4 | New People

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new people

- be okay - r3hab ft. hrvy -

   b r a y d e n  

BLUE? SERIOUSLY? SOMETHING IS definitely very wrong with me.

I couldn't help it, her baby blue eyes were the first thing that popped into my head and I just happened to blurt it out at the moment.

My said preference for blondes had seemed to disappear because the urge to touch her bronze locks and see if the strands were as soft as they looked had kept me busy. Those blue eyes had sparkled like aquamarines when her lips-which were practically demanding to be kissed-stretched in a grin aimed at Jupiter.

My eyes roam over her body at their own accord.

Maybe I should visit Dr Grimaldi afterall.

If this was how I was going to react everytime I saw her throughout her stay here then I was in deep shit. And knowing that Jupiter is already in love with her didn't help.


I smirk as Athena's eyes widen, she chokes on her food. Mom-immediately going to her rescue- hands her a glass of water.

I barely manage to keep my laughter in as she fights a fit of coughs with Mom, Dad, Nate and Nick all looking at her with concerned faces.

You see I just couldn't resist the urge to stroke Athena's hand, fingers moving in quick yet languid strokes as I leaned to grab the bowl of salad, the action in symphony to her taking a bite of her food. The aftermath was definitely worth it.

Things soon settle down but a smirk refuses to leave my face. That doesn't last long though because I feel a sharp sting on my own thigh and let out a yelp, managing to kick the table, I simultaneously hurt my knee as well as rattle the dishes.

Swallowing down the pain, I force myself to smile at the shocked and worried looks my parents give me before wheezing out "Reflexes."

As they go back to eating my smile instantly morphs into a glare directed at the brunette who now graces my former expression but since this is me we're talking about, I retaliate by nudging her consequently making her drop her fork.

Athena grinds her teeth, muttering below her breath "Fuck me." before giving my parents an apologetic smile and bending over to pick up the fork, I follow her actions.

"Was that an invitation?" I whisper under the table wiggling my brows, her eyes hold the promise of murder as she mutters back "No, but if you piss me off one more time, this fork will make sure you never get any invitations ever again."

I gasp mockingly "Look at you, one day here and you're already talking dirty to me."

She dosen't get to reply as Nates voice reaches us "Should we make sure they're alright under there?" Not waiting for an answer my brother's blonde heads joins us, Nick now asking "Are you two alright under there?"

"Perfect." Athena and I say in unison.


Looking around, I once again call for Jupiter but no enthusiastic bark answers back and instead silence greets me.

It's past midnight and I can practically hear my bed calling my name as fatigue makes me pinch the bridge of my nose. Jupiter truly finds the best times to go missing.

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