13 | The Sleepover 0.2

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the sleepover 0.2

- mean it - lauv ft lany -

   b r a y d e n  


No, I haven't. 

Then why does it feel like I have.

My mind rewinds back to the same thing for what feels like the thousandth time as I try to figure out what was bothering me so much.

My eyes turn watery and I continue laughing at Lia's ridiculous skunk attire. She fumes, standing infront of me with crossed arms and a scowl.

I've been laughing for ten minutes straight all the while she's been glaring at me for the entirety of those ten minutes.

Raising my hands, I force myself to sober up and swallow the next fit of laughter before she kicks me in the balls.

That's something Blue would do, not Lia.

She strides to my bed, sitting beside me-still glaring, might I add. For retribution I poke her cheek, saying "Oh come on it's hilarious." She rolls her eyes, the annoyance in them disappearing once she brings her face closer to mine.

"Laugh all you want, when you get shitfaced at Dylan's party tomorrow, I'll be the one laughing." She whispers lowly, her brown eyes scanning my face.

I smirk at her, entertaining her by leaning closer "Is that a challenge?" She doesn't get to reply because the door opens which causes my head to snap towards it.

I take in Blue, clad in a short Cookie Monster pajama set.

Her smooth bare skin makes unwelcomed feelings stir in me but my heart drops when I catch sight of her expression. Her eyes are streaked with evident, the soght is enough to make me angry.

I'm about to say something-anything-to make the hurt vanish but she doesn't give me the chance, whispering "I'm so sorry." and slipping out the room.

Leving me with the urge to run after her.

I look at the celling, contempting what to do and if I should give in to that very urge that's been plaguing me. I want to clarify to her that nothing happened between Lia and I, that the mere thought of 'Lia and I' is ridiculous.

Cursing, I stand up.

Stretching in attempts to prolong heading out as much as possible. The only sound in my room is of Jupiter snoring or the slaps of strong winds against the glass of the balcony doors.

That is one hell of a storm raging outside. And I'm procrastinating again.

Bucking up, I slide the door to my room open only to come face to face with two grinning idiots also known as Ashton Holland and Luke Rodgers.

They gesture for me to zip my mouth, tip toeing inside while I just stand there looking at them, entirely unamused.

"Mind telling me what you two are doing here?" I drawl leaning against the door, both Luke and Ash grin at each other.

"We're here to spy on the girls." Luke cajoles making me huff out a breath, I turn to face Ash, the question clear in my eyes.

"Don't look at me, I was bored. Besides, I want to hear Cass gush about me." He answers, swatting Luke who sings "Everynight in my dreams, I see you, I feel you." smirking at Ash with a knowing expression.

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