Chapter 39

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As I read my favorite novel, I placed the chips inside my mouth. Weekends feel nice, having times for myself. But I know when the days over, the world still tumbled. Until Madam Kang realized Jun-Pyo happiness matter. When my phone rang, I immediately look at the caller.

"Jae-Won, what's wrong?" Ever since Chang-Mul died, my bodyguard went back working for my grandfather. Now that he called me, I couldn't help wondering, what happened.

"Is your grandpa."

And here I was running in the hospital. Hearing my grandpa collapse makes my emotion swirl. He was the only one who cared about me. Who tried his best to provide what I need. If he leave, I don't know what I would do. My eyes searches for his room number and once I found it, I slide the door in swift. My legs stagger when I saw him laying in bed with an oxygen mask.

A deja vu hits me. When my parents laid on the hospital bed with white cloth cover their face. A sight that I shouldn't have seen in my early age. Holding my grandpa hands, I start to cry. I was glad his heart monitor still works, indicating that he's alive.

But I won't know what to do if things fall out again.


The blond man appears at the hospital with a worry expression. Running up to him, he put me into his arm. I remember his words clearly, to be there for me. He's the only one who know how it feels to have the last family member battling for their life. Clenching his shirt, he rubs the back of my hair. Now I know why Jan-Di likes him. He brings comfort from his touch.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked as we sat down on the chair. My eyes gaze onto the window, with a sigh that slip out.

"No. Thank you for coming." He holds my hand and squeezes it. Wiping my tears, I became weak.

"I still couldn't fathom the world of loneliness and if grandpa dies-" When I start rambling Ji-Hoo turns my head towards him.

"He's going to be fine Sora. And you won't be lonely, you have us. We are not going anywhere." He assured. Ever since I met F4, they were nothing but trouble. However, when I became their friend, their loyalty is something that I treasure.

That night, I find peace with Ji-Hoo.

"Grandpa!" I shouted as I rush to the bed side.

"Minyeon, what are you doing here?" He spoke in skepticism. When Ji-Hoo left, grandpa finally awoken. He was clutching his head knowing that's where it hit him.

"Jae-Won told me you were unconscious. I stay all night for you." I explained, remembering what my bodyguard said and how persistent I was to be here.

"I'm fine Minyeon. It's nothing serious-"

"It is serious! I was scared you'll be gone too. I need you!" I start sobbing knowing he was the figure I look up to. His eyes soften at my behavior and tries to wipe the tears of my face.

"Minyeon, you are a strong woman. I'm sorry I made you worried." Grandfather spoke, his eyes never left me. He couldn't believe how grown up I was. I bloom into a beautiful flower with strong endearments for the people I love.

The next few hours, I took care of him. A small gesture that I was willing to make. I was close to losing him so I have to keep a watch on this old man. When he finally tucked to bed that's when I can sit down and rest. However, a text from Jan-Di got me startled.

Jan-Di: Take care of Jun-Pyo for me.

Her words were hard to decipher as I thought we could all get our own happy ending. When I tried to call her, it went straight to voice mail. I felt awful that Madam Kang was still on her case. After Jae-Kyung sacrifice, does this mean it didn't work?

When I called Jun-Pyo, he didn't pick up either. Knowing I had to ask one of the F3 members, I finally got a clue to where he is. Just like Yi-Jung, club became a familiar place to look for them. Pushing people aside, my eyes fall to the man who has his arm wide with girls flocking all over. His eyes were empty and dead. He wasn't acting like hisself. He was self-destructive.

"Jun-Pyo." Even when I called out his name, he didn't turn to look.

"Let's go! Stop wasting your time here!" I shouted before dragging him away from the smelt of alcohol. When fresh air enters my lung, I could finally see how horrible he looks.

"She's gone, she's not coming back." He whispered, those words were about the love of his
life. She eventually left him because the difference in their world.

"We can find her! Stop sulking, believe in yourself." He was making time stood still in being miserable. I know Jan-Di is waiting for him, to be able to love once again.

"I don't want to feel like this Sora. You said you like me right? Then date me, make my heart beat for you." He grips my shoulder trying to get rid of the aching. I sigh of how bizarre his request.

"I won't date you. Because the person I like won't give up so easily." My words turn cold, I hate how weak he is. He's acting as if he is damsels in distress.

"You could have worded it nicer." He said before walking away.

"Jun-Pyo!" Shouting his name, he ignored me. This time it was on purpose. He didn't like rejection, but he wasn't the same as before. As his leg kept moving it eventually stop when he saw a toy machine. He approached it and lash out. Kicking and screaming as he release his anger.

"Stop it! Get a grip on yourself!" I tried to stop him but failed. He was destroying it as if it would erase his memory with her. He was attracting a crowd which cause the police to arrest him. He didn't care at this point as he sat in his cell.

"Jun-Hee..." When Jun-Pyo sister arrived, I immediately hug her. Both of us stood there watching him emotionlessly staring at the wall.

"We need to do something." I spoke.

Before the man eventually runs out feeling.

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