Chapter 22

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When I opened my eyes, the white ceiling greets me. Looking around I saw F4 sitting on the side waiting for me to wake up. Yi-Jung hold my hand afraid of me slipping away. I want to poke his shoulder knowing how tense his grip was. But a soft sobbed from my right cause me to turn away.

"Jan-Di?" The girl was crying her heart out, as if I am dead. Once she heard my voice, she shouted my name causing everybody to look at her.

"Are you alright? Should I call the doctor?!" She asked in hurried making me chuckle. Seeing my hand connected to an IV drip I realize I might have been in a lot of pain. Ushering her that I was fine she bows her head, apologizing to me.

"I'm sorry! I should have trusted you when you told me he was no good." Indeed I want to scream and hate her, but it was useless. Things happen for a reason. A lot of people would do anything for money. Pulling her into my arm, I gave her a hug. She is my friends, despite the things she has done. On the corner of my vision Jun-Pyo make its way.

"Thank you for protecting me." It was a gratitude that didn't need to be said. Giving him a nod I look at Yi-Jung who was waiting for me the most.

"I'm so glad you're awake. Don't do that stupid stunt ever again!" He warned before pecking my cheek. Causing everyone to look in shock.

"Should we tell them?" I spoke as the lingering stares began to burn us. They were confuse how he could be so intimate with me.

"Sora and I are dating." Yi-Jung finally dropped the bomb. It detonated and exploded into the room. Woo-Bin eyes enlarged in disbelieve. Ji-Hoo smile as if he already notices it. While Jun-Pyo and Jan-Di jaw drop open.

"I know you guys are fiancé but I really like her." Yi-Jung gaze move to Jun-Pyo. Everybody knew we were a fake fiancé but to public eyes it sounded like trouble.

"About that, my mother ended it off. It would be humiliated for me to follow along my lies." Jun-Pyo scratch the back of his head, forgetting to tell us. Including me. Since that ended everybody nods in relief.

"Congratulations!" Jan-Di on the other hand, exclaimed. Deeps in everybody heart they wish Yi-Jung will stop his playboy sides now.

As my back feels better, Jun-Pyo suggested us to go to a winter resorts. It was his idea after things calm down.Wearing boots and warm jacket, I was ready to ski. From a far I saw Jun-Pyo teaching Jan-Di how to ski. He was making sure she got it right. I cackle while dragging myself onto the slopes.

"I see you know how to ski right?" Woo-Bin approach me when I was having a difficulty, it was the height that got me worried. Peering my head downward the sight look unpleasant. If I move wrongly I could get hurt or worse rolled onto the snow like a dead mouse.

"It's too high." I pout making Woo-Bin smile playfully.

"If you want, we can go down together, I'll protect you." Hearing this makes my heart at ease. Agreeing to his word, we went down at the same time. The cold breeze hits me as we move in fast pace. I hold my breath as my stomach swirl in dislike. When my hand start to itch I try to move it slightly only to be unbalanced. This causes me to stumble and fall onto the snow.

"Are you alright?!" Woo-Bin halted and ran towards me. Holding his arm he tried to get me to stand. I rubbed the snow off my jacket and shiver in cold.

"That was fun!!" It didn't hurt at all and Woo-Bin face turn to relief. He would have held himself accountable if I got injure and Yi-Jung would kick his ass. I giggle as to why I shouldn't have done it earlier.

"This is the third time you save me. Thank you Woo-Bin." I said, it's always when I get hurt he would come and save me, like the knight in shining armor. On the way, I saw Yi-Jung talking with Ga-Eul. I could see them laughing which pangs my heart as if somebody poking my gut. It was obvious they looked better together than he does with me.

"Do you want to go back to the cabin?" Sensing the negative aura Woo-Bin politely asked me. He
knew I was jealous of their interaction. Shaking my head, I divert my attention to my ski equipment.

"I think I'll go clear my head first." I smile before walking in the opposite direction. Looking at the tree above it's true that there's a burden past that still traumatize me. Which makes it harder for me to open up. Yi-Jung know there's something wrong but never question it. He often thought it's because of him. Which makes me guilty.

"Park Sora!" Just when I thought I could have my peace, the mean girls were at the resort. Sunny came up to me and glare in vile. I could feel her hatred.

"How dare you steal Yi-Jung from me! He's mine!" She grabbed my jacket and move it around like a rag doll. I was confused on the stealing part. He was the one who confessed but even if I tell her this, she wouldn't get it.

"If you get close to Yi-Jung, you'll face a consequence." She spoke before pushing me to the ground. A rush of pain goes through my ankles and makes me groan in pain. The girl had so much strength that it hurts, they look satisfied when I got injure and left in joy. As I tried to stand, I collapsed. Nobody was around for help, and I try to check my phone but it was dead.

With a sigh I could only hope somebody would find me. But eventually time passed and no one comes. I realized I was on my own, and I tried to stand with my own two feet. This time, I bite my lip to distract the pain. With each step I fall over and over again. It was hard to walk with the blizzard on the move. I was beginning to lose hope.

When I felt my body giving up, I know I could die. It might be fate and I was ready for it. However a shadow from a distance approaches me. His heavy footstep makes my hearing awake. Looking up I saw the guy who I've been waiting for. Yi-Jung pick me up and carries me on his back. Shivering from the cold I feel relief he's here.

"I-I thought you wouldn't come for me." I whispered, I was so close to thinking I wasn't going to see him anymore. But he walk out of the heavy snow just for me. To find myself in trouble, he would risk it all.

"My heart stops when I couldn't find you." It was sweet of him to admit his feeling. Clenching on his shirt, we saw an empty cabin up close. Knowing there's no way we could return back, he pulls me inside and took his jacket off. I could see him shivering, as there's no heat and I felt guilty for making him act like this.

"Here, let's share it." I sprang the jacket upward as its big enough for two. Giving him my permission he scoots close to me and wrapped the jacket around our bodies. This was enough to generate warmth.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't find you sooner." I could feel the agony he had to endure while searching for me. I sigh before gazing into his eyes, the one that stares in affection with mine. Pushing my lip against his, I could feel the rush of blood coming toward my face. I couldn't careless about the storm outside, what matters is Yi-Jung by my side.

Just us, together.

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