Chapter 2

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Jan-Di and I sat down at the cafeteria. I was drinking my strawberry juice, with no appetite to eat. Jan-Di on the other hand , brought her lunch box but she was cautious seeing people around eating fancy things.

"OMG what is that!" Unfortunately, three students notice it and approach us. Miranda hold her nose, acting as if it was disgusting.

"It looks like a rotten egg!" Ginger added while Sunny nod her head. I could see Jan-Di getting furious with their attitude.

"If you have nothing to do, why don't you shut your mouth and eat?" I acted fast and speak on my friend behalf. The three witches snapped their head at me, glaring as if it was laser.

"Just because you have friends now,  doesn't mean you're the same class as us." Sunny sneered before spraying her perfume in the air. Jan-Di covered her food with her hand as they walk away.

"They are horrible." She grumbles underneath her breath before I return back to my composure. They might be mean, but they are nowhere like F4. I guess they were flies.

"Can .. I try that?" A timid student came to Jan-Di and pointed at her lunch box. With delight Jan-Di ushered her. I could see the girl face elevated as it turn out tasty. The three of us began to chat and I found out her name is Min-Ji. She was pretty, like a doll which I couldn't help to notice. I eventually stopped staring when F4 shows up.

"Great, a way to ruin the mood." Jan-Di muttered before both of us snicker. Like her, I too think the same. Once again they were crowded by students and one particular stood out the most.

"Senior.. I-I made this cake for you." She stuttered while holding the cake for Jun-Pyo. She must be mental to have a crush on a guy who hurt others. I facepalm myself knowing this won't end well. The curly hair guy smile before slamming the cake to her face. We all gasped at the cruelty and my heart sway for the girl. Nobody dare to approach them, not even Jan-Di who has been bad mouthing them.

With a made-up mind, I came up to her. Bending down I gave my handkerchief. The girl took it before running away from the scene.

"You don't have to be so cruel." I said to Jun-Pyo earning a surprise look from F4.

"Stop sticking your nose to my business." Jun-Pyo warned, he was tired seeing my face like how I am with his. The feeling was mutual.

"It became everybody business the moment you cause wreck at school. You may think people kiss the ground you walk on but I would rather spit on it." I said calmly, but lies an undertone to it. It irritated Jun-Pyo. He was ready to come close to my face before Ji-Hoo hold his chest.

"Let's go." It was enough to make F4 walked away. With one last glance I could tell he wouldn't leave it as it is. I have disrespected him.

"You were so cool Sora!" Min-Ji gushes as Jan-Di nod in agreement. I smile shaking it off. I was just standing up when people hide in fear. 

When another break started, Min-Ji treated us for ice cream and we walk around the school. We chatted from make-up to boys. For the first time I felt normal. People around me would brag their richness and it became a familiar topic. But right now I'm a high schooler giggling to random topics. Jan-Di has changed me, and it was for the better.

However, the act stopped when Min-Ji dropped her ice cream on someone shoes. And it was none other than Jun-Pyo. Everybody drew a breath as I could see  anger coming up from his face.

"Senior... I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Min-Ji said shakily. There's a saying you don't wake up the sleeping lion. Because once it's awake you'll be eaten.

"Do you know how much this shoes cost? It was handmade from Italy and only one in this world." Jun-Pyo gritted his teeth at the fragile girl.

"I'll do anything, please." She knew what F4 was capable of. She would be ruin if things turn bad.

"Lick it then." Jun-Pyo smirked earning a bewildered look from F3 members. Even Jan-Di was outrageous by his spoilt act.

"How dare you! Is apology not enough? You rotten brat!" Jan-Di this time defended Min-Ji. I watch from behind grinning how flawless she was with her words. She didn't care who he was.

"Oh aren't you that Wonder Woman? I was expecting somebody voluptuous." Yi-Jung this time spoke. He was trying to examine her body and determine if she's going to be his girl for the week.

"Well I'm happy to disappoint you." That earns a chuckle from me, what a bold statement. She was claimed as Wonder Woman for her bravery in saving Min-Ha. It became a hot topic that reaches F4 ears.

"Well since you are protecting your friend. Why don't you lick it then?" Jun-Pyo jest at Jan-Di. I could see the girl hesitating. Complying she bends down but one she reach his chest, she dumps the ice cream on his shirt. The priceless look of everyone has me laughing inside.

"Why don't you laundry that at my place once you earn it by yourself loser!" Jan-Di walked away with Min-Ji by her side. I could see Jun-Pyo being humiliated by the commoner.

"This is my second time pulling out a handkerchief." I said as I took it out of my pocket. Putting it on his hand, I finally walk away with the rest.

I just hope nothing would happen because of this.

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