22 | Forgotten Anniversaries

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forgotten anniversaries

- idk you yet - alexander 23 -

a t h e n a

IT'S BEEN FOUR DAYS since Brayden and I had our fallout.

We've been ignoring each other successfully and quite masterfully, on no occasion are both of us seen together in one room. Our situation has been wordlessly made clear to our friends.

Each of them had questioned me time and time again regarding what had gone so horrendously wrong after the trip but I had denied them any information until yesterday when all of them had guilt trapped me into confessing everything.

What had followed was a consolation session with the girls which had included buckets of ice cream and about four massive bags worth of takeout. Laser tag and poker night with the boys had followed next.

They had helped improve my gloomy mood immensely.

Brayden and I stopped having dinners together because for the past three days I had been great at coming up with excuses to eat dinner in my own room which, thankfully, Catherine didn't comment on whenever we had our evening coffee in the garden.

The same ordeal applied for breakfast, during which one of us would always head out for school way before the other. The classes we shared together were spent with zero eye contact or communication and always in opposite corners of the rooms.

And for four days straight, I find an array of luxurious sweets-ranging from extensive arrangements of chocolate truffles to fluffy doughnuts-perched on my nightstand each morning I wake up.

I suspect Catherine sneaks them in every morning and each time my gaze wanders to my nightstand during the early hours of dawn, a wide smile tugs at my lips.

But than I remember that long gone are the talks with Brayden that had lasted late into the night, impromptu fries dipped in ice cream runs, foot massages after ballet sessions and all those flirtatious touches and comments.

What he did had hurt me gravely and left deep marks but I was gradually healing, I took my sweet time but there was progress. The last thing I would allow myself to do was wallow in misery over a boy while life continued on.

One of the few things helping me keep my thoughts away from the blue eyed boy was ballet. I was lucky enough to secure a place in the team given my late entry and even luckier to have been selected the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy in the upcoming Nutcracker ballet the school is holding.

The grandeur of the event is mind boggling, the pressure crippling. Master Petrov has made a point of yelling that at not only me but all of us time and time again.

I had been practicing non stop for the part, every spare time I had went into exerting my body to its limits but pulling back when it reached the edge.

After everyone else performs, the Sugar Plum Fairy dances a pas de deux accompanied by what is perhaps the most widely recognizable piece of music from The Nutcracker ballet which further pushes there to be no room for error.

I cannot fuck this up. That is what I have been repeating over and over to myself as hours on hours had ticked by while I had danced to Tchaikovsky.

I'm not always on my own though. Cedric is an astounding dancer-chosen to play the role of the nutcracker-he sometimes joins me in the studio, watching as I go through my routine of pointe work and piqué mangège and giving me pointers every now and then while I do the same for him.

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