10 | The Last Exam

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the last exam

- plum - troye sivan -

b r a y d e n

I GROAN, CURSING AS Athena dances around my room, singing one too many decibels high for it being 7 am.

Externally, I'm groaning. Internally, I can't help but let the amusement of watching her jump up and down in a pretty white sundress take over me.

Her dress being sheer gives me a clear view of the red bikini she's wearing under it, most definitely because of the pool party later today at our place.

Since it was the last day before spring break commenced we were allowed to skip our uniforms for today and what a blessing indeed that was.

"Brayden get up! Today is the last exam, aren't you excited!" She cajols, laughing when Jupiter barks and attempts to jump along with her. "See, even Jupiter's happy." she adds.

A sight indeed.

A smile slips onto my face as I admire her, her almost clearly visible curves and cleavage doing all kinds of things to me but that grin is the real showstopper. I can't seem to take my eyes away.

The song soon fades away, making her stop and plop down on the massive loveseat in my room. Panting, she pats Jupiter who in return licks her with passion.

Feeling naughty, I snatch a pillow and hurl it straight at her, bursting out in laughter when it hits her face, causing her baby blues to widen and those plump pink lips to set in a straight line however fiery mischief soon dominates her face.

Every morning should be like this.

"What was that for asshole!" She exclaims, faking an offended expression and placing a hand on her chest which consequently drags my eyes down to the area. But soon enough the same pillow hits me square in the face causing me to chuckle.

Last time she threw something at me was a hard as fuck shoe with an even harder heel. This is definitely an improvement. Speaking of the shoe, I still have it.

"Eyes up here mister." She snarls at the wink I throw her.

"Blue it's fucking seven in the morning, that was for ruining my sleep." I point out "Also for calling me an asshole. You're growing far too fond of that name, I much rather prefer something along the lines of oh epitome of handsomeness or even sex on legs." I grin, propping myself on my elbows to look at her.

Athena raises a single brow at me, leaning forward she replies with "While I'm not surprised that I occupy such foolish fantasies of yours, it'll do you some good to remember that they will always remain just that. Foolish fantasies."

She's a gorgeous liar.

And she has a boyfriend-who ever so conveniently is my best friend.

I don't even know how they came to the point of dating and I certainly do not like it when they act all lovestruck. Why I don't like it? I don't know.

"Duly noted. And ignored." I push the blanket off myself, standing up to stretch. Well aware of Athena's eyes on me, I try to hold in my smirk and ask "Why are you so hyper anyway? School doesn't start till an hour and need I remind you which exam you have today?"

Last I remember Athena hates maths which instantly reminds me of yesterday. Now that was fun.

At her silence I look at her expectantly, my lips itching to tug up "Blue?" she shakes her head, eyes returning to my face, she clears her throat "Yes um, I had a little too much coffee." grinning sheepishly at me. Fucking adorable. I roll my eyes, not bothering to wear a shirt, I walk to where she's seated.

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