would choose Yi-Jung, but her hand reach the handle of Woo-Bin car. Which surprise me. Glancing at Woo-Bin, he gave me a nod indicating it was fine. With no one else to choose, I sat next to Yi-Jung. He gave a stern look at Ga-Eul before exhaling.

"Let's go." He smiles before I put my seatbelt on. As we drive, the view of the mountain could be seen. The flowers that flourish makes me awe. I could never get tired of Jeju.

"Are you that happy?" Yi-Jung couldn't help to ask, he was chuckling of how smiley I was.

"Of course! This place is like a stairway to heaven. I wish I live here." I said. Closing my eyes, the wind touches my body lightly.

"Should I buy a house for us here?" He spoke, playfully. Which makes me whack his arm.

"Stop joking around!" He started to laugh which makes me blush. It was like a melody to my ear. The fact that I could see his real persona, makes me realized how at ease he was.

When we arrived at the hotel, we put our belongings. However, Ga-Eul walked outside with tears pooling around her eyes which make me worried. Walking up towards her, my heart sadden for the girl.

"Are you alright?" It was a dumb question, but I didn't know how to comfort her.

"I really like him Sora. But why does he only think of you?" She glances into my eyes, as if she's trying to find the clue on Yi-Jung behavior. Words stuck on my throat not knowing how to reply.

"Everytime I went out with him. All he sees and talk is you!" She was heartsick. Angry that she couldn't win his heart. She tries to understand what was special about me and how she could compete with it. But her efforts went to drain.

"I-I .." My words stammered and without notice, Ga-Eul clench my shirt.

"Can I be selfish for once? Can you let him go for me?" My eyes widened at her request. She is a nice girl, who has been hurt. I know she's fitted to be with Yi-Jung but why is it so hard for me to answer?

Trying to find Yi-Jung, I saw him at the back of the resort having a time for hisself. Once we meet eye contact that's when I went close to him.

"Can you ever give Ga-Eul a chance to love you?" I asked. Yi-Jung shoulder tenses when I bring up her name. He didn't like I was supportive about her. He turns his back and looks at me.

"If only it was that easy Sora. I would be over you a long time ago." My heart thumps, I hated my self for liking what he said. Perhaps I'm greedy and I wanted him.

"My father said, once you lost that one woman in your life, all the others are the same." He was talking about me. That one woman who brought emotions out of him. The one who protected and care for him.

"She's different! Her love is pure for you and-" Before I could speak, Yi-Jung place his lip on mine. Shock run through my body and makes my heart beat eccentrically. Closing my eyes, I've been trying to let him go. Erasing the man that sparkles my life. Even if I make up my mind, I was still holding onto one thing.

And that is him.

Pushing his chest, I want to end this. This is wrong.

"S-Stop Yi-Jung!" He grips my back firmly, as he couldn't stop his craving.

"Be quiet!" He groaned before pushing his lip to where it supposed to be. He was dying to kiss me. To feel the sparks that reconnected us. My hands automatically wrapped around his neck as I sigh in pleasure. The nights that we spend apart, hurts me. I promise to separation that I'll let him go. However, the special moment we loved, relives my head. His lip molded into one, as it was absorbing our desires. He was what I needed, what I've wanted.

When we let go, I stared at his face. Perhaps by meeting him, I found a treasure that I've dug under thousand prayers I've sent to God. He is majestic despite the pain he endures. A creation that was meant for me to love. But he was forbidden. I couldn't let Ga-Eul be more damage than she already is. But, he needs to realize what he wants.

"We can't Yi-Jung. Not until you stop stringing her along." Walking away with my swollen lip, I was trembling. The kiss felt powerful, and I couldn't stop myself for wanting it.

But my ego stops me from loving him.

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