37 | Love 0.2

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- missing you - the vamps -

✦   a t h e n a  

"As your doctor, you have to follow what I say and I say no, you cannot visit Brayden, not even on a wheelchair."

My head falls back on my pillow with a sigh.

"If it makes you feel any better, he said the same thing to Brady." Cass informs, he lips pursed "And he had the same reaction." Ash pipes in, grimacing at his laptops screen.

I haven't even had a chance to call Brayden, he's still on heavy doses of meds which make him sleepy to keep the pain at bay. Throughout the day he's either asleep or loopy.

I watch Doctor Davis scribble something in a file, refusing to meet my awaiting puppy dog eyes and before I can beg him to rethink, he announces "You may visit him tomorrow. On a wheelchair. Brayden's doses will also be ending tomorrow." which makes me perk up again.

I nod eagerly, my grin wide while Catherine asks "What about the crutches? Isn't her ankle getting better?" to which he answers "It's better to use a wheelchair, just to be cautious. The crutches will follow after a day or two."

Once he takes his leave, Catherine too excuses herself to check upbon Brayden and I'm left with Cass and Ash who desperately try and fail to find something good to watch on the TV.

Looking around the bland room restlessly, I'm about to voice out my boredom to the couple but a knock interrupts me causing all our heads to turn to the door in unison.

Cass immediately gets up to open the door, she exchanges a few hushed words with whoever is outside before stepping aside. My mouth drops a fraction in disbelief and all the fury rushes back to me when I stare at Amelia and her father enter the room.

The large bouquets in their hands only manage to infuriate me more and a wave of repulsion washes over me.

"Get out." I don't waste any time in grinding out the words at him, all the while not breaking my stare off with the him.

"Hear me o-" he starts but I cut him off before he has a chance to finish his sentence "Don't waste your breath. You have nothing to say to me that I'm willing to hear."

"Amelia wanted to apologise. Didn't you Amelia?" He tries again, harshly hauling his very unapologetic looking daughter forward, making her glare at the floor. Silence encases the room, only broken when she finally grinds out "Actually, no, I never wanted to apologise. It was your idea."

Cass scoffs at that "Of course, you didn't."

I raise a brow at Scott who gives me a tight lipped smile "She's be-" he manages out a full word before I cut him off yet again "I don't want to hear it."

Ash meets my gaze with questioning eyes, the nod I give him makes those golden eyes soften, only for a second though because soon they become angry and cold.

That's all it takes for him to get up and escort them out while I tune out all of Scott's reasonings and look away "I'm innocent! Why are you treating me like this!" He yells as Ash closes the door.

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