Epilogue | Blue

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- can't help falling in love - elvis presley -


a t h e n a

LOOKING AT MY REFLECTION in the mirror, I carefully apply a coat of deep red on my lips.

Halfway through, a groan interrupts me.

A smile twitches my half red lips upwards when I glance at the bed which adorns a sleeping Brayden enveloped by an enormous blanket.

Quickly completing my task, I walk over to him, bending down to rufflehis silky strands "Get up, love." when I only receive a groan in reply, I roll my eyes.

"Why must you do this every single day." I sigh, looking down at his bare tan back and resisting the urge to caress it.

"Brayden, I'm leaving in about ten minutes, good luck with making yourself breakfast." I shrug, knowing all too well that this was one of the most efficient tricks to get him up and about.

And sure enough he immediately props up, dark strands of hair poking out in every direction with his eyes barely parted.

Suppressing a grin, I turn around not before throwing over my shoulder "Hurry up or you'll be late."

"Hey! You already applied lipstick!" He pouts groggily at me, shaking my head, I clasp the watch Catherine had gifted me for my twenty third birthday onto my wrist "Well, I can't not apply lipstick just because you don't like the taste of it when you kiss me."

"Then to not make me kiss you, don't look so damn good everyday!" He fires back in a manner identical to a five year old as he gets up to walk over to me, his eyes fixated on the black turtleneck bodycon dress I'm wearing.

His sweatpants hang low on his waist and a flush climbs up my neck as I remember the events of last night.

Clearing my throat along with my thoughts, I pick up my blazer "I'm heading out now. I made pancakes for you and the whipped cream is in the fridge. Don't be late."

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me to him. Leaning into his warmth, my eyes flutter close "You do remember that we have a date at four, right?" his voice comes out muffled against my neck.

"Of course, I do." I tell him with a smile before pulling away "Now go get ready." to which he makes a face and I chuckle, shoving him.

Quickly pecking his lips, I murmur "I love you." he mimics my action by giving me another peck "I love you too, Blue." then reluctantly letting go.

It's been six years yet the nickname still makes my heart flutter. I wave at him, heading out our room and petting Pluto-one of Jupiter's four puppies we'd decided to adopt, I leave our penthouse.

Brayden and I moved together to New York when we started college in NYU. He had studied business to eventually take over his father's company whereas I had pursued ballet.

It had been exhilarating and challenging in the best ways, I got to travel and preform in roles I had dreamed of, infront of massive crowds that also included my encouraging friends and family.

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