Chapter 8

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"Geum Jan-Di is my girlfriend starting today. Anyone who hurts her will be given red card!" Jun-Pyo declared. I choke on my water bottle when he announces it in front of everyone. The students murmured at the rumor being true. I know they went on a date last weekend. But I didn't realize how outrageous this was. From a being bully, she climbs into the ladder as his girlfriend.

"Seriously?" I gave the girl a sly smile that makes her depress.

"I keep telling him we are nothing. I think I'll drop out of this school by tomorrow." She could see how far his action has dragged her. I hold her arm and shook my head.

"Don't be like that. At least you'll be protected. Jun-Pyo just give him a chance." I was half happy that they are trying to work their relationship. But upset at some part knowing Jun-Pyo words turn meaningless.

"You'll come to Min-Ji house right?" Jan-Di shifted the topic to our friend. I look at her and turn the other way.

"Actually I have other things to do. I hope you don't mind."Give her an apologetic look she sigh in understanding. I know it was supposed to be our girls day but Minnie wanted me to teach her to ride a bicycle. Since I made a promise to the little girl, I can't turn her down anymore.

"That's alright I'll see you tomorrow then." I know that Jan-Di would be alright. But my heart doubted it. I was worried if she would get in trouble. But Jan-Di isn't like me she's an independent person who will be alright. Beside her powerful kick would throw bad people away.

"So you pedal really fast and don't look back otherwise you'll lose concentration." I said to the nine-year-old. She nodded and clips her helmet. I smile at how persistent she is in riding bicycle at her age. She sat on the seat and start driving in a slow pace. I was behind her if things would get bad.

"You can do it Minnie!" Encouraging her, I could see her getting the hang of it. But when her speed getting fast, I ran towards her.

"Why don't we slow down a bit? Hold this, it's call brake. It will stop you." I explain knowing how fast my heart beat thinking if she gets injure. Or worse, crashing onto a tree. The feeling would hurt me more than it does on her.

"Sora?" In haste a voice turns me around. On the left I saw Yi-Jung getting out of his car. I gave him a wave and the guy gaze to the little girl next to me. He makes his way to us while I clench on her bicycle.

"Fancy seeing you here at the park."

"Yeah I'm teaching this girl. Yi-Jung meet Minnie my little sister and Minnie meet my friend Yi-Jung." I said introducing both of them to each other.

"Your sister? She doesn't look like you." It was obvious the girl has no uncanny resemble with me. I bite my lip trying to find a way to lie about it.

"Yeah well, everybody said the same thing." I said faking a smile. Yi-Jung didn't press on further and watches the girl driving around the park.

"What are you doing here?" I couldn't help asking Yi-Jung. Is not everyday I see him outside of school.

"Business." It was one word that got me understanding. He's a busy guy even though he fools around with women. We both stood in silence as we watch Minnie. The little girl wanted to ride her bicycle so that she can shows it off to her friends.

"Mommy look?" Turning my head I wave back towards my mom. My dad was next to me holding my bicycle seat in case I fall.

"Be careful!" She shouted as she smiles widely at me. Her eyes watch my every move. Her lively expression was the last time I saw it.

When the day they died my world falls apart.

"Sora?!" I snapped back into reality seeing Yi-Jung gripping my shoulder. I look at him in confusion as his eyes turned worry.

"I've been calling you. You were out of it."

"S-sorry." I apologize as I sighed in distress. This isn't a good time to have a flashback. Especially in front of Yi-Jung.

"Sister, I'm hungry." Minnie hold my shirt and pouted cutely. Yi-Jung notice and chuckle of how innocent her expression is.

"Do you want ice cream?" He asked. Her eyes light up hearing the word ice cream and nod her head vigorously. I know for a child ice cream is like the best dessert they can eat.

"Ok lets go then." Yi-Jung place her bicycle at the trunk of his car as we get ice cream. Of course I couldn't reject his offer, especially with how Minnie looks. Mouthing a word of thank you we made it to the ice cream parlor. Minnie chooses chocolate while I chose mint ice cream. I could see the satisfaction of Minnie face.

We stroll around the city with Yi-Jung holding Minnie in his arm. As I focus on my ice cream, Yi-Jung secretly wrapped his hand around my waist and whispered to me.

"Don't we look like a happy family?" My heart beat instantly hearing how flawless his word. Maybe to stranger we look like a young married couple. His hand was giving goosebumps, and I almost melt into it.

"Stop it!" I said shyly before continued walking. I'm trying not to fall apart by F4 continuous flirting but it was difficult. Once I glance at Minnie I notice she has fallen asleep after eating her ice cream. With a tired look he drove me home.

"Thank you for today. We had fun today." I spoke as I unbuckle the seatbelt. Yi-Jung hold my arm knowing I was about to open the car door. The way he looks at me makes my heart thump once again.

"Have I told you, you look beautiful?" Yi-Jung whispered before moving closer. My breathing turn rag of how fast this is. I glance at his eyes and down to his kissable lip. I was ready for him to kiss me.

"Sister..?" That's when Minnie opens her eyes, and we move far away in prompt. Yi-Jung cleared his throat as my cheek turn flaming red. Once we got out of the car, I sighed. I could feel my leg turning weaker thinking if Minnie wasn't there I would be kissing the playboy of F4 and it would have been good.

I think I have fallen into So Yi-Jung's charm.

"Jan-Di!" When I saw the bob hair girl walking to class, I made my way to her. She was holding her head as if it was in pain.

"Are you alright?" I grew concern at the way she was.

"Yeah I just feel lightheaded." She spoke as students stare at her and they whispered to one another. We both look curious at how this happens.

"Wow Jan-Di I never realized you are such a womanizer." Miranda giggle in mockery as we enter the class. I grew confuse to what she was saying. But seeing people crowding the whiteboard, I drag Jan-Di with me. My jaw falls in scout seeing a photo of Jan-Di in bed with another man. Looking at her, she look as shock as I was.

There's no way this is real.

"Jun-Pyo!" Sunny whispered seeing he steps into our class. Seeing the photo, he crumbles it with his hand. While overthrowing a glare toward Jan-Di. I could see the anger radiating through his face and I couldn't help to feel guilty.

If only I was there this wouldn't have happened.

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