6 | A Week Of Pranks

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a week of pranks

- campus - vampire weekend -

   a t h e n a  

w e d n e s d a y

"ARE YOU SURE HE'S not going to come back early?" I ask, stuffing my bag with all the essentials, Cass opens the balcony doors, walking out with a grin.

"Positive. I texted Luke and told him to keep Brayden busy for about an hour. This is the perfect opportunity, the idiot left his balcony doors open." She whispers as she leans over the metal railing, swinging the bag over to his balcony.

Chlo comes up behind me and we share smirks, shrugging on the black bags containing all our supplies before we head out to the balcony. There's hardly any distance between our balconies, it could easily be crossed with a simple jump.

However, we were on the second floor which made the simple jump a tiny less simple.

All three of us carefully cross the railings making sure not to so much as look down between the process. Once safely landed, we tiptoe into Brayden's room.

Navy walls, a massive silk sheeted bed, TV connected to a playstation, two guitars hung on a wallpapered wall surround us among other trinkets scattered around the spacious room.

What surprises me is that his room is clean-nothing seems to be out of it's place.

Well who would've know that the devil's a neat freak.

"Let's get started then, shall we?" I smile mischievously at the girls before taking out all the supplies we'd crammed inside.

They chuckle, laying everything ranging from cans of paint, brushes, spray paint, toilet rolls to sticky notes all in one big pile.

"Chlo can tackle paint, i'll get started on the sticky notes and Athena can mess with the toilet rolls." Cass declares. Nodding, we get started with our mission with music playing in the background.

Wrapping the toilet paper around Brayden's guitars, a permanent grin takes over my face.


"Damn we're good, I bet we can make a living out of this." Chlo acknowledges as all three of us admire our masterpiece.

Brayden's going to freak once he sees this. Ah, how satisfying it would be to see the look of disbelief on that asshole's face.

"I don't think I'd be able to buy the Manolo Blahnik rose lace up heels I've been eyeing with that pay though." Cass adds as we commemorate by taking and posing for pictures.

"Well that's a deal breaker." I grin "Indeed a historical moment." we give the room one last look before hurrying back to my balcony and the safety of my own room.

"That was fun." Cass sighs, ploping onto my bed. I follow her actions and all three of us stare at the roof as we rest on my bed.

I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. It's been only one day yet the girls have warmed up to me immensely making me feel as though we've been friends for ages.

I can't wrap my head around that and am very thankful for their friendship.

"Hey Athena?" Chlo asks and I hum in reply "You mentioned your parents were away for business, what do they do?" She asks. I stiffen beside her as she gets up to look at me.

Smiling, I battle if I should tell her the truth or pile on another lie.

I open my mouth but a loud horn stops me from even uttering a single world and before I know it, Cass jumps up excitedly before claping.

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