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- love to dream - doja cat -

   b r a y d e n  

I DO A SPIN and a delighted shriek follows suit.

Slowing down, I detangle my arms and set said shrieker on the quartz island, making her comically widen her already large blue eyes.

"Daddy, if mommy sees, we'll be in big trouble." her voice is hushed and I have to hold in a chuckle when she looks around cautiously.

Kissing her cheek, I whisper conspiratorially "That's only if mommy finds out, my Baby Blue." she giggles, once again bopping her head along the music playing throughout the kitchen as I go back to my task at hand.

"She will though, if I tell her." comes a low honeyed voice from the other side of the island, I raise a brow at my five year old son, he's quick to add "but I will keep my mouth shut, if you let me have another creamfry."

It's hard to keep the disbelief at bay "Leonel Dawson King, you did not just blackmail your father." he smirks, the expression far too similar to the one I myself like to wear around.

"Leverage is the same reason some people have Ferraris while others have Nissans." his response makes me pinch the bridge of my nose "And who told you that?"

I already know the answer but still curse silently when he replies "Uncle Ash."

Of course he did.

I don't get the chance to ammend Leo's thinking because my daughter hears the word 'uncle' and practically dives off the island in excitement. I catch her with a start, letting out a sigh.

I yet again have the boys to blame for this, none of us are capable of saying no to the girls and Isabella being the youngest of the girls, with those big blue eyes of hers, always got what she wanted from her uncles.

From the hallway, we hear the unmistakable clicks of heels.

Perking up, I share a look with Leo, even Bella leans over in my arms to catch a glimpse of who we knew would be in the kitchen any second.

Left with no option, I push the tub of ice cream and pack of fries towards my still smirking son "Not a word." he in turn makes a show of zipping his lips just as a melodic voice asks "Has a party already started without us?"

Like always, my wife takes my breath away.

Athena walks over to us with a radiant grin, her hair unbound over her shoulder in dark waves-something two year old Reece revels in-even now he has a handful of locks clutched in his unexpectedly strong grip.

"Mommy!" Bella shrieks, reaching over to touch the pale blue coloured silk dress Athena wears, the very dress that proudly outlines her small but definitely there bump.

The sound of Bella's shriek makes Reece look up, his eyes-a shade of blue even darker than mine-connect with the tub of ice cream infront of his brother and he too screams, his intentions clear.

I put Bella out of her misery by placing her on the floor and within seconds close the distance between Athena and I by placing one hand around her waist with the other cupping her face.

Gently, I tilt her mouth up to mine in a needy kiss and Athena's lips melt with mine effortlessly. My tongue brushing across hers, every nerve in my body awakening with pleasure.

It ends far too soon due to Leo's groaning and Reece's war cry to be let go. Athena complies by putting our wriggling son down and as soon as he touchdowns he makes a beeline to Leo on all fours.

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