Chapter 7

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"Mommy?..." My hand push the heavy door as silence drowned the night. Clenching on my teddy bear, I tried to be brave. The house was dark and the moon was a source of light from the window.

"Daddy...?" This time I called out again. They were being noisy a minute ago but why is it quiet now?

My feet squeak against the floor and it scares me. Heart beating faster as I saw the lamp falls to the ground. It flickers constantly, and nobody was there to pick it up.


When I walk to the living room, my blood curls at the sight. My parents laid on the floor with blood pooling around them. Their eyes were open with stricken fear on their expression.

"Mommy, Daddy wake up." Shaking their cold body, they stays lifeless. But knowing they weren't alive tears pour out of my eyes.


My eyes opened in instant, breathing heavily I look at my surrounding. Sweats trail from my forehead while heart hammers in each beat. Brushing my hair, I realized it was a dream, a nightmare that haunts me to this day. Plopping myself on the pillow I couldn't go back to sleep. Afraid of dreaming the same thing.

Opening my phone, it shows 2 am in the morning. There's still a few more hours until sunrise up but I wasn't sleepy anymore. Scrolling through my contact I saw Jun-Pyo's number. I remember getting his contact from his mother. Just in case we would be friend.

"Hello...?" Once it ring the third time, Jun-Pyo picked up groggily. I could tell he was in a deep slumber, and I have woken him up. I felt guilty for doing it.

"It's me.. Sora. I'm sorry if I woke you up." I apologize beforehand. I could hear his movement shifted before talking back.

"Are you alright? You sound upset. What's going on?" Jun-Pyo asked frantically. He could tell just from the shakiness of my voice.

"Don't worry about it. I just can't sleep, and I need someone to talk with." I respond while playing with my blanket. I was scares he would hang up and tell me to deal with it by myself.

"Well this is Go Jun-Pyo hotlines. Your wish is my command." I giggle at how fast he turns the mood around.

"You know I couldn't believe we are friends. I hated you with passion, especially for hurting others." I spill the truth and heard him groan in annoyance.

"Park Sora if you are calling to say your dislike about me, then go to sleep." I chuckle at the frustration of his voice. I know saying this thing isn't nice especially when he's trying to talk with me.

"No, when I got to know you. I realized how protective you are of your friends. And the length you go through for Jan-Di. You're really cool." I was glad I couldn't see his look. I bet he was nodding his head as he already knows these things. He would have been my crush if he cut down his devilish act.

"I guess it's the same for me. I thought you were a spoilt rich girl and only care about people's appearance. But I was wrong. You are mature for your age and stand up for the right things." Hearing him said this makes my heart warmth. I couldn't believe it was coming from the leader of F4. The guy who acts without thinking. It shed a different light to his personality. He isn't a fool he just looks like one sometimes.

"I want to know, why did you slam that cake to her face?" It's been bothering me why he was so cruel to her. She just wanted to confess her love.

"I heard her talking with other students. She wanted to parade me around as her boyfriend. Imagine F4 leader succumbing to her feet." Now I realize the real reason. He wasn't horrible as people seen. He knew about it and saves hisself.

"Is fame, power and money is what people wants these days?" I thought out loud, staring at the pitch black ceiling. This school only teaches the virtue of richness.

"Well. There's nothing that money can't buy or do." He said as a matter of fact. I bet when he was young he baths in US dollars. Or his perfume smell like banknotes.

"Not everything Jun-Pyo. Not all." I answered. As much as it could be true, there's certain thing that you can't get even if you go through hell doing it.

"I see, you're different Sora. It makes me intrigue. A girl like you makes me feel a different type of way." Jun-Pyo continues. Which makes me smile, in instant the nightmare disappeared from my head. My heart vibrates like an earthquake.

"Jun-Pyo I'm going to sleep now. Thank you for talking to me." I didn't want to end it. I want to hear his voice until morning comes. But I was flustered with emotion.

"Alright sleep well." We hang up, and I clench my phone around my chest. This feeling flutters and stays when I fall asleep.

The next morning I met Yi-Jung at school. Noticing I was here he dragged me to the airport. Seo-Hyun is leaving for France and they want to say goodbye. Knowing this has nothing to do with me, I became a sore thumb. Jun-Pyo glance at me before smiling. I return the look and watch Jan-Di rushing towards Ji-Hoo. I forgot that Ji-Hoo is in love with Seo-Hyun.

"You should chase her!" Jan-Di urge which makes Ji-Hoo smile.

"I am." He pulled out a plane ticket which got us surprise. It makes me envy how much he loves her.

"Thank you for telling me on what I should do." He kisses Jan-Di on the forehead while we look the other way. I could tell Jun-Pyo looks bother by it but stay silent. The guy was leaving there was no need to fight. Ji-Hoo looks at me and it got me stop moving.

"I hope when you read the book you'll think of me." Remembering the day, he brought me that book was the happiest moment of my life. Nodding my head they all exchange goodbyes before he walks deeper into the airport. I could see the sad look everyone's pulling . Eventually Jun-Pyo dragged Jan-Di away and I stood with Woo-Bin. Yi-Jung left knowing he still has business to finish.

"I also want to fly." I said to no one particular.
"If you could go where you go?" Woo-Bin asked, I beam at him and grin playfully.

"Anywhere with you." I winked jokingly before going out of the terminal. Woo-Bin follows, and we went to grab a cup of coffee.

"Anywhere huh .. how about to my room?" He asked, holding my wrist he tried to tease me. Wild thoughts drift in my head and I slap his chest. Woo-Bin laugh at the discomfort of my face.

"Pervert! Stop it." I hushed him down before we walk out of the coffee shop. In spite of this I was getting comfortable with them. I know staying around them my days would always have a different twist.

And that's why I stick around.

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