3 | Doggy Drools

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doggy drools

a t h e n a

"SO, WHERE SHOULD I begin from?" Catherine smiles brightly at me, her black hair tied in a loose low bun. She looks gorgeous in her cream coloured bodycon dress and lilac blazer, the epitome of a business woman.

I try to embody her spirit by sitting up straight but my leg refuses to cooperate and instead continuous bouncing up and down. Harvey had left after a polite introduction, leaving me with only Catherine.

Her husband was at the office, swarmed in meetings- as Catherine had put it-while her oldest son was in school, just like her two 12 year old twin boys. 

Even though she has been immensely welcoming and told me one too many times how much I resemble my mother in different ways, I still feel out of place. I don't know what to do myself.

"Anywhere you like, I suppose." Answering back, I lean over to put back the glass of water before looking at her expectantly.

She displays another one of her warm smiles, nodding "Then let me begin from the start." my heart immediately picks up it's pace "Your mother and I were best friends since elementary. We were inseparable. And when we got proposed, married and pregnant around the same time.." she chuckles at the memory, eyes turning distant.

"I remember us gushing non stop about our babies. Everything was perfect, until the threats started. I believe you've read some of the letters, they scared your parents to such an extent that they were prepared to do anything for your safety-even if it meant hiding their precious baby girl from the world." She pauses, sniffing as emotions take over her features similar to mine.

"You weren't even born yet and no one knew that my best friend was expecting a beautiful baby girl. Dawson had forbidden Jade to even step outside, fearing the paparazzi and falling right into the belly of the beast, so her pregnancy was kept confidential. It tore me to be separated from Jade and that too before I could see you-hold you-but we knew it had to be done."

Moisture makes her hazel eyes shine, pearl shaped tears now rolling down her cheeks. My own vision blurs and I swallow thickly in attempts to not break down. Catherine sniffs, continuing.

"Jade visited me often after you were born and every time she'd tell me how much she yearned for you to live here-in our hometown. She was on her way back to you when the accident happened and i-it shattered me to bits Athena." That was the cue for the floodwaters to be released and before I know it I walk over to Catherine, wraping my arms around her as she does the same.

Mom and Dad's loss truly affected me in so many ways that I sometimes question myself if I'll ever get over it. Catherine pulls away, smiling through the tears.

"Honey you have no idea what you staying here means to me. The fact that I have a piece of Jade  with me and the fact that she trusted me with you means beyond words for me. Always know that whatever may happen, you will forever be welcome here." She once again embraces me and I let myself close my eyes.

"Thank you Catherine. For everything." I whisper which causes her to pull away and look at me with a reprimanding expression "There's nothing to thank me for." She says, fanning her face.

"Now, I think both of us need to freshen up. You must be tired as it is, I'll take you to your room and you can rest till dinner. Once everyone's home we'll do the introductions. Damon will be so happy to see you." She leads me to my room, I admire the capacious space as we ascend the stairs.

The mansion is a gorgeous blend of mahogany, glass, metalics and accents of marble. Overall it is breathtaking. My luggage had already been moved to my room and I can't help the excitement bubbling in me when we come to a stop before double doors.

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