Ji-Hoo's Ending

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Life is full of twists.

Unexpected things occur.

Just like my relationship with Ji-Hoo. We become a couple when he graduated from Shinhwa University. His gut told him I was the one. I never look at him as a lover until recently. He is a passionate man and full of knowledge. But can be stiff and awkward.

As I walked through the hallway of the hospital. Two nurse in front of me began to whisper.

"Do you know Dr. Yoon is the grandson of the sixth Korea president?" Hearing my boyfriend name, perk my ear up. The other nurse gasp at the information.

"Wow! He must be rich!" It was true, he has a lot of things but never brags about it. He's humble in every way.

"Too bad he's dating Kang Minyeon the famous prosecutor. I heard she's mean and vile. I don't understand how a kind doctor like him would be with her." The way my name rolled on the tip of her tongue makes me irritated. I was judged just because of my work.

Folding my arms, I was about to interrupt them. But Ji-Hoo put his hand in the air once he saw me. When the nurses notice it, they turn around with a horrify expression. They scram off when I gave them a harsh glare.

"Seriously they need to fire some nurses here." I spoke bitterly, causing Ji-Hoo to place his arm around my back. He must have heard it. In support I turn to look at him. Looking into his eyes, washes the fire that burn inside of me.

"My shift is done for today. Let's go." He said before placing his hand around my waist. People stare at us as we walk off especially the staff. They know Ji-Hoo is a popular doctor. Some look at us with envy and other with jealousy knowing how much power we have. I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent a smile from coming out.

As I placed the white lilies on the grave. I clasped my hand hoping my parents are watching me from above. Today was difficult, because it's my parents death anniversary.

There's not a single year I forgot to visit them. It brings tears to my eyes, but there was nothing I can do except this.

"Dad, mom it's been a while hasn't it. I hope everything is fine up there, like it is here." I spoke, my boyfriend kneel down beside me as I couldn't go on with my words.

"Mr and Ms Kang, my name is Ji-Hoo. I'm your daughter boyfriend. I'm here to take care of Minyeon." Hearing him talk makes my breath stop. The seriousness in his voice got me silent.

"You don't have to worry about her now. I will love her and make her the happiest woman. Please give us your blessing." He promised them.

"Ji-Hoo..." The person who stays by my side through high school, who give me his comfort. Is here. Talking dearly about me.

"I'm serious Minyeon. I love you." I couldn't help but to hug him. After everything we had to endure and what we have overcome. He's here next to me. To love me.

He is my perfect Angel.

My Yoon Ji-Hoo.


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